Strategies and Tactics Examples | New Tactics in Human Rights (2024)

Examples can be helpful to understand how strategies and tactics relate.

Example 1: Planning a Trip

We use strategy and tactics in very simple ways every day without realizing it. For example, if you’re planning a trip from Beirut, Lebanon to Tunis, Tunisia, you need a strategy to get there.

Strategy involves answering many questions, such as: How do you plan to travel (airplane, boat, etc.)? What resources do you have? When do you need to get there?

If you decide to travel by airplane, the tactics of purchasing that plane ticket can be to:

  • Call a travel agent
  • Use the website of a specific airline
  • Use a website that compares the rates of different airlines.

Example 2: Finding a Job

Perhaps your goal is to find a new job as part of a long-term plan for financial stability. There are several different strategies you can use to find a job, including:

  • Using your current skills to find a new job
  • Becoming an apprentice for a trade
  • Going to college for a new career.

If you decide on a strategy to use your current skills in a different job, then your tactics might include:

  • Updating your résumé
  • Telling your friends that you want a new job so they can help you
  • Looking at job postings in newspapers or on the Internet.

In this situation, as in most cases, you’ll probably use a few different tactics as part of your strategy to find a job. And in the process, you might decide that some tactics don’t work well so you’ll abandon them and try new tactics.

Example 3: Fighting Government Corruption

Let’s say your overall goal is to reduce government corruption in your country. One strategy might be to pass a law that those convicted of corruption would face severe consequences. This strategy requires you to think about how you will persuade lawmakers to vote for the law. The tactics will be specific actions such as:

  • Drafting a sample law to present to lawmakers
  • Arranging phone calling campaigns to lawmakers
  • Planning demonstrations around officials who are rumored to be corrupt
  • Identifying government officials who appear to be interested in a more democratic government and tailoring an approach to each individual.

Learn more about how to choose and apply the right tactics for your strategy.

Strategies and Tactics Examples | New Tactics in Human Rights (2024)


What is an example of a strategy and tactics? ›

For example, imagine you're trying to bake a cake from a store-bought boxed mix. Your strategy might be to deceive your friends into thinking it's an old family recipe. Your tactics might be to add an extra egg and an intense arm workout as you vigorously whip the batter like it owes you money.

What are different tactics and strategy? ›

Strategy defines your long-term goals and how you're planning to achieve them. In other words, your strategy gives you the path you need toward achieving your organization's mission. Tactics are much more concrete and are often oriented toward smaller steps and a shorter time frame along the way.

What are strategic tactics and techniques? ›

Both tactics and strategy are “plans to achieve objectives” but a plan doesn't actually do anything by itself. Technique then is the mechanics of executing the plan.

What are the strategic and tactical actions? ›

While strategy is the action plan that takes you where you want to go, the tactics are the individual steps and actions that will get you there. In a business context, this means the specific actions teams take to implement the initiatives outlined in the strategy.

What are the 5 strategic strategies? ›

Summary : There are only five business strategies: cost, quality, distribution, technology, and intellectual property (IP). All business strategies break down into these five, or some combination of them. As a general principle, focusing your organization on one is the easiest to execute.

What is a good example of a tactic? ›

Tactics are the specific actions or steps you undertake to accomplish your strategy. For example, in a war, a nation's strategy might be to win the hearts and minds of the opponent's civilian population. To achieve this they could use tactics such as radio broadcasts or building hospitals.

What are the types of tactics? ›

Some tactics include the ambush, bounding overwatch, disrupting communications, frontal assault, and flanking. Some tactics combine others: the "hammer and anvil" is a combination of frontal assault and flanking. Military strategies and tactics can be applied to many other fields, including politics and business.

What are the 11 types of strategies? ›

Defined and exemplified in Table 5-4, alternative strategies that an enterprise could pursue can be categorized into 11 actions: forward integration, backward integration, horizontal integration, market penetration, market development, product development, related diversification, unrelated diversification, ...

What is strategy vs tactics goals? ›

As you move along the GOST model, your actions get more specific and individualized. Strategies outline how you plan to carry out your objectives, providing departments and teams with more information about how to go about meeting their objectives. Tactics are the specific actions required to complete the strategy.

What are examples of tactical and strategic objectives? ›

For instance, a strategic plan might set the goal of increasing market share by 5% over the next three years. A tactical plan, on the other hand, would lay out the specific steps needed to achieve that, such as launching a new marketing campaign or opening a new sales office in a high-growth area.

What are key strategic actions? ›

Strategic Actions are projects or programs outside of an organization's day-to-day operational. activities that are meant to help the organization achieve its strategy. They are such things as. instituting change, creating capability to do something new or better, or improving performance.

What comes first, strategy or tactics? ›

Order of play: Strategy will always come first. 'Changeability': Strategies take time, research and careful planning to create because of their long-term vision. This means that they can be changed, but not lightly or easily. Tactics, on the other hand, can easily be adjusted to correct the course of action.

What are 3 differences between strategy and tactics? ›

Strategy: A plan to achieve a goal is strategy. Tactics: Actions taken to achieve that goal. Strategy: Difficult to change once it's set in motion. Tactics: Easy to adjust depending on changing circ*mstances.

What are the 3 basic of strategy? ›

The three levels are corporate level strategy, business level strategy, and functional strategy. These different levels of strategy enable business leaders to set business goals from the highest corporate level to the bottom functional level.

What is an example of a strategic plan? ›

An example of a strategic plan with a goal, strategy, and tactic: Goal (what the organization wants) - To increase online sales by 20% over the next two quarters. Strategy (how the organization will get it) - Increase online marketing and social media presence by 25% in the two quarters.

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