No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (2024)

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Our No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe with wild blueberries and nutty crust is an excellent dessert with 8 grams of protein per piece. This low carb blueberry cheesecake is super easy to make and has become number one in your family.

No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (1)

Because the crust is made entirely of nuts and coconut oil, you only need a tiny piece to fill you up fully. Additionally, the creamy texture of the cheesecake compliments the best and combines those two into one flavorful dessert.

Serve with light ice cream, a scoop of whipped cream, or fresh berries, and you are great to go. For extra color, you can sprinkle bit of cranberry powder or homemade stevia powder on top or add some of the blueberries in chocolate.

No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (2)

Easy Protein Cheesecake Recipe With a Crust

This no-bake cheesecake is a delicious and healthy snack or dessert. Our recipe contains protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

The wild blueberries provide a burst of sweetness, and the added crust made from protein-enriched nuts gives it an extra energy boost. This is the perfect treat after a workout or as a mid-day snack. Plus, it’s easy to make and requires no baking.

High Protein Cheesecake Ingredients

Our cheesecake consists of only a handful of ingredients. You can make it without the crust or use your preferred one.

Farmers Cheese

Farmer’s cheese is fresh, unripened cheese made from curdled milk. It has a mild, slightly tangy flavor and crumbly texture. It is sometimes referred to as curd cheese, pot cheese, or baker’s cheese. Try to make your own, and I plan to make a whole recipe for you.

Wild Blueberries

Wild blueberries are a variety of blueberries grown in the wild and have a much smaller size and more intense flavor than cultivated blueberries. They are native to North America and most commonly found in parts of Canada, Maine, and Europe. Those blueberries have more antioxidants than cultivated blueberries, making them a superfood.

I usually buy a few boxes of wild blueberries in the farmer’s market when they are in season, which is generally at the end of August for us. Those boxes are always frozen, and I use them for various cakes and coloring throughout the year.

Check our printable clean eating grocery list for more.


Apart from honey and date syrup, my preferred sweetener is monk fruit. It is derived directly from monks’ actual fruit and blended into a smooth powder. It is best to mix your monk fruit with stevia or Xylitol for a milder aftertaste.


With gelatine, I suggest picking grass-fed gelatine as it gives you the best results with a clean ingredient.

Heavy Cream

With heavy cream, avoid nonfat or fat-free because those are filled with unwanted ingredients to add flavor.

No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (3)

Crust Ingredients


Various nuts blended give you a kind of flour mixture that does not have to be baked and contains much fewer carbs than ordinary flour. It is much healthier than classic cheesecake will ever be.

A great suggestion is to soak and activate almonds for even greater taste and flavor.

Coconut Oil

In our no-bake crust recipe, coconut oil is the one that holds everything together without a need to bake.

Lemon Juice

A dash of lemon juice goes a long way. In our crust, it compliments and perfectly blends the flavors of our nuts and a bit of sweetener.


As in the cheesecake filling, I have used monk fruit as my preferred sweetener. But you can substitute it with honey or date syrup if you wish.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa powder is made from cocoa beans that have been roasted, hulled, and ground into a fine powder. It is unsweetened and has a deep, rich flavor.

For cocoa, again, try to pick the bio version for our clean eating.

No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (4)

How To Make Healthy High-Protein Cheesecake

Kitchen Gadgets:

  • Food Processor
  • Stand Mixer
  • Hand Immersion blender
  • Springform Pan
  • Parchment Paper
  • Cooking Pot

Ingredients To Make The Cake:



*Exact measurements are listed in the recipe card below.


First Step: Prepare Ingredients

Prepare all of the ingredients for the crust and cheese topping. I have explained each ingredient used in some detail above in the post.

No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (5)

Second Step: Start With The Crust

To make the crust, you need a food processor and a spring form.

I like to cover the whole springform from the inside with parchment paper. this allows me to take out the cake easily and helps in cleaning.

Place all the nuts, coconut oil, cocoa, lemon juice, and sweetener into the food processor. Pulse a few times and let it all combine into one mass.

Place the crust mixture at the bottom of the spring pan.

Using a flat bottom of the glass, jar, or scoop, push the mixture into the base of the pan. Keep pushing in until you feel it is all hard and difficult to move.


No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (6)

Third Step: Prepare Berries

As you see in the video, I have used wild blueberries, which I buy early in the farmer’s market. They are frozen and need to be cooked to soften up and release the juice.

On medium heat, let them cook and soften. Add sweetener and cook for about 4 to 5 minutes.

Once you feel enough liquid has been released, take your hand immersion blender and blend thoroughly into a paste.

Once blended, add gelatine and whisk all together. Let it cool to room temperature.

No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (7)

Fourth Step: Mix The Topping

Using a kitchen machine, add heavy cream and whisk until stiff. Set aside.

Use a second bowl to place quark, farmers’ cheese, or curd cheese. Whisk to cream it a bit, and then add the blueberry mixture.

Whisk again for all of the batter to combine.

As last goes, whipped heavy cream. Add it in and gently mix it together.

Remember to scrap the sides of the container so the color gets uniform.

No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (8)

Fifth Step: Combine And Cool

Take the crust base from the fridge and pour the whole cheesecake mixture in. Gently shake the pan and level up the top if needed.

Refrigerate for at least 8 hours, best overnight.

No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (9)


  • Additions – you can add a tablespoon of lemon zest, chocolate chips, or vanilla extract.
  • Nuts for the crust – I have picked almonds, hazelnuts, and coconuts, but you are free to choose any nuts, almond flour, or seeds. To give extra nutrition, you can also add a few hemp seeds.
  • Extra protein – adding 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder, chocolate protein powder, or whey protein powder will increase your protein per serving.


What To Serve With This Perfect Cheesecake?

Our low carb cheesecake can be served with various toppings, such as fresh strawberries, a dollop of whipped cream, or caramel sauce. You can also spread plain peanut butter over the top of the cake. It can also be enjoyed simply on its own.

For a birthday party, I suggest topping the cake with our gluten free sprinkles.

Substitute For Quark

You can use greek yogurt, ricotta cheese, cream cheese, or cottage cheese as a substitute for quark.

Again, avoid using fat free cream cheese, plain nonfat greek yogurt, or other low fat substitutes.

Can I Make This Cheesecake Without The Crust?

You certainly can make this creamy cheesecake without the crust. Just make sure the is enough gelatine for the cake to hold together. Ensure it is kept in the fridge for 24 hours to settle fully.

No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (10)

Can I Use Graham Cracker Crust?

With our recipe, you can use whatever base you prefer.

How To Make No-Bake Mini Cheesecakes?

Following the same recipe, prepare mini cake pans or muffin tin and fill them with a crust. Place into the fridge to settle.

Once hardened, fill the mini pans with cheese mixture and place into the fridge to set overnight.

Super simple to make cheesecake bites for a party or as a part of meal prep.

How Do You Store This Cheesecake?

Cheesecake should be stored in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 5 days.

Can You Freeze No Bake Cakes?

Yes, you can freeze no bake cakes. Wrap the parchment paper around the cake and then plastic wrap it. This way, you can freeze for up to 3 months.Whenever ready to use, take it out the day before and let it thaw in the fridge.

More Favorite Desserts

  • Brioche French toast casserole
  • White chocolate covered strawberries
  • Rhubarb dump cake
  • Sweet bread loaf
  • Gluten free bundt cake

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No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (11)

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Yield: 12

No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe

No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (12)

Our No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe with wild blueberries and nutty crust is an excellent dessert with 8 grams of protein per piece. This low carb blueberry cheesecake is super easy to make and has become number one in your family.

Prep Time30 minutes

Cook Time10 minutes

Total Time40 minutes



  • 85 grams ( 1 Cup) Hazelnuts
  • 85 grams ( 1 Cup) Almonds
  • 100 grams (1 Cup) Coconut Shreds
  • 2 Tablespoons Ccoconut oil
  • 1Tablespoon Lemon juice
  • 1 Tablespoon Cacao
  • 2 Tablespoons Sweetener


  • 100 grams ( 1 Cup) Wild blueberries
  • 500 grams ( 2 Cups) Curd cheese (Quark)
  • 4 Tablespoons Sweetener)
  • 2 Packets (40 grams) Agar or Gelatin
  • 250 millilitres ( 1 Cup) Heavy cream


  1. Prepare all of the ingredients for the crust and cheese topping. I have explained each ingredient used in some detail above in the post.
  2. Place all the nuts, coconut oil, cocoa, lemon juice, and sweetener into the food processor. Pulse a few times and let it all combine into one mass. Place the crust mixture at the bottom of the spring pan. Using a flat bottom of the glass, jar, or scoop, push the mixture into the base of the pan. Keep pushing in until you feel it is all hard and difficult to move. Refrigerate.
  3. I have used wild blueberries, which are frozen and need to be cooked to soften up and release the juice. On medium heat, let them cook and soften. Add sweetener and cook for about 4 to 5 minutes. Once you feel enough liquid has been released, take your hand immersion blender and blend thoroughly into a paste. When blended, add gelatine and whisk all together. Let it cool to room temperature.
  4. Using a kitchen machine, add heavy cream and whisk until stiff. Set aside. Use a second bowl to place quark, farmers' cheese, or curd cheese. Whisk to cream it a bit, and then add the blueberry mixture. Whisk again for all of the batter to combine. As last goes, whipped heavy cream. Add it in and gently mix it together.
  5. Take the crust base from the fridge and pour the whole cheesecake mixture in. Gently shake the pan and level up the top if needed. Refrigerate for at least 8 hours, best overnight.


  • Additions - you can add a tablespoon of lemon zest, chocolate chips, or vanilla extract.
  • Nuts for the crust - I have picked almonds, hazelnuts, and coconuts, but you are free to choose any nuts, almond flour, or seeds. To give extra nutrition, you can also add a few hemp seeds.
  • Extra protein - adding 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder, chocolate protein powder, or whey protein powder will increase your protein per serving.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1 Piece

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 191Total Fat: 15gCarbohydrates: 6gFiber: 3gProtein: 10g

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No Bake Protein Cheesecake Recipe (2024)


How do you keep a no bake cheesecake firm? ›

Refrigerate the cheesecake for at least 6-8 hours, but overnight is better. For a sturdy no-bake cheesecake with beautifully neat slices, refrigerate for at least 12 hours. This makes for a great make-ahead dessert!

Why has my no bake cheesecake not set? ›

The primary reason a no-bake cheesecake is too runny or doesn't set up properly is generally the temperature of the ingredients. If your cream cheese is too warm, the mixture will be too soft and will never set up properly.

How do you make a no bake cheesecake set faster? ›

Yes, you can freeze a no-bake cheesecake to hasten its setting time.

How do you thicken no bake cheesecake batter? ›

Add Gelatin or Cornstarch

Gelatin is great for adding firmness, while cornstarch can thicken the mixture without making it too firm. Just make sure to dissolve the gelatin or cornstarch in a little bit of warm water before adding it to the filling.

Can you leave no bake cheesecake out overnight? ›

Leaving cheesecake out overnight is not recommended, as it can lead to food safety concerns. It should be refrigerated within 2 hours of serving to prevent spoilage and maintain its freshness.

What not to do when making cheesecake? ›

16 Mistakes You're Making With Homemade Cheesecake
  1. Working with cold ingredients. Hobo_018/Getty Images. ...
  2. Using whipped cream cheese. ...
  3. Using low-fat cream cheese. ...
  4. Undermixing your cheesecake. ...
  5. Not diversifying your cheeses. ...
  6. Not being careful with your eggs. ...
  7. Only making plain cheesecake. ...
  8. Baking in anything but a springform pan.
May 29, 2023

Can you fix a cheesecake that didn't set? ›

You can fix a runny cheesecake mixture the same as the others – with a setting agent – or freezing to make an ice cream mixture. Sometimes the cheesecake can be too thin if a chocolate has melted the mixture for example – and this is also solved this way.

How do you know if no bake cheesecake is set in the fridge? ›

Try this: The cheesecake should be shiny and firm to the touch when set.

Does no bake cheesecake get firm? ›

But given time to chill all the way down to 40°F (4°C), which takes about six hours, the filling becomes firm and dense, much more like a "real" cheesecake and far easier to slice. During that time, the filling will lend some of its moisture to the crust, making it considerably less crumbly.

Why is my no bake cheesecake base too hard? ›

It's often simply a case of compressing the mix too much! I have done this many times before - I press the cookie and butter mix down into the tin too hard. This can make it very hard to cut through once it's set. Try compressing it more gently: it doesn't need to be packed in to set well as a base.

How long does it take for cheesecake to fully set? ›

Many recipes say to let the cheesecake sit in the turned-off oven with the door cracked for about an hour, then let it cool completely on the counter. It also needs to spend four hours, or ideally overnight, in the fridge before slicing and eating to ensure the perfect velvety smooth texture.

What happens when you overbeat cheesecake batter? ›

Overmixing may lead to cracks and a grainy texture

With a batter mainly composed of cream cheese, sugar, and egg yolks, you can quickly form cracks in your cheesecake with the excess air that comes from overmixing (via Cheesecakes World).

What is no-bake cheesecake filling made of? ›

The simple filling is made with four ingredients:
  1. Cream cheese is the base of the filling for our no-bake cheesecake. ...
  2. Sweetened condensed milk brings additional creaminess and sweetness and helps the setting process.
  3. Lemon juice and vanilla extract add flavor and cut the richness of the creamy ingredients.
Jun 2, 2023

Can you eat Philadelphia no-bake cheesecake filling? ›

Yes, Philadelphia makes a 24-ounce tub of pre-made cheesecake filling that you can use directly from the fridge—no baking necessary. The tub has everything you want from the sugary, sweet, cream cheese filling of a cheesecake, and it's ready to serve as-is.

Can you over whip cheesecake batter? ›

Avoid Overmixing: Unlike other cakes, where beating air into the batter is key, overmixed cheesecake can rise, fall and then crack from that excess air. Keeping ingredients (cheese, eggs, liquids and flavorings) at room temperature can help.

Does no bake cheesecake thicken in the fridge? ›

But given time to chill all the way down to 40°F (4°C), which takes about six hours, the filling becomes firm and dense, much more like a "real" cheesecake and far easier to slice. During that time, the filling will lend some of its moisture to the crust, making it considerably less crumbly.

How long can a no bake cheesecake sit out? ›

No-bake cheesecake must be refrigerated when it is first made to allow it to set properly. It also requires refrigerating for storage and should not sit out longer than two hours for serving. Any leftovers should also be refrigerated.

How do you keep a cheesecake base from getting soggy? ›

Hi Leslie - sorry that your cheesecake crust comes out soggy. It may be that water leaks into the seams of the springform pan. You can line the bottom with tin foil (overhang it), then attach the side, then take the overhanging part and crumple it to try to seal all the edges. That may help.

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