Fortnite - (2024)

Fortnite es el nombre de un videojuego creado por Epic Games, una compañía estadounidense. Fue presentado en 2017 y dispone de diversas modalidades de juego que tienen el mismo motor.

Uno de los modos de juego de Fortnite es Fortnite: Salvar el mundo (o, en inglés, Fortnite: Save the world). En este caso, se trata de una opción que se enmarca en el género de mundo abierto y supervivencia donde hasta cuatro jugadores, cooperando entre sí, tienen que enfrentarse a unos seres similares a los zombis.

Fortnite: Battle Royale, en tanto, es una alternativa de batalla real que reúne a hasta un centenar de jugadores en una isla. El objetivo es convertirse en el último sobreviviente del lugar, con lo cual resulta imprescindible evitar o eliminar a los demás participantes.

Temas del artículo

  • La historia de Fortnite
  • Otros juegos de Epic Games
  • El éxito de Fortnite

La historia de Fortnite

Cabe destacar que la historia de Fortnite se inicia con el desarrollo de una tormenta letal que cubre la totalidad del planeta Tierra, haciendo que casi toda la humanidad desaparezca. Los escasos sobrevivientes, en este marco, son asediados por criaturas parecidas a zombis.

Gracias a su enorme popularidad, Fortnite se convirtió en uno de los mayores éxitos de la industria de los videojuegos. La creación de Epic Games ya supera los 250 millones de jugadores y le generó a la empresa cerca de 3000 millones de dólares de ganancias en 2018, por ejemplo.

Es importante mencionar que Fortnite es un producto con el cual se puede jugar de forma gratuita. Sin embargo, este videojuego ofrece numerosos recursos adicionales que sí deben comprarse y que llevan a los usuarios a gastar dinero.

Fortnite - (1)

Fortnite es un videojuego desarrollado por la compañía Epic Games.

Puede servirte: Tormenta

Otros juegos de Epic Games

Si bien este juego es el éxito más grande de los últimos tiempos para Epic Games, esta empresa ya contaba con un historial verdaderamente digno de ser destacado. La fundó Tim Sweeney en el año 1991 y desde entonces han lanzado títulos como Unreal, una serie de juegos de disparos en primera persona, y Gears of War, una serie de aventura y estrategia en tercera persona que se publica de forma exclusiva en Xbox y PC.

Por otro lado, uno de los pilares de la compañía es su archiconocido motor de juego llamado Unreal Engine, el cual se presentó con el juego Unreal en el año 1998 y ha ido evolucionando hasta incluir el propio Fortnite en su cuarta entrega. Si bien el primer objetivo del motor era ofrecer un entorno adecuado a los juegos de disparos en primera persona, con los años ha crecido al punto de permitir a las decenas de desarrolladores que lo usan dar vida a todas sus creaciones, desde títulos de carreras hasta RPGs, pasando por lucha y plataformas.

Fortnite - (2)

Es posible jugar al Fortnite de manera gratuita.

Ver también: Estrategia

El éxito de Fortnite

Desde su lanzamiento en el año 2017, Fortnite consiguió estar en boca de todos en muy poco tiempo, dado que se convirtió en el título de moda, el que todos querían probar porque conocían a alguien que ya se había enganchado y no podía dejarlo. Una de las claves de su popularidad fue la excelente idea de publicarlo en todas las plataformas más importantes del momento e ir agregando otras con el paso del tiempo. Es que al observar la lista cuesta imaginar que haya quedado algún dispositivo o sistema operativo en el que no sea posible instalar Fortnite: Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4 y 5, Xbox One (tanto la S como la X), Xbox Serie X y S, Nintendo Switch, iOS y Android.

A finales de 2020 recibió una actualización para aprovechar algunas de las funciones de las consolas Playstation 5 y Xbox Serie X/S, que además de ser más poderosas que sus antecesoras permiten nuevas experiencias. Entre la lista de mejoras se encuentra un aumento en la resolución para alcanzar 4K a 60 cuadros por segundo (FPS), física más avanzada, tiempos de carga reducidos y vibraciones mucho más precisas gracias al mando de Playstation 5.

Fortnite - (2024)


What is the real meaning of Fortnite? ›

Real answer is because VERY early on in development, the original premise of the game was to build a fort and survive the horde for 14 days, the game's original name was "Fortnight" because that literally means 14 days but they changed it to "Fortnite" because they thought that the original name was too generic.

What is the description of Fortnite? ›

Fortnite is a third-person shooter game where up to 100 players compete to be the last person or team standing. You can compete alone or join a team of up to four. You progress through the game by exploring the island, collecting weapons, building fortifications and engaging in combat with other players.

Is Fortnite ok for an 11 year old? ›

Fortnite age rating

You may have heard of younger kids playing the game with their friends (and maybe even pressuring your child to create an account). However, the Entertainment Software Rating Board rates Fortnite as suitable for teens. Common Sense Media recommends it for ages 13+.

What was Fortnite originally called? ›

In fact, it was originally launched as “Fortnite: Save the World,” a game where four players fend off zombies together by building defensive structures and crafting weapons.

Is Fortnite good or bad? ›

Common Sense recommends Fortnite for teens 13 and up, primarily because of the action violence. But with the right controls and parental guidance, this can be a preteen-friendly alternative to violent first-person shooters.

What is Fortnite for kids? ›

Players can choose to play by themselves, in a team of two, or in a squad of up to four people. The game features violence with guns, including assault rifles, and other weapons, though no blood is shown and the graphics are cartoonlike. Epic Games graded Fortnite appropriate for teenagers.

Is Fortnite ok for 7 year olds? ›

The Entertainment Software Ratings Board rates Fortnite “T” for teen, which means ages 13 and up. Common Sense Media, an Understood founding partner, also recommends the game for kids 13 and up, because of its action violence and open chat. This is a good starting point.

Is Fortnite ok for 9 year olds? ›

But Fortnite is one of the biggest video game phenomena of all time, and kids are going to want to play it. So how old should your child be to play Fortnite? Fortnite is rated T (for Teen) by the ESRB and recommended for children 13 years or older. Unfortunately, many younger children also play Fortnite.

Who owns Fortnite? ›

Epic Games is the company behind the blockbuster video game Fortnite. It's among the world's most popular games, with more than 350 million active accounts. The company's epic hit game isn't the only thing going for the game maker. Epic also developed the Unreal Engine, which drives many of the world's leading games.

Why is Roblox 12+? ›

User-generated games could expose kids to inappropriate content. One of the main risks parents should know about Roblox are user-generated games, or "condo games," that feature adult content, such as simulated sex acts, graphic images, and inappropriate language.

Is Fortnite ending? ›

There are currently no plans for Fortnite to shut down, and it's extremely unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Is Fortnite actually fun? ›

Fortnite is a game where you can relax and have fun with friends. No narrative, no real goals other than to rank up and win games. With a lackluster "save the world" game mode which acts as a zombie survival shooter, Battle Royale has cemented itself as a fun and quick paced game that honest fun.

Why is Fortnite not on Apple? ›

Epic ultimately lost its court battle on U.S. antitrust rules violations, and the game maker's plan to break Apple's rules in protest got the popular Fortnite game banned from Apple devices.

Is Fortnite popular again? ›

How many people play Fortnite? After bursting onto the scene in 2017, Fortnite has since become a worldwide phenomenon, amassing 500 million players across the globe as of March 2023, up from 400 million in May 2021.

Why is Fortnite addictive? ›

Games use state-of-the-art behavioral psychology to intentionally keep you hooked and increasingly… to spend more money. The gaming industry describes this as making a game “engaging” and “immersive”, but what this really means is that Fortnite addiction is by design and changes the brain.

What are 5 facts about Fortnite? ›

9 Surprising Facts About Epic Game's Fortnite Battle Royale
  • Fortnite Has Been In Existence Since 2011. ...
  • Viewership Records Were Set by Fortnite Players. ...
  • Fortnite Is Inspired By a Book. ...
  • Epic Games could sue you for cheating. ...
  • Fortnite was a chemistry Final Exam. ...
  • The Game Was Almost Super Creepy.
Sep 18, 2023

What is unique about Fortnite? ›

Fortnite is one of many similar style games but is unique due to its popularity and use of famous characters from other media. Players enjoy unlocking their favourite characters from films, games, comics and books to play as or compete against.

What is so interesting about Fortnite? ›

Fortnite was the first video game to feature cross-play across all major gaming platforms, including PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and mobile devices. The famous “Floss” dance emote in Fortnite was created by a 15-year-old boy named Russell Horning, also known as “The Backpack Kid.”

What's nice about Fortnite? ›

In addition to being an exceptionally fun game, it doesn't look like any other free game. One of the most important features of Fortnite is that it allows players to build castles and forts that protect them and help them eliminate the enemy.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.