Common MIME types - HTTP | MDN (2024)

This topic lists the most common MIME types with corresponding document types, ordered by their common extensions.

The following two important MIME types are the default types:

  • text/plain is the default value for textual files. A textual file should be human-readable and must not contain binary data.
  • application/octet-stream is the default value for all other cases. An unknown file type should use this type. Browsers are particularly careful when manipulating these files to protect users from software vulnerabilities and possible dangerous behavior.

IANA is the official registry of MIME media types and maintains a list of all the official MIME types. This table lists important MIME types for the Web:

Extension Kind of document MIME Type
.aac AAC audio audio/aac
.abw AbiWord document application/x-abiword
.apng Animated Portable Network Graphics (APNG) image image/apng
.arc Archive document (multiple files embedded) application/x-freearc
.avif AVIF image image/avif
.avi AVI: Audio Video Interleave video/x-msvideo
.azw Amazon Kindle eBook format application/
.bin Any kind of binary data application/octet-stream
.bmp Windows OS/2 Bitmap Graphics image/bmp
.bz BZip archive application/x-bzip
.bz2 BZip2 archive application/x-bzip2
.cda CD audio application/x-cdf
.csh C-Shell script application/x-csh
.css Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) text/css
.csv Comma-separated values (CSV) text/csv
.doc Microsoft Word application/msword
.docx Microsoft Word (OpenXML) application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
.eot MS Embedded OpenType fonts application/
.epub Electronic publication (EPUB) application/epub+zip
.gz GZip Compressed Archive application/gzip
.gif Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image/gif
.htm, .html HyperText Markup Language (HTML) text/html
.ico Icon format image/
.ics iCalendar format text/calendar
.jar Java Archive (JAR) application/java-archive
.jpeg, .jpg JPEG images image/jpeg
.js JavaScript text/javascript (Specifications: HTML and RFC 9239)
.json JSON format application/json
.jsonld JSON-LD format application/ld+json
.mid, .midi Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) audio/midi, audio/x-midi
.mjs JavaScript module text/javascript
.mp3 MP3 audio audio/mpeg
.mp4 MP4 video video/mp4
.mpeg MPEG Video video/mpeg
.mpkg Apple Installer Package application/
.odp OpenDocument presentation document application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
.ods OpenDocument spreadsheet document application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
.odt OpenDocument text document application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
.oga OGG audio audio/ogg
.ogv OGG video video/ogg
.ogx OGG application/ogg
.opus Opus audio audio/opus
.otf OpenType font font/otf
.png Portable Network Graphics image/png
.pdf Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) application/pdf
.php Hypertext Preprocessor (Personal Home Page) application/x-httpd-php
.ppt Microsoft PowerPoint application/
.pptx Microsoft PowerPoint (OpenXML) application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
.rar RAR archive application/vnd.rar
.rtf Rich Text Format (RTF) application/rtf
.sh Bourne shell script application/x-sh
.svg Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image/svg+xml
.tar Tape Archive (TAR) application/x-tar
.tif, .tiff Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) image/tiff
.ts MPEG transport stream video/mp2t
.ttf TrueType Font font/ttf
.txt Text, (generally ASCII or ISO 8859-n) text/plain
.vsd Microsoft Visio application/vnd.visio
.wav Waveform Audio Format audio/wav
.weba WEBM audio audio/webm
.webm WEBM video video/webm
.webp WEBP image image/webp
.woff Web Open Font Format (WOFF) font/woff
.woff2 Web Open Font Format (WOFF) font/woff2
.xhtml XHTML application/xhtml+xml
.xls Microsoft Excel application/
.xlsx Microsoft Excel (OpenXML) application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
.xml XML application/xml is recommended as of RFC 7303 (section 4.1), but text/xml is still used sometimes. You can assign a specific MIME type to a file with .xml extension depending on how its contents are meant to be interpreted. For instance, an Atom feed is application/atom+xml, but application/xml serves as a valid default.
.xul XUL application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml
.zip ZIP archive application/zip
.3gp 3GPP audio/video container video/3gpp; audio/3gpp if it doesn't contain video
.3g2 3GPP2 audio/video container video/3gpp2; audio/3gpp2 if it doesn't contain video
.7z 7-zip archive application/x-7z-compressed
Common MIME types - HTTP | MDN (2024)


Common MIME types - HTTP | MDN? ›

A media type (also known as a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions or MIME type) indicates the nature and format of a document, file, or assortment of bytes. MIME types are defined and standardized in IETF's RFC 6838.

What is the HTTP MIME type? ›

A media type (also known as a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions or MIME type) indicates the nature and format of a document, file, or assortment of bytes. MIME types are defined and standardized in IETF's RFC 6838.

What is the most common MIME type? ›

The following MIME types of objects are most commonly used:
  • image/svg+xml;
  • image/vnd. microsoft. icon;
  • image/x-icon;
  • text/css;
  • text/html;
  • text/javascript;
  • text/plain;
  • video/mpeg.

What are the different types of mimes? ›

There are two basic types of mime—literal and abstract. Literal mime is the best-known form. It tells a story, usually humorous, in such a way that the audience knows exactly how to interpret the plot. In abstract mime there often is no plot at all.

What is MIME vs HTTP? ›

In the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for the World Wide Web, servers insert a MIME header field at the beginning of any Web transmission. Clients use the content type or media type header to select an appropriate viewer application for the type of data indicated.

Is JSON a MIME type? ›

text/plain was typically used for JSON, but according to IANA, the official MIME type for JSON is application/json .

What is the MIME type for JWT? ›

1 indicates the mime type is application/jwt .

What is the default MIME type? ›

The following two important MIME types are the default types: text/plain is the default value for textual files. A textual file should be human-readable and must not contain binary data. application/octet-stream is the default value for all other cases.

What are the two main types of modern mime? ›

Basically, there are two major types of mime: literal and abstract or a combination of both. These types are evident in all the schools of mime. Literal mime is primarily used for comedy and story theatre. Literal mime generally tells a story with a conflict, through the use of a main character.

What are the common MIME types for images? ›

The MIMEType must be one of the following: image/bmp, image/jpeg, image/x-png; image/png, or image/gif.

What is MIME type for DOCX? ›

The mime type for docx is "application/vnd.

What are the 5 rules of mime? ›

The 5 rules are:
  • No talking.
  • Facial expressions.
  • Clear actions.
  • Looking to the audience.
  • Beginning, middle, end.
May 7, 2022

What does mime stand for in HTML? ›

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an extension of the original Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) email protocol. It lets users exchange different kinds of data files, including audio, video, images and application programs, over email.

Why is MIME required in HTTP responses? ›

Need of MIME Protocol

Images, audio, and video cannot be sent using simple e-mail protocols such as SMTP. These require MIME protocol. Many times, emails are designed using code such as HTML and CSS, they are mainly used by companies for marketing their product.

How to give MIME type in html? ›

The type attribute specifies the MIME type of a script. The type attribute identifies the content between the <script> and </script> tags. The MIME type consists of two parts: one media type and one subtype. For JavaScript, the MIME type is "text/javascript".

How to set MIME type in html? ›

Look for a <meta> element in the page source that gives the MIME type, for example <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"> . According to the standards, the <meta> element that specifies the MIME type should be ignored if there's a Content-Type header available.

What is HTTP MIME type zip? ›

The MIME type application/zip is used to denote the presence of ZIP format files.

What is MIME type example html? ›

The type property sets or returns the content type (MIME type) of the linked document. Tip: Examples of MIME-types are: "text/css", "text/javascript", "image/gif", etc.

How to define MIME type in html? ›

The type attribute specifies the MIME type of a script. The type attribute identifies the content between the <script> and </script> tags. The MIME type consists of two parts: one media type and one subtype. For JavaScript, the MIME type is "text/javascript".

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