Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (2024)

Kids with an eye to their future know that learning to code is important, but figuring out which language to learn can be an intimidating task. With a balance of being both easy to learn and widely used in the real world, we suggest learning Python for kids.

đź“Ś [Download] Free Python Lesson Plans Get free 1-week Python lesson plans and slides for kids ages 11-13 to start learning about Python coding. Download Now

Some languages are easier to learn, while others have a wider application. But Python sits right in the sweet spot. That’s why it’s the language kids start with in our middle school and high school coding programs. We also have a dedicated Python coding track for high school students who want to become Python experts.

Python is a coding language that is both easy to learn and applies to many different applications. Kids can start learning with these helpful resources, including tutorials, books, and classes, and build their Python skills.

Table of Contents

  • Why Should Kids Learn Python?
  • What’s the Best Way for Kids to Learn Python?
  • Tips for Teaching Python Coding to Kids
  • Best Online Python Classes for Kids
  • Use Practice Tutorials – Best Online Python Tutorials for Kids
  • Utilize Gamification – Best Python Games for Kids
  • Start Reading – Best Python Books for Kids
  • Take On a Project – Best Python Projects for Kids
  • Other Helpful Python Activities for Kids

Why Should Kids Learn Python?

Python is Beginner Friendly.

There are dozens of programming languages, and many of them are good for a wide variety of projects. Python is unique in that it’s easy to understand, even for kids with no programming experience. We recommend Python for kids because some languages use a perplexing combination of symbols and abbreviations. Python doesn’t.

Kids Won’t Outgrow Python.

A few programming languages designed for beginners are purely graphical. These are called “block” languages. Scratch is an example of a block programming language. Although Scratch is good for elementary school children, it’s easy to outgrow.

That’s not the case with Python, which powers the world’s second-largest search engine: YouTube. Scientists use Python to work with large data sets. Software engineers build neural networks and other forms of artificial intelligence with this versatile language.

Recommended: Python Games for Kids

What’s the Best Way for Kids to Learn Python?

There are many different ways for kids to learn programming with Python or any other language such as coding websites, apps, and games. With such an array of tools available, it can be difficult to choose those that are most effective.

Thankfully, scientists have been studying the ways people learn for decades and have found some interesting clues about what works and what doesn’t.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (1)

Gamification Encourages Kids to Learn Python.

Motivation is a key component of successful learning. Without the proper incentives, students can get bored and abandon a subject before they’ve become proficient. This is why gamification is now so popular in online and live classrooms.

Score-keeping, competition, and rewards are great ideas for holding kids’ attention and teaching them everything from algebra to programming in Python. When searching for online Python courses, boot camps, and live workshops for your child, look for those that incorporate gamification.

đź’» Prepare your child for success: If you are looking for your child to learn to code, explore our live, teacher-led coding classes. View Programs.

Python is an Easy Introduction That Prevents Kids from Feeling Overwhelmed.

Some kids might feel like they just don’t have what it takes to learn Python. The strange combinations of words and punctuation can seem impossible to decipher. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but learning the basics of Python isn’t nearly as difficult as it may appear.

The key is to ease kids into learning Python by working with small chunks of information at a time. If the information is organized into a highly visual format, that’s even better.

The best coding books for kids are divided into short segments with plenty of pictures and small bits of text. Some coding classes offer short lessons that kids can complete in just a few minutes. These are perfect ways to introduce the Python programming language to kids.

Project-Based Learning Gets Kids Engaged in Python.

Many of the biggest names in technology started coding to build simple programs for themselves, friends, or family.

Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs are just a few examples. They got excited about coding by building small, but fun, personal projects. Dreaming up a game or website, and then figuring out how to build it might be the most effective way to master a programming language like Python.

It’s often necessary to learn the basics before beginning, but it’s possible to be proficient enough to build impressive programs in just a few weeks.

Practice is a Must.

Python programming is just like any other skill, it requires frequent practice. Kids who regularly use their Python skills to build projects and solve problems will retain their knowledge. Those who don’t are likely to forget most of what they’ve learned in a very short time. Practice is crucial, so make sure your child has regular opportunities to use Python.

Recommended: Coding Websites for Kids

Tips for Teaching Python Coding to Kids

Familiarize Yourself With Basic Python Programming Concepts

Python is surprisingly easy to learn, so it’s a good choice for kids. It was written to be more readable and intuitive than similar back-end languages. These 5 are core concepts that your child can learn to build a solid foundation in Python.

  1. Data Types
  2. Variables
  3. Functions
  4. Loops
  5. Modules

Data Types

A data type is a classification of data that tells the compiler how to use it. It determines what values an object can have and the operations that can be performed on it. Most programming languages support basic data types such as numbers, characters, and booleans.

In Python there are standard data types kids should be familiar with:

  • Integer: 20
  • Float: 20.5
  • String: “CodeWizardsHQ”
  • List: [“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”]
  • Tuple: (“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”)
  • Dictionary: {“name” : “John”, “age” : 36}

The full list of built-in Python data types includes:

  • Text Type: str
  • Numeric Types: int, float, complex
  • Sequence Types: list, tuple, range
  • Mapping Type: dict
  • Set Types: set, frozenset
  • Boolean Type: bool
  • Binary Types: bytes, bytearray, memoryview

To see the data type of an object, use the type() method in Python.


Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (2)


Variables are containers that hold a value, such as a piece of text or a number. You might remember these from math class. Variables are powerful because they can be reused and changed easily.

You can assign a value to a variable, like x or y, using the equal sign:

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (3)

Variable names cannot:

  • start with a number
  • contain spaces
  • contain special characters except “_” (underscore)
  • have the same name as another variable


A function is a block of code that performs an action when it is called. You can add arguments to pass data into a function. A function can return data as a result.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (4)


A loop is a block of code that runs over and over. In Python, there are two types of loops: for loops and while loops.

A for loop repeats a series of commands over a sequence of data, like a list.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (5)

A while loop repeats a series of commands as long as certain conditions are true.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (6)


Python modules are files that contain a set of code that you can include in your application. You can use Python’s in-built modules or write your own. For example, you can import the math module in order to use the sqrt() function that exists there, instead of writing your own function to calculate the square root.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (7)

See a full list of Python modules.

đź“Ś [Download] Free Python Lesson Plans Get free 1-week Python lesson plans and slides for kids ages 11-13 to start learning about Python coding. Download Now

Enroll Your Child in a Class – Best Online Python Classes for Kids

Online coding classes might be the most popular way for kids to learn Python these days, and for good reason. Kids can learn from the comfort of home and parents can avoid the long drive back and forth. Most Python classes for kids employ some elements of gamification to make learning fun. They also present content in short segments and many guide students through the process of building interesting and useful projects.

  • CodeWizardsHQ
  • Tynker
  • Codecademy
  • Udemy
Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (8)

CodeWizardsHQ: Python for Kids

CodeWizardsHQ’s online coding classes for kids combine elements that promote student engagement with strategies that help kids build solid programming skills. A live instructor guides students through a project-based curriculum. The Python classes for kids and projects are based on topics kids enjoy like superheroes, videos, and apps.

The class includes an in-browser code editor for kids to experiment with code and submit work for the instructor to review. Students in Intro to Programming with Python spend most of their time coding, so they get valuable practice time. Parents also receive weekly progress updates. We also offer Python courses in our virtual coding camp.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (9) Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python is geared toward kids 12 and older. Kids start by learning about coding fundamentals such as variables, loops, and if/then statements. From there, they progress to working with graphics and eventually to building games.

This is a self-paced course where kids work through a series of 13 lessons at their own pace.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (10)


Learn Python is a comprehensive Python fundamentals course from Codecademy, a pioneer in online coding education with a very popular platform. Students complete a series of interactive lessons in an online coding environment that provides instant feedback.

This course isn’t specifically designed for kids, but the lessons should be suitable for most high school and some middle school students.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (11)


Udemy is an online-course platform that any subject-matter expert can use to create and publish educational content. Potential instructors submit their course ideas, which are evaluated and must be approved by Udemy.

Use Practice Tutorials – Best Online Python Tutorials for Kids

  • CodeWizardsHQ
  • Trinket
  • Practice Python
Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (13)


Kids can find free Python resources including Python tutorials right here. Our Hour of Code tutorials cover Python and other languages that we teach in our live, online kids coding classes. The 1-hour Python tutorial teaches beginners and kids, ages 11-18, to build their own Python game.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (14)


Trinket’s Hour of Python is a collection of Python tutorials, challenges, and exercises for complete beginners as well as more experienced kids. Many of the challenges are modeled after simple real-world problems that professional coders have to solve.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (15)

Practice Python

This website contains dozens of Python practice exercises with sample code that kids can use as models for their own programs. Some of the challenges involve common programming tasks like working with files. Others challenge kids to write simple games like Tic-Tac-Toe and Hangman.

Utilize Gamification – Best Python Games for Kids

  • CodeCombat
  • CheckIO
  • PyGame
  • Udemy
Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (16)


In CodeCombat, kids learn to code in Python by playing a game. There’s no need for prior coding knowledge, but players start programming right away. The game provides easy instructions for writing code that moves a character around on screen. The graphics are as good as anything kids might be used to from other video games.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (17)


In this browser-based game, kids get a look at Python examples before attempting to complete “missions” with their own code. Most of the game is more text based than CodeCombat, but the problems in each mission can be quite fun to solve.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (18)


Aspiring coders get to actually build a game in this collection of easy programming lessons. All of the code is provided for kids to follow step-by-step. Inquisitive kids may want to tweak parts of it and see what happens.

Scary Spot the Difference introduces learners to PyGame. PyGame is a library of Python files created just for game development, a subject for kids who are interested in building games.

Recommended: Python Classes for Kids

Start Reading – Best Python Books for Kids

Online classes, games, and tutorial videos are useful tools for kids learning Python. These interactive resources help kids stay motivated and can be a lot of fun, but research suggests that the physical book still has a place in education.

Reading skills are critical to academic and career success. In the United States, statistics show that most kids who fall behind in reading by the third grade never catch up. On the other hand, a recent study suggests that children who grow up in homes with plenty of books can be as many as three years ahead of their less bookish classmates.

Books also have advantages over digital media for kids learning Python. It’s easy to see progress by the decreasing number of unread pages remaining. Kids can flip to any page of a book, skip around, skim and read at their own pace.

Most kids can read much faster than someone in a video can talk. This means they can digest more content by reading than by watching videos for the same amount of time.

It’s also good to have a shelf full of reference books when learning to code, like our best coding books for kids.

  • Python for Kids
  • Coding for Kids Python
  • Computer Coding
  • Coding Projects in Python
  • Adventures in Minecraft
Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (19)

Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming

Target Age: Elementary and middle school kids

If you can only buy your child just one book about Python, it should be Python for Kids. This single volume covers the basics of Python with fun, easy-to-understand example code and exercises. Readers learn how to download, install, and get started with Python in the first few pages.

Each chapter ends with a helpful summary of the material just learned. Kids discover how to work with graphics, build desktop applications and develop games. Python for Kids is packed with information and should be on every young coder’s bookshelf.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (20)

Coding for Kids Python

Target Age: Elementary and middle school kids

Kids learn best with hands-on activities and that’s how Coding for Kids Python teaches them. They get 50 fun, interactive activities that teach them the basics of the Python programming language. From learning the essential building blocks of programming to creating their very own games, kids will progress through unique lessons packed with helpful examples.

These activities and games will help kids think independently and have fun learning an amazing new skill. Kids will follow along by starting to code (and debug their code) step by step, seeing the results of their coding in real-time. There are activities at the end of each chapter and extra tricky challenges they can try to show off their skills.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (21)

Computer Coding

Target Age: Elementary school kids

Elementary school readers can learn the basics of computer programming using Python with this easy introduction from DK Publishers. It’s highly visual and well-organized into easily digestible chunks of information.

Computer Coding explains the key ideas behind Python programming such as variables, loops, and if/then statements. Each chapter features a practice exercise to help kids solidify their understanding of the material. The solutions in the back of the book allow kids to check their work and serve as an excellent reference.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (22)

Coding Projects in Python

Target Age: Elementary and middle school children

Coding Projects in Python teaches coding in a similar format as Computer Coding. It begins with a similar, although much more thorough, discussion of essential programming concepts. Kids work through projects like drawing graphics, creating animations, building a desktop application, and solving simple math problems.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (23)

Adventures In Minecraft

Target Age: 11-15. According to the authors, kids as young as 8 can complete most of the book.

Minecraft is a video game in which kids roam through a virtual 3D world.

Adventures in Minecraft shows readers how to expand the game’s potential through a series of “adventures”. Each chapter describes the adventure, a Minecraft project kids complete with Python programming.

Projects include controlling the avatar with code and automating repetitive tasks the player must complete during the game.

Take On a Project – Best Python Projects for Kids

  • Udemy
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Adventures in Minecraft
Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (25)


In the Project Based Python Programming for Kids and Beginners Udemy course, kids build projects like user interfaces, desktop applications, games, and websites. They learn through video instruction, example code, downloadable project files and quizzes.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (26)

Code Club

There are 14 fun and easy Python projects at They range from a text program that answers simple questions to a password generator that actually creates secure passwords. Each project includes a PDF, file downloads, and any other necessary resources.

Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (27)

Raspberry Pi

Using a small programmable computer and Python, kids can build all kinds of interesting real-world gizmos. The Raspberry Pi enables young coders to make their own robots, interact with a variety of sensors, and more. You can pick up a Raspberry Pi 5 for about $60 and some models are as little as $10.

Recommended: 35+ Coding for Kids Free Resources

Other Helpful Python Activities for Kids

  • Fiddle
  • Whiteboarding
  • Teaching
  • Flashcards
  • Internet of Things

Fiddles Let Kids Explore Code Online

Trying to solve a problem after seeing someone else’s solution often leads to a deeper understanding of a concept. Fiddles are online development environments, or code editors, that allow kids to write code and see it work in the browser. There’s no software to install. A Python fiddle is a convenient tool for exploring solutions to coding problems. is one helpful example kids can use to write code and see it work. It has a simple interface and all of the basic functionality of the language. Variables, functions, math, and if/then statements all work in Python Fiddle.

There are also several example scripts kids can use as models for their own programs. These include simple games, calculators, functions, and algorithms.

Several other Python fiddles offer kids an opportunity to play around in the browser:

Sometimes Professional Programmers Write Code on Whiteboards. Kids Can Too.

Learning Python doesn’t have to mean staring at a computer screen. There are several tools to learn programming that allow for time away from the computer.

Whiteboards and chalkboards are perfect for practicing Python. It’s easy to write code on a board and often helpful to do so even before sitting down at the computer. In fact, many programming job interviews involve “whiteboard problems”. These interviews require the candidate to write code this way, often in front of an experienced programmer who can evaluate it in real-time.

Teams of software engineers frequently use whiteboards when working on code together.

When kids try to work out problems before learning solutions from a textbook or teacher, they tend to learn the material more effectively. Let your child develop a simple computer program on the whiteboard before testing it with a computer and the results are likely to be positive.

To make whiteboard coding more fun, use a variety of colored chalk or markers to imitate the look of a Python code editor like Sublime Text, Notepad++ or PyCharm.

Kids Who Are Learning Python Should Teach Python.

Richard Feynman, one of the most brilliant physicists and teachers of the twentieth century, developed a powerful learning method now known as the Feynman Technique. The core idea in the Feynman Technique is “to learn something thoroughly, you should try to teach it to someone else.”

In doing so, concepts you don’t completely grasp become apparent, so you can easily identify areas you need to work on. Kids can build stronger coding skills by teaching, whether that means demonstrating ideas to their peers or trying to teach adults. The whiteboard is a handy teaching tool.

Flashcards Help Kids Remember.

Recall practice is an important step in the learning process. Kids need to access the information they’ve learned frequently to keep it fresh and remember it when they need it. Flashcards are perfect for this kind of mental exercise. Kids can make their own or purchase flashcards designed specifically for beginner Python learners, like these from No Starch Press.

Interacting with Real-World Objects in Python is Exciting.

The Internet of Things is growing rapidly. Robots, drones, and a myriad of other devices can interact through Bluetooth or wireless networks. For aspiring engineers and mechanically apt kids, these devices offer unlimited opportunities for exploration.

One of the most popular Internet of Things gadgets is the Raspberry Pi, a small, Python-programmable computer. A Google search for “Raspberry Pi” shows the vast possibilities with this little gizmo, from automation to robotics and more.

Recommended: Coding Classes for Teens

Download 1-Week Python Lesson Plans

Kds ages 11-13 can start learning Python in a structured way. Download a FREE 1-week lesson plan with activities and slides. Enter your name and email to receive the free lesson plans in your inbox today.

Your Child Can Learn Python Programming

With dedication and practice, your child can learn Python programming. It’s a unique skill that not only benefits him or her now but also builds technical skills for the future. So, pick your favorite Python game, book, or app and start coding!

Ready to level up your child’s Python experience?Take a coding class with CodeWizardsHQ:

  • Elementary School Coding Program
  • Middle School Coding Program
  • High School Coding Program
Python for Kids: Best Resources to Learn Python Programming (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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