Single Page Application Frameworks To Checkout In 2022 (2024)

To build a single-page application, a powerful framework is mandatory. The frameworks used should be capable of dealing with the complex architecture involved in developing several web applications. This helps make it interactive and provides a rich experience. Though each framework is not used on a regular basis, it is ideal to have a basic knowledge of the existing frameworks used for developing single-page applications. Some of these include AngularJS, ReactJS, Backbone, EmberJS, MeteorJS, PolymerJS, Aurelia, Vue, Mithril.js, Node.js, and so on.

In this blog, we discuss some of the most popular single page application frameworks for developing single-page applications:

1. AngularJS

Developed by Google, AngularJS is one of the open-source, front-end, JavaScript-based frameworks widely used in creating single-page applications on the client-side. Some single-page application examples that use Angular JS include popular sites such as Microsoft, Google, and PayPal.

It is capable of transferring the entire content directly from the server to the browser, loading all the pages at the same time. Once they are loaded, the page does not reload if a link is clicked upon; instead, the sections within the page are updated instantly. AngularJS enables faster loading of pages as there is less load on the server. The feature of two-way data binding feature in AngularJS saves the burden of writing numerous codes. As a spa framework, Angular JS enables automatic integration of data between model and view components. Further, AngularJS works on MVC architecture.

2. ReactJS

Maintained by Facebook, ReactJS is more of a library than a framework that is used for creating User Interface (UI) applications. Released in 2013, this JavaScript framework saw rapid growth and adaptation to become one of the most preferred frameworks. ReactJS’s long list of advantages enabled its usage as a high-performing enterprise application.

React is comparatively more flexible than AngularJS when used as an spa framework, as the developers need to deal with stand-alone libraries, which enables a good response time. React is well designed for testing and debugging and is mostly used for the ‘View’ component in the MVC architecture. This feature enables the UI to be updated without going back to the server to obtain a new view.

ReactJS is widely used for creating widget-based views and promotes one-way data binding combined with Flux Controls. A feature of ReactJS includes a virtual DOM, for enhanced performance. A browser’s DOM is slow, but with a virtual DOM, as changes are made in the data, a comparison is done to redraw only the changed elements. Maintenance of ReactJS is quite easy as a single-page application architecture, owing to its component-based feature. Both the server and the client-side can utilize ReactJS, which enables the distribution of the load from the server to the client if required.

3. EmberJS

EmberJS is a highly opinionated, open-source framework that promotes greater flexibility. It follows a widget-based approach known by the name Ember components. The templates incorporated with Handlebars get updated automatically as the data changes, using minimal coding. This has made it easy for developers to achieve common and minor tasks.

Ember, as a single-page application framework, stands as the backbone of popular users such as Twitch, Playstation, Linkedin, and so on. Apple Music, which is a desktop application also uses EmberJS. Furthermore, it has a powerful routing system. It works on the Model View-View Model (MVVM) pattern and follows the Convention over Configuration (CoC) model.

The data library offered by EmberJS is quite resourceful. Its developer-friendly API makes many prefer EmberJS over other frameworks. It follows a two-way data binding pattern. Ember’s built-in router also makes it more SEO-friendly compared to other sap frameworks.

4. Backbone.js

Developed and first released in 2010, Backbone.js is a JavaScript framework that offers an MVC framework that abstracts data into models. It is lightweight and flexible, especially for structured codes. It works on an MVP-based architecture. Backbone communicates via events that prevent messing up with the application, that is, the code is cleaner and easier to maintain.

It is a free, open-source library that offers around 100 extensions. It can be used to develop single-page web applications in a well-structured format. Further, it helps to separate business as well as UI logic. The tools offered by Backbone.js include models, events, views, routers, and so on. in order to integrate the client-side applications. Further, if there is any change in the model, the HTML code gets automatically updated.

The client-side single-page web applications and mobile applications could be created in a neat and efficient format using Backbone.js. Backbone.js uses direct DOM manipulation to represent changes in data and application architecture. This framework is used by many popular companies such as Sony Entertainment Network, Airbnb, SoundCloud, and so on.

5. Meteor.js

Meteor.js is a free, open-source, full-stack, JavaScript framework that is created using the Node.js platform. It can be used to create single-page applications on the Node.js platform. Meteor works on data on wire principle which implies that the data is sent by the server instead of HTML, rendering it to the client. This helps access data instantaneously without waiting for a round trip to the server.

With Meteor in action, different applications could be built in one language that is JavaScript, using fewer codes. Companies such as Mazda, Honeywell, Qualcomm, and so on use Meteor.js. It enables live-browser reloading as well. For instance, when it is enabled, as changes happen on the front end to an HTML page, JavaScript or Web connection script, the framework reloads the changes and live pages by default. This enables the concerned DOM element to get refreshed without having to reload the whole page, thus being an advantage when Meteor js is used as a single page application framework. Meteor.js is quite easy to set up while doing projects and promotes higher scalability as well.

6. Polymer js

Developed by Google, Polymer is a Javascript library, released in 2013. It is written in Javascript and HTML and forms a simplified way of creating single-page web applications with cross-browser compatibility. Polymer is user-friendly, be it new or old developers, as it has well-maintained documentation that ensures easier onboarding. It also allows one-way as well as two-way binding.

To build a single page application, Polymer js is a scalable candidate as it is supported by the majority of known browsers, has an end-to-end testing environment called Web component tester, and has a Model View Controller architectural pattern that helps organize code components according to design and performance.

Popular companies such as Youtube, Google, USA Today, Mcdonald’s has used Polymer for a variety of features such as rebuilding mobile and desktop sites, menu board software, collaboration on projects, and so on. With Polymer’s reusable models, development time is significantly reduced as major changes to the code are not required for the addition and attachment of modules.

7. Dojo Toolkit

A Javascript framework that emerged into a lean modern, Typescript first progressive framework was Dojo. Companies such as Cisco, JP Morgan, ADP, Mastercard, and many more use Dojo for their modern web applications and single-page web applications with Typescript. It has a PHP MVC framework. It integrates the necessary tooling for large applications and is open source.

Most Javascript frameworks have a developer-friendly approach. While Dojo has components and widgets that make it one of the spa frameworks to be considered, Dojo has long been identified as an expert-required framework, due to its scattered documentation that is not developer-friendly. However, the latest upgrade to Dojo 2.0 has made the experience smoother for a few developers, with its shift from Javascript to Typescript.

8. Aurelia

Licensed under MIT, Aurelia is a modern UI framework for Javascript which forms a simple and easy-to-use framework to build single-page web applications. An open-source framework supports integration with different frameworks and tools and has a clear and easier coding style. Aurelia also supports one-way and two-way binding.

As an spa framework, aurelia requires less configuration setup. In terms of community support, it has a lesser community size but in terms of compatibility, it is supported by all modern browsers.

Single Page Application Frameworks To Checkout In 2022 (2024)


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Single Page Application Frameworks Comparison: Their Pros & Cons
Sr.No.Framework Name
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While CRA is no longer a recommended for starting a new react project, this doesn't mean that you can no longer create Single Page Applications. One of the best things about Sever Side Rendering, is that you can actually make a route as a SPA, so you can have the best of both worlds.

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Conclusion. Building a single-page application using Django allows you to leverage the robustness of the Django framework for backend development while delivering a seamless user experience on the front end.

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Two common architectural patterns that React. js is commonly used for are Single Page Applications (SPAs) and Multi-Page Applications (MPAs). In this article, we will explore the capabilities of React. js in both contexts and understand when to use each approach.

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Single-spa frameworks are most known for their easy developement. Single-spa frameworks ensure that code is reusable for almost everything, including UI elements, and they're almost always used for developing mobile apps.

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Developed by Google, AngularJS is one of the open-source, front-end, JavaScript-based frameworks widely used in creating single-page applications on the client-side. Some single-page application examples that use Angular JS include popular sites such as Microsoft, Google, and PayPal.

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Examples of Single Page Application

The most popular examples of SPA are Netflix, Facebook, and Gmail which are commonly used globally. Companies are using SPAs developed on frameworks like React and Angular to build scalable experiences.

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Single-page applications (SPAs) have gained immense popularity due to their ability to deliver dynamic content without page reloads. Combining this approach with the power of NEXT. js and the flexibility of React Router can elevate your application's user experience to new heights.

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To sum up, React is a robust and widely-used JavaScript library for developing streamlined, interactive Single Page Applications (SPAs). Using React's fast virtual DOM and component-based design, developers can easily build sophisticated and responsive web apps.

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Top 10 backend frameworks in 2024
  1. Laravel. Laravel is a popular PHP framework known for its efficient syntax and robust features. ...
  2. Django. ...
  3. Spring Boot. ...
  4. Ruby on Rails. ...
  5. ASP.NET Core. ...
  6. Express. ...
  7. NestJS. ...
  8. Koa.

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Single-page applications concentrate about minimizing the amount of request to the server, and MPAs don't - they send page requests for each action they made, thus make loading time larger and potentially affect user experience in a negative way.

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SPAs often lazily load content as per user interaction to improve performance. While it seems great for user experience, it might pose an SEO problem. Search engines might only see the initially loaded content and not the content that loads upon user interaction, causing potential incomplete indexing.

Are single page applications worth it? ›

The most important benefits of single-page applications include the following: Improved speed and responsiveness. Faster loading times are the result of the SPA only needing to load the information necessary based on the user's action rather than loading an entire page from scratch. Greater stability.

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Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first websites. It can be used in single page and multi-pages websites easily.

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Single Page Applications (SPAs)
  1. SPAs are built using JavaScript and run entirely in the browser without server-side code execution.
  2. They rely on client-side logic to dynamically render elements within a single HTML page.
May 31, 2023

Is angular a single-page application? ›

AngularJS is a JavaScript-based front-end web framework based on bidirectional UI data binding and is used to design Single Page Applications. Single Page Applications are web applications that load a single HTML page and only a part of the page instead of the entire page gets updated with every click of the mouse.

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You can build an MPA simply with HTML and CSS. However, many developers also choose to use JavaScript and jQuery to improve the performance of the app. Examples of Multi-page applications are eCommerce websites, blogs, forums, other sites that sell products and various services.

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