The Golden Rule of SEO: Content is King - Search Engine Watch (2024)

If you’ve been around the search marketing block a few times, you’ve heard this statement more times than you can count. I know it sounds redundant, but until more companies do a better job at focusing on their Web site copy, it bears repeating. Well written content is important for three primary reasons:

  • Engages the reader
  • Increases search engine rankings and traffic
  • Promotes the likelihood of quality links from other sites

I’ve seen more than my share of companies who depend too heavily upon the weight and popularity of their brand to drive traffic to their site. Of course, it’s great that they have established their name or product in the minds of the public. But if you have one competitor who has done the same, and also provides quality written content on each page of their website, you’ve just lost a share of the market for no good reason.

We see well established companies make this mistake often on product pages. It’s not enough to post quality photos, a small blurb, and the pricing. In order for your intended audience to find your products and read your page versus your competitor’s, you need every page of your site to be focused on providing detailed, useful information that a customer would search for in the process of making a purchase/conversion decision.

Let’s take a brief look at each of the three primary benefits of quality content. Keep in mind that there are obviously other very important reasons (branding, for example) which we won’t have the room to cover here. I’ve chosen the three listed above because at the very least, your Web site needs to draw visitors through search engines, inform them of the amazing benefits you have to offer, and to encourage other webmasters and site content managers to consider your site to be an authority on a given subject. With search, attention to detail, and word of mouth, you have the beginnings of a successful Web presence through copywriting.

Engage the Reader

Traditional marketers and copywriters frequently criticize search engine optimization companies for focusing so intently upon the keyword research and placement within the text that they sacrifice the art of truly engaging content. Granted, it can be delicate balance at times, but our ultimate goal with every written page is to entertain, inform, and entice the reader.

All the top search engine rankings in the world cannot make up for a page so hideous that no one stops to read or continue visiting the site. Basic copywriting classes and workshops are excellent places to get tips on how to keep the reader as the center of your focus and your writing. If copywriting doesn’t come naturally to you and outsourcing isn’t an option, visit CopyBlogger on the Web for copywriting tips or enroll in a local copywriting class or workshop (check your local community colleges and writer’s guilds).

Increase Search Engine Rankings and Traffic

Though there are plenty of phrases people still don’t search for, your chances of receiving organic search traffic increase exponentially, based upon the quality of your copy. For the interactive marketing company, it can feel like pulling teeth to convince some companies to seriously consider copy changes or additions to their site. Perhaps we, as an industry, need to do a better job of communicating the necessity, because quality content is absolutely critical to achieving top rankings for competitive phrases.

Pictures and graphics don’t equate into words, unless you’ve added the appropriate HTML tags to them. Even then, tags are no substitute for actual text in the body of your site.

Think of this way: each search engine is programmed and designed to crawl each site in a manner similar to a human. Information is stored and viewed as more or less important based upon what a human is most likely to consider important. You can have the best META tags in the world, but search engines reward Web pages where the tags match up with the page’s copy.

Promote the Likelihood of Quality Links

It’s a well known fact that quality links to your Web site are one of the most influential factors in determining search engine rank. The search engine knows to rank any of your pages as extremely important if many authoritative pages externally (and within your site) link to it.

Quality content affects both the quality and amount of inbound links. With the rise of social media sites including Digg, Reddit,, and Ma.gnolia, your site content is more important than ever. Your readers have the power to submit excerpts of your copy to these sites with links back to your page for all to see.


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This is especially powerful for companies with the foresight to regularly produce articles, blogs, and press releases. This fresh content not only contributes to the optimization of your site, it also provides opportunities for exposure to (potentially) millions of readers on various social media sites. Some companies plan entire campaigns around the bursts of traffic received from social media links.

As always, I strongly recommend keyword research at the beginning of any copywriting endeavor for the Web. Know what words and phrases your intended readers are searching with, and craft well-written copy for each page. If your terminology is relevant and your style is easy to follow, you have achieved the most important, yet often overlooked foundational task of organic search optimization and marketing.

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The Golden Rule of SEO: Content is King - Search Engine Watch (2024)


What is the golden rule of SEO? ›

The Golden Rule of SEO is "create content for users, not for search engines". This means that when creating website content, the primary focus should be on providing value to users and meeting their needs, rather than trying to manipulate search engine rankings by using keyword stuffing or other unethical tactics.

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SEO is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERP). By doing this, you can increase your website's visibility and traffic. In addition, effective SEO can help you improve your brand visibility and generate more leads.

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What Is SEO Content? SEO content is online content designed to rank in search engines (like Google). Also, content written for SEO is typically optimized around a specific keyword. And when it comes to search engine optimization, make no mistake: Content is KEY.

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Content is King Meaning

If you have the best content, more people will spend their time consuming it. People want to learn new things, be entertained, and better understand the world around them. Content forms the basis of conveying information and for businesses, forms the primary way customers connect with them.

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Eye-tracking studies show an “F” shaped pattern that most people tend to look at most often when looking at Search Engine Results Pages. These patterns vary slightly among the different Search Engines, but show the importance of placement among Natural Listings and Pay-per-Click ads.

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What Are the Stages of Search Engine Optimization? There are 4 stages of SEO: keyword research, readability check, linking, and marketing.

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The goal of performing SEO on any given webpage is to improve the quality of your content, so search engines will choose to list your content within search results. By improving and expanding your website's content, you will increase the quantity of traffic that your web content receives from search engines each day.

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As the stats have shown, SEO is an excellent way to boost brand awareness, drive more site traffic, and increase sales revenue. That said, SEO is only worth it if you approach it the right way.

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The most common example of on-page SEO is optimizing a piece of content to a specific keyword. For example, if you're publishing a blog post about making your own ice cream, your keyword might be “homemade ice cream.” You'd include that keyword in your post's title, slug, meta description, headers, and body.

What are SEO keywords? ›

SEO keywords (also known as “keywords” or “keyphrases”) are terms added to online content in order to improve search engine rankings for those terms. Most keywords are discovered during the keyword research process and are chosen based on a combination of search volume, competition and commercial intent.

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An SEO strategy is a plan to create, optimize, and promote content to improve its visibility in search engine results, attracting more organic traffic to a website. It involves a variety of techniques, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO, and link building.

Why is content king important? ›

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, there is a popular saying that "Content is King." This phrase has become a mantra for marketers, bloggers, and digital strategists alike, emphasizing the importance of high-quality content in driving traffic, engagement, and conversions.

Is content still King in 2024? ›

Owned, Earned, and Paid Media and Content Marketing

In our opinion, the sentiment behind “Content is King” still rings true in 2024. Content and content marketing are critical to how we customize each Creative Blend Design client's marketing strategy and campaigns.

Is content still important for SEO? ›

The importance of quality content in SEO can't be overstated. People perform an average of 40,000 searches on Google every second, many of whom could be your potential customers. It's worth optimizing your content to rank organically in search engine results pages (SERPs).

What are the 3 C's of SEO? ›

Simply put, the fundamentals of SEO can be boiled down to The 3 Cs: content, code and credibility.

What is the 80 20 rule for SEO? ›

By doing an 80-20 optimization of your website — whittling your pages down to the 20% of things that produces 80% of the results — you'll not only have a simpler site that'll convert better, but you'll have less work in developing and managing it since there'll be fewer elements to think about.

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SEO Strategy for Beginners

The good news is that the basics of SEO remain the same. Focus on the user first, always. Focus on helping them, always, and not just gaming the algorithm. Your goal isn't just to rank highly — it's to get the right content in front of the right people.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.