Terraform vs Ansible: Key Differences Between DevOps tools (2024)

Terraform vs Ansible: Key Differences Between DevOps tools (1)

Features of Terraform |Features of Ansible | Configuration Management vs. Orchestration | Procedural vs Declarative | Terraform vs Ansible Provisioning | Which one to choose: Terraform or Ansible? | Conclusion

Ansible vs Terraform battle continues to escalate as the DevOps environment focuses more on automation and orchestration. These two tools help in automating configurations and deploying infrastructure. Terraform offers to deploy Infrastructure as a Code, helps in readability and lift and shift deployments. Ansible is a configuration management tool for automating system configuration and management.

Terraform vs. Ansible

Terraform is a tool designed to help with the provisioning and deprovisioning of cloud infrastructure using an infrastructure as code approach. It is highly specialized for this purpose. On the other hand, Ansible is a more general tool that can be used for automation across various domains. Both Terraform and ansible have strong open-source communities and commercial products that are well supported.

Terraform vs. Ansible: Highlighting the Differences. Terraform sets up and manages your IT infrastructure, using an infrastructure as code approach. Ansible, on the other hand, focuses on automating IT tasks like provisioning and deployment. In short: Use Terraform for infrastructure setup and Ansible for configuration. Both have strong open-source support and commercial options.

What is Terraform?

Terraform vs Ansible: Key Differences Between DevOps tools (2)

Terraform is an open-source tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure securely and effectively. It is an Infrastructure as a Code tool that is very straightforward to use. It helps to develop and scale Cloud services and manage the state of the network. Its primary use is in data centers and software-defined networking environments. It does not install and manage software on existing devices; instead, it creates, modifies, and destroys servers and various other cloud services. Slack, Uber, Starbucks, Twitch, all big brands are using Terraform. We can also integrate Terraform with Microsoft Azure, Heroku, and Google Compute Engine, etc.

What is Ansible?

Ansible is the most significant way to automate and configure apps and IT infrastructure. Ansible is an open-source configuration management tool mainly designed for provisioning and deploying applications using IaaC.

Terraform vs Ansible: Key Differences Between DevOps tools (3)

It has its own language to describe system configuration. Ansible is agentless, making it manage large deployments across enterprises using Windows Power Shell or SSH to perform its tasks. Ansible is not completely declarative; it is a hybrid of procedural and declarative. It can integrate with Amazon EC2, Docker, and Kubernetes. Companies like Zalando, Revolt, and 9gaga are using Ansible.

Similarities between Terraform and Ansible

Given the features of both technologies, Terraform and Ansible appear to be extremely similar tools at a high level.

  • They are both capable of setting up the new cloud infrastructure and equipping it with the necessary application components.
  • On the freshly formed virtual machine, remote commands can be carried out by both Terraform and Ansible. This indicates that neither tool requires an agent. Agent deployment on the computers is not necessary for operational reasons.
  • Terraform builds infrastructure utilizing the APIs of cloud providers, and SSH is used for simple configuration operations. The same is true of Ansible; all necessary configuration activities are carried out over SSH. Both tools are masterless since the “state” information for neither requires a separate piece of infrastructure to manage.

Difference between Terraform and Ansible Provisioning (Terraform vs. Ansible)

Let’s see how Terraform vs. Ansible battle differentiates from each other:

Terraform is a provisioning tool.Ansible is a configuration management tool.
It follows a declarative Infrastructure as a Code approach.It follows both declarative & procedural approach.
It is the best fit for orchestrating cloud services and setup cloud infrastructure from scratch.It is mainly used for configuring servers with the right software and updating already configured resources.
Terraform does not support bare metal provisioning by default.Ansible supports the provisioning of bare metal servers.
It does not provide better support in terms of packaging and templating.It provides full support for packaging and templating.

It highly depends on lifecycle or state management.

It does not have lifecycle management at all.

Also Check: Our blog post on Terraform Create VM. Click here

1. Orchestration vs. Configuration Management

Terraformand Ansible have so many similarities and differences at the same time. The difference comes when we look at two significant concepts of DevOps: Orchestration and configuration management.

Configuration management tools solve the issues locally rather than replacing the system entirely. Ansible helps to configure each action and instrument and ensures smooth functioning without any damage or error. In addition, Ansible comes up with hybrid capabilities to perform both orchestration and replace infrastructure.

Orchestration tools ensure that an environment is in its desired state continuously. Terraform is explicitly designed to store the state of the domain. Whenever there is any glitch in the system, terraform automatically restores and computes the entire process in the system after reloading. It is the best fit in situations where a constant and invariable state is needed. Terraform Applyhelps to resolve all anomalies effectively.

Let’s have a look at the Procedural and Declarative nature of Terraform and Ansible.

2. Declarative vs. Procedural

There are two main categories of DevOps tools: Procedural vs. Declarative. These two categories tell the action of tools.

Terraform follows the declarative approach, ensuring that if your defined environment suffers changes, it rectifies those changes. This tool attempts to reach the desired end state described by the sysadmin.Puppet also follows the declarative approach. With Terraform, we can automatically describe the desired state and figure out how to move from one state to the next.

Ansible is of a hybrid nature. It follows both declarative and procedural style configurations. It performs ad-hoc commands to implement procedural-style configurations. Please read the documentation of Ansible very carefully to get in-depth knowledge of its behavior. It’s important to know whether you need to add or subtract resources to get the desired result or need to indicate the resources required explicitly.

3. Mutable vs. Immutable

A workflow for application deployment involves providing the infrastructure, installing the correct version of the source code, and installing any dependencies.

The infrastructure that serves as the foundation for later versions of apps and services has a property known as mutability. Either existing infrastructure is used for deployment, or we can create an entirely new set of infrastructure for it.

It depends on the deployment procedures whether the infrastructure is mutable or immutable. It is said to as malleable when subsequent versions of apps are released on the same infrastructure. However, it is said to as immutable if the deployment takes place during releases on entirely new infrastructure.

Although mutability appears convenient, there is a higher chance of failure. The previous version must first be uninstalled before the desired version can be installed when application configurations are applied again on the same infrastructure. Additional steps increase the likelihood of failure. This can lead to inconsistent setups and unpredictable behavior across a fleet of servers.

Instead, if we concentrate on minimizing these steps by skipping the uninstalling process and carrying out the installation on fresh infrastructure resources, we will have the opportunity to test the new deployment and roll it back in case it doesn’t work. This approach to treating infrastructure as immutable gives administrators more control over making changes.

4. State Management

The full lifecycle of the resources under Terraform’s administration is managed. It keeps up the state files’ mapping of infrastructure resources to the most recent configuration. State management is crucial to Terraform’s operation.

States are used to monitor configuration changes and provide the same. Additionally, it is possible to import preexisting resources managed by Terraform by bringing in state files from the infrastructure of the real world.

It is possible to query the Terraform state files at any moment to learn about the infrastructure components and their available characteristics.

Ansible, in contrast, does not provide any form of lifecycle management. Any changes made to the configuration are automatically implemented on the target resource because Ansible focuses on configuration management and assumes immutable infrastructure by default.

Ansible vs Terraform Provisioning

Terraform vs Ansible: Key Differences Between DevOps tools (4)

Terraform deals with infrastructure automation. Its current declarative model lacks some features which cause complexity. Using Terraform, the elements of required environments are separately described, including their relationships. It assesses the model, creates a plan based on dependencies, and gives optimized commands to Infrastructure as a Service. If there is no change in the environment or strategy, repeated runs will do nothing. If there is any update in the plan or environment, it will synchronize the cloud infrastructure.

Ansible follows a procedural approach. Various users create playbooks that are evaluated through a top-to-bottom approach and executed in sequence. Playbooks are responsible for the configuration of network devices that contribute towards a procedural approach. Of course, Ansible provisions the cloud infrastructure as well. But its procedural approach limits it to large infrastructure deployments.

How does Terraform work?

There are two main working components of terraform.

  • Terraform Core
  • Providers

Terraform is of a declarative nature. It directly describes the end state of the system without defining the steps to reach there. It works at a high level of abstraction to describe what services and resources should be created and defined.

Terraform core takes two input sources to do its job. The first input source is a terraform configuration that is configured by its users. Users define what needs to be provisioned and created. The second input source is a state that holds information about the infrastructure.

So terraform core takes the input and figures out various plans for what steps to follow to get the desired output.

Terraform vs Ansible: Key Differences Between DevOps tools (5)

The second principal component is providers, such as cloud providers like AWS, GCP, Azure, or other Infrastructure as service platforms. It helps to create infrastructure on different levels. Let’s take an example where users create an AWS infrastructure, deploy Kubernetes on top of it, and then create services inside the cluster of Kubernetes. Terraform has multiple providers for various technologies; users can access resources from these providers through Terraform. This is the basic working terminology of terraform that helps to provision and cover the complete application setup from infrastructure to fully developed application.

Check out: the Terraform cheat sheet.

Features of Terraform

As we have discussed the working of Terraform, now we will look at the features of Terraform.

  • Terraform follows a declarative approach which makes deployments fast and easy.
  • It is a convenient tool to display the resulting model in a graphical form.
  • Terraform also manages external service providers such as cloud networks and in-house solutions.
  • It is one of the rare tools to offer building infrastructure from scratch, whether public, private or multi-cloud.
  • It helps manage parallel environments, making it a good choice for testing, validating bug fixes, and formal acceptance.
  • Modular code helps in achieving consistency, reusability, and collaboration.
  • Terraform can manage multiple clouds to increase fault tolerance.

Also, Check out ourblog post on Terraform Workflow. Click here

How does Ansible work?

Ansible is agentless and doesn’t run on target nodes. It makes connections using SSH or other authentication methods. It installs various Python modules on the target using JSON. These modules are simple instructions that run on the target. These modules are executed and removed once their job is done. This strategy ensures that there is no misuse of resources on target. Python is mandatory to be installed on both the controlling and the target nodes.

Terraform vs Ansible: Key Differences Between DevOps tools (6)

The ansiblemanagement node acts as a controlling node that controls the entire execution of the playbook. This node is the place to run the installations. There is an inventory file that provides the host list where the modules need to be run. The management node makes SSH connections to execute the modules on the host machine and installs the product. Modules are removed once they are installed in the system. This is the simple working process of Ansible.

Let’s have a look at the features of Ansible.

Features of Ansible

Now we will discuss various features Ansible provides to benefit its users.

  • Ansible is used for configuration management and follows a procedural approach.
  • Ansible deals with infrastructure platforms such as bare metal, cloud networks, and virtualized devices like hypervisors.
  • Ansible follows idempotent behavior that makes it to place node in the same state every time.
  • It uses Infrastructure as a Code system configuration across the infrastructure.
  • It offers rapid and easy deployment of multi-tier apps with being agentless.
  • If the code is interrupted, it allows entering the code again without any conflicts with other invocations.

Check out: Ansible Configuration Management Tools

Which one to choose: Terraform or Ansible?

Terraform vs Ansible: Key Differences Between DevOps tools (7)

Terraform vs. Ansible: Every tool has its unique characteristics and limitations. Let’s check out which one to go with.

Terraform comes with good scheduling capabilities and is very user-friendly. It integrates with docker well, as docker handles the configuration management slightly better than Terraform. But there is no clear evidence of how the target devices are brought to their final state, and sometimes, the final configuration is unnecessary.

Ansible comes with better security and ACL functionality. It is considered a mature tool because it adjusts comfortably with traditional automation frameworks. It offers simple operations and helps to code quickly. But, on the other hand, it is not good at services like logical dependencies, orchestration services, and interconnected applications.

You can now choose between these two, according to the requirement of the situation and the job. For example, if the containerized solution is used to provision software within the cloud, then Terraform is preferable. On the other hand, if you want to gain reasonable control of your devices and find other ways to deploy underlying services, Ansible is more suitable. These tools will provide more comprehensive solutions in the future.

Use cases

Common scenarios for Terraform

Terraform is commonly used for infrastructure provisioning, managing cloud resources, implementing infrastructure changes, and enabling infrastructure as code practices.

Typical applications of Ansible

Ansible finds applications in configuration management, application deployment, continuous delivery, server provisioning, and automating repetitive system administration tasks.

Performance and speed

Efficiency comparison

In terms of performance, Terraform tends to be faster for infrastructure provisioning due to its parallel execution capabilities and state management mechanisms.

Resource utilization

Ansible may consume more system resources during execution, particularly in large-scale deployments, due to its procedural nature and reliance on SSH connections for remote management.

Security considerations

Vulnerabilities and best practices

Both Terraform and Ansible require proper security configurations and access controls to prevent unauthorized access and mitigate security risks associated with infrastructure automation.

Compliance and audibility

Terraform and Ansible offer features for auditing changes, enforcing compliance policies, and integrating with security tools to ensure infrastructure configurations adhere to industry standards and best practices.

Cost implications

Licensing models

Both Terraform and Ansible are open-source tools with no licensing fees, making them cost-effective solutions for organizations looking to automate infrastructure management.

Resource optimization

Proper resource utilization and optimization strategies can help minimize costs associated with cloud resource provisioning and infrastructure automation using Terraform and Ansible.

Industry adoption

Trends and market share

Terraform and Ansible enjoy widespread adoption across industries, with Terraform often favored by organizations with complex infrastructure requirements and Ansible preferred for its simplicity and versatility.

Case studies and success stories

Numerous case studies and success stories highlight the benefits of using Terraform and Ansible for automating infrastructure management, improving operational efficiency, and accelerating software delivery pipelines.


It is essential to know which tool is used for which job among Terraform vs. Ansible. Terraform is mainly known for provisioning infrastructure across various clouds. It supports more than 200 providers and a great tool to manage cloud services below the server. In comparison, Ansible is optimized to perform both provisioning and configuration management. Therefore, we can say that both Terraform and Ansible can work hand in hand as standalone tools or work together but always pick up the right tool as per the job requirement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Terraform and Ansible be used together?

Yes, Terraform and Ansible can be used together to achieve a combined infrastructure provisioning and automation solution. Terraform can be used to provision and manage the underlying infrastructure resources, while Ansible can be utilized for configuration management and orchestration tasks on those resources.

Are there any performance differences between Terraform and Ansible?

In terms of performance, Terraform is generally faster for infrastructure provisioning tasks due to its parallel execution capabilities. Ansible, on the other hand, may have slightly slower execution times as it operates in a procedural manner. However, the performance difference might not be significant for most use cases, and it is important to consider other factors such as ease of use and suitability for the task at hand.

Are there any limitations or considerations when using Terraform or Ansible?

When using Terraform, it's important to keep in mind that it is primarily focused on infrastructure provisioning, so more complex configuration management tasks might be better suited for Ansible. With Ansible, it's essential to consider the target systems' compatibility and ensure that modules and playbooks are available for the desired platforms. Additionally, both tools require a learning curve and proper understanding of their respective syntax and concepts.

Can Terraform and Ansible be used for multi-cloud environments?

Yes, both Terraform and Ansible can be used for multi-cloud environments. Terraform supports multiple cloud providers, allowing you to define and manage resources across different platforms. Ansible, with its broad support for various systems and cloud platforms, can also be used to configure and automate tasks in multi-cloud setups.

Are there any alternatives to Terraform and Ansible?

Yes, there are alternative tools available. Some alternatives to Terraform include CloudFormation (for AWS-specific provisioning) and Pulumi (which offers a programming language approach to infrastructure provisioning). For Ansible, alternative tools include Chef, Puppet, and SaltStack, which also provide automation and configuration management capabilities.

Can Terraform and Ansible be used for on-premises infrastructure?

Yes, both Terraform and Ansible can be used for on-premises infrastructure. Terraform can provision and manage resources in on-premises environments by integrating with various infrastructure providers, including VMware, OpenStack, and bare-metal servers. Ansible can also be used to automate configuration management tasks and orchestration in on-premises infrastructure.


  • Terraform Installation Overview
  • Variables in Terraform
  • Terraform Providers Overview
  • Ansible Documentation
  • Terraform Documentation
  • [AZ-400] Azure DevOps Certification Path
  • HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification: Terraform Training
  • Everything you need to know about Terraform Certification
  • [AZ-400] Microsoft Azure DevOps Certification Exam: Everything You Need To Know

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Terraform vs Ansible: Key Differences Between DevOps tools (2024)
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