This Week In RuneScape: The Battle Of The Monolith continues! - News - RuneScape - RuneScape (2024)

This week, learn when you can start playing RuneScape on mobile! We've also got a new installment of the Battle of the Monolith, some information about a new store, and an important notice about downtime. Let's dive in!

RuneScape On Mobile Launches June 17th!

We're moments away from the arrival of RuneScape on mobile, and we couldn't be more excited! Skilling, questing, exploring and making friends - every experience Gielinor has to offer is at your fingertips, wherever you are. And with full cross-platform play, you can continue your journey from desktop to mobile, anytime you like. It's a whole new way to play, folks.

The really exciting news is that we're also fast closing in on Tier 4 of our pre-registration goal. This means more rewards will be unlocked for everyone to enjoy! So, rally your friends to sign up now and let's get those extra goodies!

The game will be available to download for free on iOS and Android from June 17th.

Battle Of The Monolith Rages On!

This Week In RuneScape: The Battle Of The Monolith continues! - News - RuneScape - RuneScape (1)

As Zaros' plan creates unlikely alliances and new enemies, the battle nears its climax... combat is calling!

But there's more, brave hero - this is also your chance to prepare for another great challenge that lies ahead. Join the battle and take this opportunity to train up to 75 Slayer, 74 Archaeology and 74 Magic. Let's just say you're going to need it for what's coming...

The Marketplace

The all-new Marketplace store is officially open for business!

This new store is your one-stop-shop for everything you'll need on your adventures across Gielinor, from oddments and bonds to the latest cosmetics and emotes. It aims to bring the entire RuneScape shopping experience together into one place and will run alongside Solomon's Store, which will no longer receive new items.

Check it out by heading to the 'Upgrades and Extras' tab.

This Week In RuneScape: The Battle Of The Monolith continues! - News - RuneScape - RuneScape (2)

For more information, check out our shoptastic newspost.

Extended Downtime: June 9th

We're having a little system brush-up this week, to make sure that we're completely protected from another login lockout. The team has already made plenty of improvements to add additional protection, but this extra push should fully eliminate the possibility of any other problems of this kind. For that reason, there will be extended downtime for roughly six hours on June 9th, running from 7am Game Time. Follow us on any of our social accounts to stay up-to-date on maintenance during the break!

Yak To The Light


  • Typo fix for Blade of Saeldor.
  • Fixed an issue where the individual Seren Crystal Armour pieces were showing twice in the wardrobe and the Dark Crystal pieces were not being shown at all!
  • When starting Yak To The Light, your progress through Yak To Basics is now correctly displayed.
  • Previously, when players tried to purchase the Premier Pass or Yak Track Skips from the Yak To The Light Interface, they were given the message 'This Package is Unavailable.' This has now been fixed.



  • The Mobile Controls interface has been updated to use the new icons.
  • Mobile Beta: The Black Hole Experience section of the Gower Quest has been improved. The puzzle can now be solved by 'Searching' the correct place with the required item in your backpack. This removes the need to use an object from the backpack on a place that is obscured by the UI.



  • On the Achievement interface, if the prerequisites for an achievement are not met but the achievement is complete (for example, by boosting stat prerequisites), the achievement will display as complete instead of locked.
  • Some gaps have been stitched up in the Scarlet Thief's outfit on feminine characters.


  • Action Bars now update correctly when clearing slots or switching between them.
  • The empty tile now appears correctly on the Slider Puzzle Boxes.
  • Quick Prayers/Curses: Fixed an issue that prevents the 'Selected' highlight from disappearing when de-selecting a Quick Prayer.
  • Pulse Cores: Fixed an issue that prevents the 'X' graphic from disappearing when deselecting a skill.
  • Fixed a typo where 'Anachronia' was in lowercase under the achievement description for Bean There, Done That, Got The Postcard.
  • The Endurance Mode prerequisite for the Sun Shade achievement now correctly shows 25 floors, where previously it was 14.
  • Fixed an issue with misaligned text in the Settings interface.
  • The Red Cerberus Armour tokens that are displayed on the Cerberus Rush info screen in Treasure Hunter will now correctly show the red token variant when hovered over.
  • Fixed issues with the Ceremonial Sword tutorial. Sten is now in the right place during the animation and the Respect Percentage box no longer disappears after exiting or completing the tutorial.
  • The achievement 61 Shades of Red is now marked as complete once the Daemonheim Slayer log has been completed.
    • This will also unlock the title 'The Bloodrager'.
  • You can no longer wear a Goebie Mask and an Underwater Disguise Kit at the same time.
  • Quest Journal objectives for One Piercing Note are no longer highlighted after completing the quest.
  • You now receive coins after using Alchemy when borrowed power is set to High-alchemy and the Alchemist's Amulet is in the Backpack.
  • Elves in the Arandar Passage now take damage from the Bladed Dive, and also respond with an attack.
  • Grizzly bear death animations have been fixed.
  • A wall near Varrock Palace now has correct collision.
  • Resolved an issue with the Legacy Interface mode that was causing the additional Action Bar to be hidden if the Chat was also hidden.
  • Fixed an issue with the animation for the Planting Flag Rest override.
  • Black Stone Arrows are no longer consumed while using abilities on a target that is already at the maximum debuff.

J-Mod Livestreams

Tuesday June 8th | 16:00 Game Time | Cancelled

This livestream has been cancelled.

Wednesday June 9th | 16:00 Game Time | Tea Time with Mod Bolton

Grab a cuppa, put your feet up and jump in for a chat with Mod Bolton, Head of Influencer Management, to talk about his role and get the inside scoop on becoming a successful RuneScape Creator.

Cracking Creations

Awesome Art

This week's creations were spotted in our lovely Steam community, and we had to share!

This Week In RuneScape: The Battle Of The Monolith continues! - News - RuneScape - RuneScape (3)

The famous siblings: Zaros and Seren!

By Aguarela

This Week In RuneScape: The Battle Of The Monolith continues! - News - RuneScape - RuneScape (4)

Clannies! Assemble!

By spYce

Screenshot of the Week

We usually showcase a bunch of screenshots each week, but this time, one really stood out!

Behold the mighty God of Thunder, Zeus!

This Week In RuneScape: The Battle Of The Monolith continues! - News - RuneScape - RuneScape (5)

By don

Community Corner

Pink Skirts Event

We're in the mood to catch a mighty mallard - it's a Mega Duck Hunt! Join Nanci, Nastyfruit and Ascensus this Saturday June 12th, from 16:00-17:00 at the Warforge on World 134. It'll be quackers!

Community Shout-Out

Are you all about in-game eleganza and wild and whacky costumes? Wanna throw on some couture and quest with the sartorial best? Then the FashionScape is the community for you! Join the other fashionistas, show off your best looks and ogle at the pros.

Head to Discord and join in the fun:

- The RuneScape Team

This Week In RuneScape: The Battle Of The Monolith continues!  - News - RuneScape - RuneScape (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.