The 8 Most Effective Exercises for Your Triceps (2024)

Strong arms are important for almost everyupper bodymovement you do each day and yourtricepsare often the heavy lifters. Anytime you push something—whether it be a door, a stroller, a lawnmower, or a barbell—you're using your triceps. Further, strong triceps are essential for training other muscle groups. Strong triceps are needed to do push-ups, for example, as well as chest presses.

The triceps, as the name suggests, have three different heads. These include the long head, lateral head, and the medial head. All of these heads contract during triceps exercises, but some moves emphasize different parts of the triceps. The best way to build strong, firm triceps is to choose the exercises that hit all those muscle fibers from every angle.

How Should You Do Triceps Workouts?

Putting together a triceps workout can help you gain functional movement. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Start with a warm-up: Begin with some brisk walking or jogging, jumping jacks, or calisthenics. Warming up gets blood flowing to your muscles and increases the temperature of your muscles, which helps prevent injury.
  • Gradually add weight and intensity: If you're starting out, aim to do three sets of 10-12 reps of each exercise using about 70% of the maximum amount of weight you could possibly lift for each exercise. Add more weight and reps as your fitness level increases.
  • Target all three tricep heads: The more variety you can incorporate into your triceps routine, the more balanced your strength will develop. Select from the exercises below.
  • Train multiple muscle groups: Tricep workouts isolate the triceps very specifically so that you don't work other muscle groups at the same time. Consider training the shoulders and chest along with the triceps since they are all involved in many of the same functional movements.
  • Build in rest days. It's important to rest the muscle groups you train for at least two days before working them again to allow for the recovery process and to help prevent injury.

Top 10 Chest Exercises to Build Strength

Best Triceps Workouts

Some triceps exercises are more effective than others, according to the​American Council on Exercise (ACE). In anACE-commissioned study, researchers took exercisers through eight of the most common triceps exercises and recorded muscle activity by attaching EMG electrodes to subjects' triceps. With this information, they were able to rank the eight best triceps exercises. The top five moves are as follows:

  • Diamond push-ups: This exercise emphasizes all three heads of the triceps muscle and is the most effective move for that.
  • Kickbacks: This move also targets all three heads of the triceps, but not quite as much as the diamond push-up. This exercise is also easier, so may be more user-friendly than push-ups.
  • Dips: This exercise also works all three triceps heads, and it has an added benefit of helping to activate core muscles.
  • Triceps extensions: Including this exercise means you have a move that emphasizes the long head of the triceps muscle, a nice complement to the other exercises.
  • Triceps pushdowns: This moveemphasizes the lateral head of your triceps, again a nice complement to the other exercises.

Rather than doing all of these moves in the same workout, focus on choosing a combination of exercises that emphasize all the different areas of the triceps.

Diamond Push-Ups

The diamond push-up is probably the hardest triceps exercise in this list. It requires tremendous upper body strength, so you may need to try this move on your knees and slowly work your way up to the toes.

How to Do a Diamond Push-Up

  1. Begin the move by positioning the hands on the mat directly under the chest with the fingers spread and the thumbs and forefingers touching, making a diamond shape.
  2. Straighten the legs into a plank position, or keep the knees on the floor for a more accessible version.
  3. Make sure the back is flat and the abs are engaged as you bend the elbows, lowering until your chin or chest touches the mat. If you can't go that low, go as low as you can—then work to build enough strength to lower all the way down over time.
  4. At the bottom of the movement, your elbows should stay close to your sides.
  5. Press back to start,keeping the torso rigid, and repeat for 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 16 reps.

Try These Exercises to Work Your Triceps

Triceps Kickbacks

The 8 Most Effective Exercises for Your Triceps (1)

According to the ACE study, the triceps kickback is the second most effective triceps exercise and not far behind diamond push-ups, coming in at about 88% of muscle activation.

By bending forward, you really have to work against gravity to move the weight up and down. The key to this move is to use your shoulder to stabilize the upper arm, allowing the forearm to extend behind you. If your elbow drifts down, use a lighter weight to maintain good form.


Muscle activation is the ability to switch on your muscles so they can do work. Typically, activation occurs when you use short, isolation exercises that target specific muscles to wake them up and get them working.

How to Do Triceps Kickbacks

  1. Prop the right foot on a step or platform, resting the right forearm on the thigh to support the back, or allowing the arm to drop directly below the shoulder.
  2. Hold a weight in the left hand and pull the elbow up to torso level.
  3. Keeping the elbow in that position, extend the arm behind you, focusing on contracting the triceps muscle.
  4. Lower the forearm down to about 90 degrees and repeat for 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 16 reps.
  5. Focus on keeping the upper arms stationary against the body throughout the exercise.

Triceps Dips

The 8 Most Effective Exercises for Your Triceps (2)

Triceps dips are the third most effective and challenging exercise, depending on how you position your feet. In this version, the knees are bent, making the movement easier. Extending your feet out will increase the intensity of the exercise.

The key to keeping this move safe is to keep your hips close to the chair or bench to avoid straining the shoulders. Make sure you keep the shoulders down and away from the ears, and if you feel any discomfort in the shoulders, skip this exercise.

How to Do a Triceps Dip

  1. Sit on a chair orbench with your hands just outside the hips, with the knees bent or the legs extended straight out (harder).
  2. Lift up onto the hands and, keeping the hips very close to the chair or bench, and bend your elbows, lowering down until they're at about 90 degrees.
  3. Keep the elbows pointing behind you, the shoulders down, and the abs engaged.
  4. Push back to start and repeat for 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 16 reps.
  5. Avoid this exercise if you feel any pain in the shoulders.

How to Do Triceps Dips: Proper Form, Variations, and Common Mistakes

Overhead Triceps Extensions

The overhead triceps extension is the fourth most effective exercise, coming in at about 76% of muscle activation. The key is keeping the arms next to the ears as you lower the weight behind you. Make sure you can contract the abs to keep your back from arching.

You can do this exercise seated or standing.Believe it or not, this move feels more challenging when you're sitting, and sitting on an exercise ball adds an element of core strength.

How to Do an Overhead Triceps Extension

  1. Sit on a chair, bench, ball, or stand; keep back straight. Hold a weight in both hands, extending it up overhead.
  2. Keep your biceps close to your ears and elbows pointing forward as you lower the weight behind your head until the elbows are at about 90-degree angles.
  3. Straighten the arms, contracting the triceps, and then repeat for 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 16 reps.
  4. Keep the abs engaged throughout the exercise and avoid arching the back.

Rope Pushdowns

The 8 Most Effective Exercises for Your Triceps (3)

The rope pushdown, normally done on a cable machine with a rope attachment, comes in at number five, eliciting about 74% muscle activation. The idea is to spread the rope at the bottom of the movement to really fire up the triceps muscle.

If you don't have access to a cable machine, you can use a resistance band. Attach it to the top of a doorway and tie alooseknot in the band about halfway down.

How to Do a Rope Pushdown

  1. At a cable machine with a rope attachment, hold the rope near the knotted ends and begin the exercise with the elbows bent at about 90 degrees. Your elbows should be next to your torso.
  2. Extend the arms, taking the hands down towards the floor, spreading the rope slightly out on either side as you contract the triceps.
  3. Bring the forearms back to start and repeat for 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 16 reps.

Bar Pushdowns

The bar pushdown is similar to the rope pushdownbut slightly less effective at about 67%. This exercise is usually done on a cable machine at the gym using a small bar attachment, although you can also do this exercise at home with an exercise band and a small pole or bar threaded through the handles.

The key to this move is to keep the elbows stationary as you push the weight down. If you lift the bar too high (say, higher than neck level), your elbows may come forward, making the exercise less effective.

How to Do a Bar Pushdown

  1. Stand in front of a cable machine, holding onto the bar with the elbows bent to about 90 degrees.
  2. Keeping the elbows stationary, push the bar down, contracting the triceps as you extend the arms.
  3. Bring the bar back up to about chest level without moving the elbows and repeat for 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 16 reps.

Lying Triceps Extensions (Skull Crushers)

The 8 Most Effective Exercises for Your Triceps (4)

Triceps extensions performed lying down (also known as skull crushers) come in at a surprising number seven, eliciting about 62% muscle activation. Some exercisers will find this comparatively low activation rate surprising because this exercise is known for being challenging.

The muscle activation data doesn't mean you shouldn't do these anymore, but rather that you should work them into a program that includes some of the top exercises as well. Using a variety of exercises that tackle different muscles at different intensities will lead to better results and stronger triceps.

How to Do a Skull Crusher

  1. Lie on a bench, step, or floor and hold a barbell or dumbbells with your hands about shoulder distance apart.
  2. Begin the exercise by extending the weight up over the head with your palms facing out and thumbs next to the fingers.
  3. Bend the elbows and lower the weight until the elbows are at about 90-degree angles. This would be the part of the exercise where you wouldn't want to crush your skull by going too low.
  4. Squeeze the triceps to straighten the arms without locking the joints.
  5. Repeat for 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 16 reps.

How to Tone the Area Around Your Triceps

Close Grip Bench Presses

The close grip bench press comes in eighth as an effective triceps exercise, eliciting about 62% muscle activation. This move also involves quite a bit of the chest, which may be why the triceps don't work as much as in other exercises.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't do this exercise. In fact, this can be a great exercise if you're working both the chest and triceps in the same workout.

Doing this move at the end of your chest exercises can warm up the triceps before you move on to more targeted moves.

How to Do a Close Grip Bench Press

  1. Lie on a bench or step holding a barbell with hands about shoulder-width apart.
  2. Begin the exercise with the elbows bent and the barbell hovering just over the ribcage.
  3. Press the weight straight over the ribcage, focusing on contracting the triceps.
  4. Lower and repeat for 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 16 reps.

Advanced Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps Workout

4 Sources

Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Landin D, Thompson M, Jackson M. Functions of the triceps brachii in humans: a review. J Clin Med Res. 2018;10(4):290-293. doi:10.14740/jocmr3340w

  2. Park HK, Jung MK, Park E, et al. The effect of warm-ups with stretching on the isokinetic moments of collegiate men. J Exerc Rehabil. 2018;14(1):78-82. doi:10.12965/jer.1835210.605

  3. Krzysztofik M, Wilk M, Wojdała G, Gołaś A. Maximizing muscle hypertrophy: a systematic review of advanced resistance training techniques and methods. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(24):4897. doi:10.3390/ijerph16244897

  4. American Council on Exercise. ACE-sponsored research: Best triceps exercises.

The 8 Most Effective Exercises for Your Triceps (5)

By Paige Waehner, CPT
Paige Waehner is a certified personal trainer, author of the "Guide to Become a Personal Trainer," and co-author of "The Buzz on Exercise & Fitness."

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The 8 Most Effective Exercises for Your Triceps (2024)


Are 8 sets of triceps enough? ›

For most folks, a volume of 10-14 sets/week tends to be appropriate. Like I already mentioned earlier, it correlates with how many compound push exercises your current program provides. However, in general, it is very likely that you'll make progress with around 10-14 sets/week of direct triceps work.

What exercises activate the most triceps? ›

Three exercises that hit all 3 heads of the triceps are:
  • Cable Triceps Pushaway for long head.
  • Diamond Cutter Pushup for lateral head.
  • Close Grip Bench Press for medial head – try an underhand grip to see if you feel it more.

What exercise makes your triceps stronger? ›

Close-grip bench press

By taking the bar in a narrower grip than your traditional bench press grip, your elbows are much closer to the body when you bring the bar down. This puts much more load through the triceps, making it one of the best tricep exercises for targeting all three heads.

Is 5 exercises enough for triceps? ›

You should aim to do 3-5 tricep exercises per triceps workout, making sure to choose exercises that hit all 3 heads of the triceps, put the long head of the triceps on stretch, and hit overlapping strength curves.

Is 2 tricep exercises enough? ›

Every week of triceps training should probably include at least one isolation exercise (pushdowns or skull crushers, for example) and one compound exercise (dips, for example) for the triceps.

Is 4 sets of 8 effective? ›

Somewhere between 3-6 sets of 7-12 reps is a good rule of thumb. However, there are a number of different approaches to hypertrophy training that will diverge from this. For example, performing 8 sets of 3 reps rather than 3 sets of 8 reps, with less rest time, has been shown to be an effective technique.

How often should I train my triceps? ›

The Ideal Frequency for Triceps Training

When it comes to triceps training frequency for maximum growth, it's generally recommended to train them 2-3 times per week. This frequency ensures ample recovery time between sessions, while still providing adequate stimulation and volume to promote hypertrophy.

What is the best reps for triceps? ›

Hold your head, spine and lower body stable but relaxed during the exercise. You can do triceps extensions lying on a weight bench or on the floor. For most people, one set of 12 to 15 repetitions is adequate. Remember, for best results, move your arm smoothly and slowly during the exercise.

What exercise builds triceps the fastest? ›

Here are 5 of the best exercises to get your guns growing.
  • Dips: Dips are simply to perform and don't require much equipment. ...
  • Close Grip Bench Presses: ...
  • Push-downs: ...
  • French Presses Or Lying Triceps Extensions Or Skull Crushers: ...
  • Overhead Extensions:
May 26, 2021

What are the only two exercises for triceps? ›

The lying tricep extension and rocking push down create a synergy that targets the long head through both stretch and contraction, ensuring a well-rounded and effective tricep training routine.

What is the number one tricep exercise? ›

The most effective tricep exercise for building mass is the Triceps Extension because it allows us to perform it with either dumbbells or a barbell, allows for progressive overload directly to the triceps and is easier on the wrists and elbows if you use an EZ curl bar.

How can I activate my triceps more? ›

Exercises such as push-ups, shoulder presses, dips and bench presses target the triceps. In other words, movements that involve upper body pushing and elbow extension will activate the triceps brachii. Body builders use isolated exercises to “target” the triceps; specifically, to train certain heads.

What exercise builds the biggest triceps? ›

The three best exercises for bulking up the triceps are:
  • Triceps Pushdown.
  • Close Grip Bench Press.
  • Triceps Extension.

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