How to Write an email or letter in Catalan: the complete guide (2024)

When visiting Spain, many tourists discover in awe that Spanish is not the only language spoken in the country. While Spanish remains the predominant and official language as defined in the constitution, Spain is undeniably a fascinating fusion of languages and dialects.

This becomes obvious as you move from one region to the other. There’s the mysterious tongue of the Basque countries, the Portuguese-infused Galician in the northwest, and a curious mixture of Spanish and French in the northeast. We are talking, of course, about Catalan.

How to Write an email or letter in Catalan: the complete guide (1)

Architecture by Gaudi in Passeig de Gràcia, Barcelona

Learning some basic rules on how to write a simple e-mail could be an excellent way to get introduced to this not-so-known language. For this purpose, we’ve put together our best advice on how to write an email or a letter in Catalan. May this article help you in your Catalonian adventures!

What is Catalan exactly?

Catalan is the second official language in several North-eastern Spanish regions. It comprises several accepted dialects and variations, as well as nearly 10 million speakers in total.

It has an obvious French influence. Most Spanish speakers, however, will probably understand many Catalan words too, as they are often grammatically similar to their Spanish counterparts.

Depending on the region, Catalan can vary into a series of dialects with slight differences between them. For simplicity purposes, we are focusing this article on standard Catalan as it is spoken in Barcelona, Girona, Tarragona, and other regions of Catalonia.

How to start an email or letter in Catalan

Just like Spanish and other European languages, Catalan marks a distinction between the formal and the informal "you" pronoun (respectively, Vostè and “Tu”). It is always a good idea to start an e-mail or a letter by properly greeting the recipient, so let’s look at some ways to do this in Catalan:

“Hola!” (Hello!)

Simple, but effective! This is a perfectly fine way to start an e-mail addressed to friends, colleagues, and even some businesses or transactions where a big deal of formality is not expected. Alternatively, we can start with a question like « com estàs? » or « com va tot? » (“How are you? How’s everything going?”).

“Hola a Tothom!” (Hi, everybody!)

When addressing to several people at once, this formula is always friendly and elegant. You can combine the word « tothom » with a question, as proposed in the previous point, or use another simple way to say hello such as « Bon dia a tothom » (“Good Morning to Everybody”).

“Estimat senyor /Estimada senyora [Cognom]”
(Dear Mr./Mrs. [Last Name])

An ideal opening for formal communications, such as those related to business or bureaucracy. It is important to pay attention to gender in Catalan, as most nouns are affected by it. Of course, it is possible to abbreviate both « senyor » (Sr.) and « senyora » (Sra.). An even more formal and respectful variation of this introduction would be « distingit senyor/distingida senyora” ».

Stating the purpose of your email in Catalan

Having properly greeted our recipient, it is time to move on to the purpose of our letter or e-mail. Using a short first paragraph to do this is a good way to structure our message. Here’s some ideas to briefly convey the reason of our communication in Catalan:

“Li escric aquest missatge per…”
(“I’m writing this message to you because…”).

This is both polite and straight to the point when requesting information, applying for a new job, establishing commercial relationships, and so on. We can always switch to « T’escric aquest missatge per… » when looking for a less formal language.

“Fa molt temps que no sé de tu!”
(“Haven’t heard from you in a long time!”).

Ideal for those friends who, for one reason or another, we only get to see once in a blue moon. If you are a frequent traveler, or if you like to establish relationships all over the world, you will probably know that feeling!

“Voldria demanar…”
(“I would like to request…”).

Again, a formal solution for those e-mails and letters in which the sender is trying to obtain information, or perhaps to manage a service or subscription. The use of « voldria » is the polite indicator here, and you can always replace it by similar verbs like « m’agradaria » or « desitjaria ».

“Soc [Nom], ens vam conèixer a…”
(“I’m [First Name], we met each other at…”).

It may happen that the recipient was not necessarily expecting our e-mail. In this case, it would be appropriate to introduce ourselves and/or remind the other person how this relationship started.

Catalan email writing tips for 3 different contexts

Of course, the number of topics and circ*mstances to discuss in an email or letter are way too many to include here. However, we’ve put together some of the most common subjects you may find in a Catalan email, altogether with some sentences to help you along the way.

1) When writing to a friend or a relative

In this case, you will rely in a non-formal language and focus on sharing experiences with a familiar tone. You may even address the other person with expressions such as « noi/noia » or « tio/tia », which are friendly, non-formal equivalents of “man/girl” in Catalan.

To talk about how our holidays are going, for example, we might say:

  • La setmana passada vaig viatjar a Londres i m’ho vaig passar molt bé.Last week I travelled to London, and I had a great time.
  • Estic gaudint de la platja i el menjar, però també tinc moltes ganes de tornar a Barcelona.I am enjoying the beach and the food, but I’m also looking forward to coming back to Barcelona.
  • Tio, un dia d’aquests tu i jo hauríem de fer un viatge junts!Man, one of these days you and I should travel together!

2) When writing to ask for information

When contacting an organization or institution for information, we will ideally keep a more serious tone. Some frequent questions you may write in cases like these are:

  • Voldria preguntar el preu del vostre curs/espectacle/servei.I would like to ask about the price of your course/show/service.
  • Seria possible reservar una habitació per la primera setmana d’agost?Would it be possible to book a room for the 1st week of August?
  • Em podríeu dir com arribar a l’hotel des de l’aeroport, si us plau?Could you please tell me how can I go to the hotel from the airport?

3) When writing to apply for a job

Let’s push the envelope a little more and imagine ourselves in a situation like this, where both formality and professionalism is expected:

  • Em dirigeixo a vostès per a sol·licitar formalment una oportunitat professional.I am writing to you to formally request a professional opportunity.
  • Tinc [X] anys d’experiència al sector.I have [x] years of experience in the field.
  • Adjuntaré el meu currículum i una carta de presentació.I will attach my CV and a cover letter.

How to end an email (or letter) in Catalan

Saying goodbye with a short sentence is always a nice touch to an email. Once again, we might want to consider how formal or not our message is, but there are several expressions that work very well as a general closure for an email:

“Molts records”
(“Kind Regards”).

Using the expression «Molts records» is possibly the most common way to end an email in Catalan, when it is written to a friend, a relative, or simply someone you wish well. It is simple but elegant, and serves as a nice closure on many occasions.

“Fins aviat!”
(“See you soon!”).

If we are expecting to meet this person soon, this is a good way to indicate that we are looking forward to that event. It also closes the email in a more than adequate manner. Two birds with one stone!

“T’estimo molt”
(“I love you very much”).

When writing to a loved one, you’ll want to end the message on a tender note. For an extra mark of emphasis, use the superlative « moltíssim » to indicate how very, very, very much you love them!

“Cordialment / Atentament”

You can resort to these two for a formal, professional closure. There are even more cordial and sophisticated options to do this in Catalan, however. For example, when addressing a group or an institution, you could write « rebeu una salutació ben cordial », which can be translated as “My most cordial greeting to you”.

Other useful Catalan email phrases

There is a plethora of sentences and expressions than can be used in both formal and non-formal Catalan emails. We’ve done our best to compile some of the most useful ones. Enjoy!

  • Gràcies per el teu e-mail”“Thanks for your e-mail”
  • Perdona el retard”“Sorry for the delay”
  • Et va bé quedar el divendres?” Is it okay for you to meet on Friday?”
  • Gràcies per posar-te en contacte amb mi” “Thanks for reaching out”
  • Com va la vida per Nova York?” How’s your life going in New York?”
  • Pots venir a Barcelona quan vulguis! – “You can come to Barcelona whenever you want!”
  • Em moro de ganes d’anar de vacances aquest estiu“I can’t wait to go on holidays this summer”
  • Un petó per tu” “A kiss for you” (not necessarily romantic, but surely warm and heartful)
  • Us trobem a faltar” “We miss you”

How to Write an email or letter in Catalan: the complete guide (2)

Architecture by Gaudi in Passeig de Gràcia, Barcelona

Additional tips for writing emails

Now that we have learned several Catalan phrases to use, let’s remember some general and useful things to consider when writing a letter or an e-mail.

1. Include a simple subject line. Your recipient will certainly appreciate it, as we all know the feeling of having an overloaded inbox. Add a subject line that is both short and relevant. It may be even enough by writing one or two key words as a title.

2. Do not be overly formal (nor informal!). Just like Spaniards, Catalans have a reputation for being generally warm and outgoing. There is a distinctive 2nd person in Catalan (“vosté”) which is equivalent to the polite “usted” in Spanish. However, unless your communication requires the utmost respect (applying for a job or writing to an elderly person), you can use the more friendly “tu”.

3. Choose a proper closing remark. Remember that certain ways to sign-off a message are more appropriate than others. Same thing could be said about the salutation of the e-mail. When in doubt, use a simple formula that is generally polite, such as « salutacions » (“greetings”) or « Molts records » (“kind regards”).

4. Keep it concise if you can. Most people spend enough time reading from screens in today’s world. Consider keeping the amount of words to a minimum whenever possible, and avoid writing excessively long sentences.

When writing a letter, remember adding the date (following a DD/month/YY structure) at the beginning, as well as your signature in the end. You can always add a postscript (in Catalan, P.D.) for that last thing you wanted to say.

We hope that this article was helpful and that, at the very least, you have acquired some basic tools for a written communication in Catalan. Stay tuned for more tips on this beautiful yet relatively unknown language, and don’t forget to try «botifarra» and «pa amb tomàquet» if you ever visit Catalonia!

PS: you can use our free language tool, VocabChat to create and record your own Catalan vocabulary and phrase lists.

How to Write an email or letter in Catalan: the complete guide (2024)


How do you formally write an email in Spanish? ›

In that case, you can use one of the following:
  1. Apreciado señor – Dear sir.
  2. Estimado señor – Dear sir.
  3. Apreciada señora – Dear madam.
  4. Estimada señora – Dear madam.
  5. Apreciados señores – Dear sirs, dear sirs/madams.
  6. Estimados señores – Dear sirs, dear sirs/madams.
  7. A quien corresponda – To whom it may concern.
16 Sept 2019

How is Catalan different from Spanish? ›

Spanish has five vowel sounds. Catalan has eight which may be open, closed or neutral, depending on if they are stressed, unstressed or neutral. Catalan uses consonant clusters whereas Spanish requires a vowel sound between consonant sounds (most of the time). Catalan uses voiced and unvoiced vowels.

Is Catalan Grammar hard? ›

Catalan is not difficult to learn – especially if you already speak another Romance language. Many people think Catalan is a dialect of Spanish and that's not true at all. It's as different from Spanish as is Portuguese or Italian. Like these languages, it did come originally from Latin.

How do you start the first line of an email? ›

If You Need Something Formal
  1. Allow Me to Introduce Myself.
  2. Good afternoon.
  3. Good morning.
  4. How are you?
  5. Hope this email finds you well.
  6. I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
  7. I hope you're doing well.
  8. I hope you're having a great week.
1 Mar 2022

What are 3 formal greetings in Spanish? ›

Initial Greetings
SpanishEnglish equivalentFormality
Buenos díasGood morningSlightly formal
Buenas tardesGood afternoonSlightly formal
Buenas nochesGood night/Good eveningSlightly formal
Muy buenas/buenasShort version of all the aboveInformal
1 more row

How do you introduce yourself in an email in Spanish? ›

Spanish Introductions

The most common way to introduce yourself in Spanish is to say "Me llamo" followed by your name. Alternatives include "Mi nombre es" or "Soy" followed by your name. "Hola" can be used for either "hi" or "hello."

What language is closest to Catalan? ›

Catalan is most closely related to the Occitan language of southern France and to Spanish, but it is clearly distinct from both.

Which is easier to learn Spanish or Catalan? ›

I've found that, in general, Catalan grammar is about as easy as Spanish grammar (and easier than French grammar). But it's filed with fun little linguistic surprises along the way.

Can you live in Barcelona without speaking Catalan? ›

Catalonia has its own language: Catalan.

Many restaurants, especially those in the city centre, have menus in several languages. But if there's something you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask, people will be only too happy to help. Many people from Barcelona understand English and French.

What are the 5 steps of writing an email? ›

5 Steps to Writing the Perfect Email
  • Step 1: Define Your Topic. ...
  • Step 2: Think About the Recipient. ...
  • Step 3: Make Lists. ...
  • Step 4: Create Your Call-to-Action. ...
  • Step 5: Write Your Subject Line.
25 Oct 2017

What are the 7 steps to send an email? ›

How to send an email
  1. Choose a program for sending emails. ...
  2. Type out emails in the recipient box. ...
  3. Use "Cc" or "Bcc" to include others. ...
  4. Write a subject for your email. ...
  5. Compose the body of your message. ...
  6. Include any necessary attachments. ...
  7. Send the email and check for replies.
8 Apr 2022

What are the 7 parts of an email? ›

Parts of an email message
  • Subject. Subject is a description of the topic of the message and displays in most email systems that list email messages individually. ...
  • Sender (From). This is the sender's Internet email address. ...
  • Date and time received (On). ...
  • Reply-to. ...
  • Recipient (To:). ...
  • Recipient email address. ...
  • Attachments.

How do you say hello in Catalan? ›

Hola/Bon Dia (Hello)

The official greeting in Catalan is 'Bon dia'. If you can't quite remember the phrase, a simple 'Hola' is the best way to greet people in Barcelona.

How long will it take to learn Catalan? ›

Re: How long to learn Catalan when speaking Spanish fluently? It depends, usually betwen 6-10 months. However, you can also ask for lessons in spanish, as it is your right to apply for it and they must accept it (and it doesn't matter if the school is private or public).

What is the best way to learn Catalan? ›

The world's most popular way to learn Catalan online

Whether you're a beginner starting with the basics or looking to practice your reading, writing, and speaking, Duolingo is scientifically proven to work.

What is the first email word? ›

The first network email was sent by computer engineer Ray Tomlinson in 1971. The email to himself said “something like QWERTYUIOP”.

What is the first paragraph of an email called? ›

The salutation is the opening line of your email where you address the recipient directly, usually by name. In business letters, your choices for salutations are limited to options such as: Dear Ms.

How do you say thank you in email? ›

These general thank-you phrases can be used for all personal and professional communications:
  1. Thank you so much.
  2. Thank you very much.
  3. I appreciate your consideration.
  4. I appreciate your guidance.
  5. I appreciate your help.
  6. I appreciate your time.
  7. I sincerely appreciate ….
  8. My sincere appreciation.
26 Jul 2022

How do you end a Spanish email? ›

Below we've compiled a list of the different ways to end a letter in Spanish for both formal and informal correspondence.
Formal Letter.
muy atentamenteyours sincerely
un cordial saludokind regards / cordial greetings
cordiales saludoskind regards / cordial greetings
3 more rows

What are the best opening lines for formal letter? ›

Formal email opening lines
  • I hope this email finds you well.
  • I hope your day so far has been pleasant.
  • I hope you are having a wonderful day.
  • Your prompt response is much appreciated.
  • I am writing to you in relation to...
  • Thank you for contacting us at <company name>
  • Further to our earlier exchange...
29 Sept 2021

What are the 7 parts of a formal letter? ›

Parts of a Business Letter
  • The Heading. The heading contains the return address with the date on the last line. ...
  • Recipient's Address. This is the address you are sending your letter to. ...
  • The Salutation. ...
  • The Body. ...
  • The Complimentary Close. ...
  • The Signature Line. ...
  • Enclosures. ...
  • Block.

What should I reply to Hola? ›

This phrase means “how are you?” and can be used not only to find out how somebody is feeling, but can also be used as a way to say hello. If in passing someone says “hola!” to you, it would acceptable to reply: “como estas?

What is the most neutral Spanish greeting? ›

For verbal greeting, “¡Hola!” is used as a valid and neutral greeting almost any occasion yet on formal occasions, it will be more correct to use expressions like “¡Buenos días!”, “¡Buenas tardes!” and “¡Buenas noches!” which also can be used to say goodbye.

How do you politely greet in Spain? ›

Use the following phrases to say hello to someone in Spanish.
  1. Hola - Hello.
  2. Buenos días - Good morning.
  3. Buenas tardes - Good afternoon.
  4. Buenas noches - Good evening.

How do you start an introduction paragraph in Spanish? ›

How to Introduce Yourself in Spanish
  1. ¡Hagámoslo! Let's do it!
  2. Hola, me llamo John. Hi, my name is John.
  3. Mucho gusto, yo soy John. Nice to meet you, I am John.
  4. Hola, me llamo Ana. ...
  5. Mucho gusto, mi nombre es Rafael. ...
  6. Hola, yo soy Sebastián y tengo cincuenta y nueve (59) años. ...
  7. Hola, soy Samantha. ...
  8. Hola, soy Simón.
7 Apr 2021

What do you say in polite response to an introduction in Spanish? ›

5. Get ready to respond to an introduction
  1. “Mucho gusto” – Nice to meet you.
  2. “El gusto es mío” – The pleasure is all mine.
  3. “Es un placer” – It's a pleasure.
  4. “Encantado/ Encantada” – Delighted (to meet you)
  5. “Tanto gusto” – (I'm) very delighted (to meet you)
23 Sept 2022

Can Catalan speakers understand Spanish? ›

56.7% of Catalan residents consider Spanish to be their mother tongue, 35.3% consider it to be Catalan while 7.6% said another language. When comparing this data to language use and language skills, almost 100% of Catalan residents understand and know how to speak, write and read Spanish.

Is Catalan more like French or Spanish? ›

Catalan is sometimes more similar to French than Spanish

However, despite mostly being spoken in present-day Spain, Catalan actually shares many more similarities with the language of neighbouring France.

Is Catalan closer to Spanish or Italian? ›

According to Ethnologue, the lexical similarity between Catalan and other Romance languages is: 87% with Italian; 85% with Portuguese and Spanish; 76% with Ladin and Romansh; 75% with Sardinian; and 73% with Romanian.

What is the hardest dialect of Spanish to learn? ›

Which Spanish is hardest to understand? Chile, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Andalusia (Spain) are a few of the places considered to speak more difficult Spanish.

What is the fastest someone can learn Spanish? ›

The FSI (US Foreign Service Institute) says Spanish is one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn. They estimate that you'll need approximately 480 hours to reach a level of basic fluency. Let's think about that number for a minute. It breaks down into just 20 days.

What is the hardest part of Spanish to learn? ›


This might be one of the hardest things to get. After being bombarded with tens of new tenses (in the indicative), you learn there's a whole other dimension of tenses called the subjuntivo.

Why do Catalans speak with a lisp? ›

As has been pointed out by many people, the lisp story is a myth. It is not lisp. It is just the way the z, and the c when followed by an i or an e, are pronounced in the Spanish of Northern and Central Spain. As to the pronunciation of Barcelona, in Catalan it is pronounced almost the same as in English.

Is Barcelona English friendly? ›

Answer. Yes. Many people speak English especially the people that tourists generally come into contact with. English is quite widely spoken in Barcelona, especially in the tourist industry and by many young Spanish/Catalan people.

Is Catalan worth learning? ›

Learning Catalan is a way to learn more about foreign languages. If you have any experience with Romance languages, Catalan will be easier to learn as a result. After all, Catalan is also a Romance language that evolved from Vulgar Latin during the Roman Empire.

What is the basic email format? ›

With the basic structure of an email being the greeting, body, closing, email signature, and banner, the format can slightly change depending on the recipient. For example, the email writing format for students to professors may vary from the format for a CEO writing to his or her entire company.

What are the six rules of email? ›

Rules for email etiquette
  • Use a clear, professional subject line. ...
  • Proofread every email you send. ...
  • Write your email before entering the recipient email address. ...
  • Double check you have the correct recipient. ...
  • Ensure you CC all relevant recipients. ...
  • You don't always have to "reply all" ...
  • Reply to your emails.

What are the three 3 basic email etiquette? ›

Email Etiquette Tips & Examples. Keep your tone professional. Avoid vague subject lines. Use proper email punctuation.

What are the 5 main parts of an email? ›

Emails can be broken into 5 major parts: the sender, subject line, salutations, body, and CTA. These pieces make up 99% of emails and provide an optimal format for engaging with clients and optimising conversions.

What are the 3 basic parts of an email? ›

They are the subject, body, and finally the signature.
  • Subject. Your subject should include a brief explanation of the email as a whole, and what they might want to click on. ...
  • Body. This section of the professional email is the part that is sure to leave an imprint on your boss. ...
  • Signature.
4 Jul 2015

How do you start and end an email? ›

To start and end on the right foot, follow this five-step guide:
  1. Even with someone you know, use a salutation. If you know Bob well, there's nothing wrong with 'Hi Bob' or 'Morning, Bob'. ...
  2. In a formal situation, go old-school. ...
  3. Be careful with thanks. ...
  4. Do sign off. ...
  5. Don't abbreviate.

Whats does BCC mean? ›

Bcc stands for blind carbon copy which is similar to that of Cc except that the Email address of the recipients specified in this field do not appear in the received message header and the recipients in the To or Cc fields will not know that a copy sent to these address.

What is the end of email called? ›

The domain part is also known as the email suffix, so if someone would ever ask for your email suffix, you would give them the information that comes after the sign.

How do I add Spanish accents to my email? ›

Typing Spanish Accents
  1. á (lower case a, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then the letter a. é (lower case e, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then the letter e. ...
  2. Á (upper case A, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then Shift + a. ...
  3. ¿ (inverted question mark) = Press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + ? (
26 Aug 2022

How do you type Catalan accents? ›

To type directly with the computer keyboard: Type a= e= i= o= u= to add an acute accent: á é í ó ú ; a== o== to add a grave accent. Type c= for ç Type ll= for l·l.

Can email addresses have accents? ›

It is possible to have email addresses with accented characters, typical Scandinavian and German ones include å,ä and ö.

Is the Ñ a letter? ›

The only letter in the Spanish alphabet that originated in Spain, the Ñ is not only a letter but a representation of Hispanic heritage and identity as well. The Ñ's story started with 12th-century Spanish scribes.

How do I type Spanish characters in Gmail? ›

The following accent shortcuts work with most applications and browsers, including Microsoft Word and Gmail.
Accent & Diacritical Marks.
Accute Accentá, é, í, ó, úOption + e, then the letter
Quotation Marks« »Option + \ Option + Shift + \
Quotation DashOption + Shift + -
4 more rows
20 May 2022

How do you type Spanish letters? ›

Most new mobile phones, across both Apple and Android operating systems, will allow you to type an accented letter simply by long-pressing on the letter on the keypad. The various options for that letter will appear in a small box, and you can make a selection.

Is Catalan a pretty language? ›

Catalan is an elegant and beautiful language and has long and significant literary and cultural history. It is a member of the family of Romance languages, and derives from Latin, like French, Spanish, Italian, Galician, Portuguese, Rumanian and Occitane.

What are the 3 accent rules in Spanish? ›

Spanish accents (tildes) can only be written over the five vowels (a, e, i, o, u), and the accent is written from lower left to upper right: á, é, í, ó, ú. In Spanish, an accent mark over one vowel of some word, indicates that the vowel is stressed.

How do you say good bye in Catalan? ›

Adéu (ah-deh-ou) / Goodbye

You can say adios to using adios. In Barcelona, it doesn't matter whether people are speaking Spanish (Castellano) or Catalan because when it comes to saying goodbye, everybody here says adéu.

Why do Catalan people say Merci? ›

(Thank you!) Like in French, Catalan people say thanks by saying merci, which is a very useful word and easy to remember. So don't be surprised if somebody uses this French word when thanking you in Barcelona.

What words should you not use in an email? ›

20 Phrases You Should Never Use in an Email
  • “Sincerely yours” ...
  • “I hope you're well” ...
  • “I wanted to reach out…” ...
  • Any statement with “Forwarding” or “Forwarded” ...
  • “I apologize” or “I'm sorry” when used incorrectly. ...
  • “Very important” ...
  • “Please note…” ...
  • “Don't hesitate to contact me”
18 Oct 2022

What is the correct email address format? ›

A valid email address consists of an email prefix and an email domain, both in acceptable formats. The prefix appears to the left of the @ symbol. The domain appears to the right of the @ symbol. For example, in the address, "example" is the email prefix, and "" is the email domain.

What are the symbols not allowed in emails? ›

Special characters not supported in email addresses
copyright sign©
feminine ordinal indicatorª
left-pointing double angle quotation mark«
not sign = discretionary hyphen¬
239 more rows

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