Understanding Flask Framework: Installation, features & Expert Insights (2024)


Developing dynamic and interactive web applications has become crucial in the current digital era, and Flask, a flexible and lightweight Python framework, is a great place to start for people who are new to web programming. This article will give you a strong foundation to start your Flask Python journey, whether you’re an experienced programmer exploring new technologies or a coding enthusiast taking your first steps.

We’ll delve into the fundamental concepts, guide you through setting up your development environment, and empower you to build your first web application with Flask. Get ready to unlock the potential of web development as we demystify Flask and pave the way for your exciting learning experience.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

Table of contents

  • What is Flask?
  • What is Flask Python Used For?
  • What is a Framework?
  • What are the key features of Flask?
  • Frontend Development vs Backend Development
  • Flask Framework
  • Installation of Flask
  • Static Routes vs Dynamic Routes in Flask
  • HTML Injections
  • HTML Escaping
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • HTTP Methods
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is Flask?

Python’s Flask micro web framework can be used to build web-based apps for interacting and displaying data-driven content. Although Flask is more frequently associated with web development, it can also be used in data science to create straightforward web interfaces, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), and visualisation tools that enable data scientists and analysts to present their data and analyses in a user-friendly and interactive way.

What is Flask Python Used For?

Python’s Flask micro web framework is well-liked and frequently used to create online apps. It offers a straightforward and adaptable method for developing Python-based web applications and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Flask is renowned for its straightforward design, which gives developers the freedom to select the elements they desire and customise their apps to meet their needs.

Common Uses of Flask

Here are some common uses of Flask:

  • Web Applications: Flask builds various types of web applications, including blogs, e-commerce sites, social media platforms, and more. Its simplicity and flexibility make it suitable for both small projects and larger, more complex applications.
  • API Development: Create RESTful APIs that enable communication between different software systems. Use these APIs to share data, perform actions, and integrate various services.
  • Prototyping: Flask’s lightweight nature makes it a great choice for quickly prototyping web-based ideas and concepts. It allows developers to rapidly create and test their ideas without the overhead of more complex frameworks.
  • Microservices: Flask lends itself well to constructing microservices, which constitute small, autonomously deployable constituents within more extensive applications. Developers can construct each microservice utilizing Flask to offer distinct functionalities.
  • Webhooks: Webhooks function by obtaining data from external services upon the occurrence of particular events. Flask enables the creation of endpoints capable of listening for these events and initiating actions within your application.
  • Interactive Dashboards: Flask can be used to build interactive dashboards that visualize data in real-time. This is useful for data analysis, reporting, and monitoring purposes.
  • Educational Projects: Flask is often used in educational settings to teach web development concepts due to its simplicity and clear structure. Students can quickly learn about routes, templates, and interactions between the front end and back end.
  • Small to Medium-sized Websites: For websites that don’t require the complexity of larger frameworks, Flask provides a lightweight alternative that still supports various features.
  • Integration with Data Science and Machine Learning: Flask empowers the creation of web interfaces for data science and machine learning models, facilitating user interaction and utilization of these models without the necessity of comprehending the underlying code.

What is a Framework?

The framework is the basis upon which software programs are built. It serves as a foundation for software developers, allowing them to create a variety of applications for certain platforms. A set of functions and predefined classes used to connect with the system software and handle inputs and outputs. The life of a developer while giving them the ability to use certain extensions and makes the online applications scalable and maintainable.

What are the key features of Flask?

Flask is a popular Python web framework that allows you to create web applications quickly and easily. Some of the key features of Flask are:

  • Lightweight and minimalistic: Flask has very few dependencies and provides only the essential components for web development, such as routing, request handling, templating, and testing. This makes Flask easy to learn and use, and also gives you more flexibility and control over your application.
  • Jinja2 templating engine: Flask uses Jinja2 as its default templating engine, which lets you write dynamic HTML templates with Python-like syntax. Jinja2 supports features such as inheritance, macros, filters, and expressions, and also offers security features such as auto-escaping and sandboxing.
  • WSGI compliant: Flask is compliant with the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) standard, which defines how web servers and web applications communicate. This means that Flask can run on any WSGI-compatible web server, such as Gunicorn, uWSGI, or Apache.
  • Extensible and modular: Flask supports a modular approach to web development, where you can organize your application into smaller and reusable components called blueprints. Flask also has a rich ecosystem of extensions that provide additional functionality, such as database integration, authentication, caching, email, and more. You can choose the extensions that suit your needs and customize them as you like.

Frontend Development vs Backend Development

  1. The front end of a website is the area with which the user immediately interacts. It contains everything that users see and interact with: text colours and styles, images and videos, graphs and tables, the navigation menu, buttons, and colours. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are used in developing the front end. Some of the frameworks for frontend are:
    • AngularJS
    • Sencha Ext JS
    • React
  2. The backend of a website refers to the server-side of the website. It saves and organizes data and ensures that everything on the client-side of the website functions properly. It is the section of the website that you are unable to interact with or access. It is the part of the software that has no direct communication with the users. Back End development is done using Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript. Some of the framework for the backend are :
    • Flask
    • Tornado
    • PyramidArmin Ronacher
    • Django

Flask Framework

Flask is used for developing web applications using python, implemented on Werkzeug and Jinja2. Advantages of using Flask framework are:

  • There is a built-in development server and a fast debugger provided.
  • Lightweight
  • Support Secure cookies
  • Templating using Jinja2
  • Request dispatching using REST
  • Support for unit testing is built-in

Installation of Flask

Python Version

Install the latest version of Python or at least use a version >= Python 3.7

Creating Virtual Environment

Virtual environments are separate collections of Python libraries, one for each project. Installed packages for one project do not affect other projects or the operating system’s packages. Python has the venv package, which allows you to build virtual environments.

For Windows

> mkdir myproject> cd myproject> py -3 -m venv venv

For Mac

$ mkdir myproject$ cd myproject$ python3 -m venv venv

Make the Environment Active

Before you begin working on your project, turn on the environment:

For Windows

> venvScriptsactivate

For Mac

$ . venv/bin/activate

The name of the current active environment will be shown in your shell prompt.

Install Flask

Run the following command in the active environment to install Flask:

<div><div><pre>$ pip install Flask</pre></div></div>

Creating Our First Flask App

Let’s make our first flask app now. Flask application may look like this:

Python Code:

from flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route("/")def home(): res = "Hello, World! This is our first Flask app." return resif __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host='', port=80)

If everything works fine this will start a built-in server, which is used for testing but probably not suitable for production usage, your console will show the following output:

Understanding Flask Framework: Installation, features & Expert Insights (1)
<div class="medium-insert-images"><figure></figure></div>

This means that our app is running on Here is the default IP address.

Now let’s understand the code:

  1. We started by importing the Flask class.
  2. We then make an instance of this class. Pass the ‘__name__’ argument which is the name of the application’s module or package. Flask needs this to know where to look for resources like templates and static files.
  3. Use the route() decorator to inform Flask which URL should activate our method.
  4. This method returns the message that should in the user’s browser.

Debug Mode

The flask run command is capable of doing more than simply starting the development server. When we enable debug mode, the server will immediately reload if the code changes, and an interactive debugger will appear in the browser if an error occurs during a request.

Creating fixed URLs is so damn simple. Users are more likely to enjoy and return to a website if it has a meaningful URL that they can remember and use to get directly to the page. To assist users, modern online apps employ meaningful URLs. To tie a function to a URL, use the route() decorator.

@app.route('/')def index(): return 'This is Home Page'@app.route('/hello')def hello(): return 'This is Hello, World Page'

Now let’s understand the code:

  1. app.route(‘/’) will route to the home page URL, trailing slash ‘/’is generally used as a convention for the home page.
  2. app.route(‘/hello’) will route to the hello page URL.

In this way, we can render as many distinct web page URLs we want.

Static Routes vs Dynamic Routes in Flask

Static Route

As we can understand from the name that static routes are fixed routes i.e. for each route functionalities we have to explicitly define the same function for each URL route.

@app.route('/Elon')def greet(): return 'Welcome Elon. What would you like to order.'@app.route('/John')def hello(): return 'Welcome John. What would you like to order.'

This code will greet different users with the same message.

Although implementing the same function for multiple routes isn’t a big problem until you get to a certain number of routes. It quickly becomes a frantic process when we are dealing with hundreds of routes.

Dynamic Route

Instead of defining the same function for each route, we can add variable sections to a URL by annotating sections with . The variable name is then sent to the defined function as the parameter.

@app.route('/')def greet(name): return f'welcome {name}. What would you like to order.'

in the route captures a value from the URL and passes it to the function. So even if million of users route this web page we can handle all the routes by defining merely one function.

We can also use a converter to define the type of the parameter, such as.

Defining datatype along with variable name enforces the user to follow the convention while passing the route name to the server.

Converter Types

intonly accepts positive integers
floatonly accepts positive floating-point values
stringaccepts text (by default) without a slash
pathlike string but also accepts slashes
uuidaccepts UUID strings

HTML Injections

HTML injection is a way of modifying a web page that an application presents to its users by using non-validated input. If a program does not validate the user data, an attacker can send a malicious text in HTML format which can modify the content of the site, seen by other users. A query can result in the insertion of attacker-controlled HTML elements into a web page, changing the way application content is on the web.

HTML Escaping

To defend against injection attacks, it’s essential to enclose all user-provided values when rendering output in HTML (the default response type in Flask).

Use the escape() function manually. Most examples remove it for brevity, but you should always be mindful of how you’re accessing untrusted data.

from flask import escape
@app.route("/")def hello(name): return f"Hello, {escape(name)}!"

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

When we are searching for any web pages, to access their server and client employs several HTTP methods to communicate. As you work with Flask, you should become familiar with the HTTP methods.

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a protocol that allows clients and servers to share information. HTTP is a request-response protocol to communicate between a client and a server. A client (browser) sends an HTTP request to the server, and the server answers.

HTTP Methods

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • HEAD

Currently, we will look at GET and POST, these are the most common methods.

GET Method

Use GET to fetch information from a certain website.

POST Method

Use POST to send data to a server to update or create a resource.

from flask import request@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def login(): if request.method == 'POST': return do_the_login() else: return show_the_login_form()

A route, by default, only responds to GET queries. The route() decorator’s methods parameter may handle HTTP methods.


In the realm of Python web development, Flask shines as a light of simplicity and versatility. Whether it’s a prototype, a microservice, or a small-to-medium-sized web platform, its basic approach empowers developers to create applications that closely match their requirements. Flask promotes creativity and innovation by providing a balance between flexibility and structure, allowing developers to concentrate on their concepts and solutions rather than the specifics of the framework itself. Flask is quite versatile and use it for data research, API development, and more, making it a crucial tool for anyone looking to use Python in the dynamic world of web development.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is flask Python used for?

With its straightforward and adaptable Flask framework, use Python to construct web apps and APIs that are interactive and data-driven.

Q2. What is flask vs Django?

A flexible and minimalist micro web framework for Python, Flask is lightweight. A high-level web framework called Django has more pre-built capabilities and conventions for quick development.

Q3. Which is the best flask or Django?

The choice between Flask and Django depends on project complexity; Flask suits smaller, custom applications, while Django offers more features for larger, structured projects.

Q4. When should I use flask in Python?

Use Flask in Python to create simple to fairly complex web applications or APIs that suits your own requirements. Flask is a lightweight and versatile framework.

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Ashray Saini07 Feb 2024

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Understanding Flask Framework: Installation, features & Expert Insights (2024)


What are the features of Flask in Python? ›

  • Development server and debugger.
  • Integrated support for unit testing.
  • RESTful request dispatching.
  • Uses Jinja templating.
  • Support for secure cookies (client side sessions)
  • 100% WSGI 1.0 compliant.
  • Unicode-based.
  • Complete documentation.

What should I learn before Flask? ›

Before learning Flask, it is important to have a solid foundation in Python and some basic knowledge of programming and web development fundamentals including HTML and CSS.

Is Flask difficult to learn? ›

Is Flask Hard to Learn? The short answer is: no. Flask is a great place to start your Python web development journey. Flask documentation is extensive and easy to follow; it also has tutorials at all levels to help you get started, up skill and build real-world applications.

What is Flask explained simply? ›

What is Flask? Flask is a web framework that allows developers to build lightweight web applications quickly and easily with Flask Libraries. It was developed by Armin Ronacher, leader of the International Group of Python Enthusiasts(POCCO). It is basically based on the WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 templating engine.

What is the main feature of Flask? ›

The simplicity and user-friendly nature of Flask make it an ideal framework for the development of prototypes and proofs of concept. Flask features a minimalistic design that facilitates a quick setup of basic applications, route definitions, and the implementation of core features.

Can I learn Flask in one day? ›

If you know python it is very easy to learn Flask. Learning and understanding anything is a slow process. Flask is a framework, you can understand it in few hours. But to be master it will take few days, efforts and practice.

Which is harder Flask or Django? ›

Flask is lighter and much more explicit than Django. So, if you're new to web development but not to Python, you'll find it much easier to develop in Flask since it will feel much like you're working with vanilla Python to define request handlers and views and what not. Django has a lot of overhead.

Can we learn Flask in a week? ›

If you wish to develop a simple and lightweight web application then Flask is suitable for that. It is not as powerful and extensive as Django but still provides features such as support for unit testing and building REST APIs. Learning Flask will take 1 – 1.5 weeks.

What are the disadvantages of Flask? ›

Disadvantages of Flask: Lack of built-in features: Compared to other frameworks, Flask has fewer built-in features and may require additional extension libraries. Lack of standardization: Flask project structures can vary among developers, lacking a unified standardization.

What is Flask best used for? ›

Flask: Ideal for smaller projects or prototypes due to its lightweight nature and minimalistic design. Offers flexibility and simplicity, making it suitable for rapid development.

Is Flask a frontend or backend? ›

Flask is a backend micro-framework written in Python for the rapid development process. It is famous for its simplicity and independence. It does not need any external library for work, which makes it beginner-friendly, and many people choose this framework. Flask is generally used for building a REST API.

What are the features in Python? ›

Features in Python
  • Free and Open Source. ...
  • Easy to code. ...
  • Easy to Read. ...
  • Object-Oriented Language. ...
  • GUI Programming Support. ...
  • High-Level Language. ...
  • Large Community Support. ...
  • Easy to Debug.
Nov 1, 2023

Why use Flask for Python? ›

Flask: Offers more flexibility and freedom to developers, allowing them to choose and integrate specific libraries and components as needed. Well-suited for developers who prefer to have greater control over the project structure and design.

What are the features of Django vs Flask? ›

Flask is a lightweight micro-framework ideal for simple, extensible web apps, while Django is a full-featured framework best for scalable, feature-rich projects. Flask offers flexibility and a “build from scratch” approach, while Django comes with many built-in tools for rapid development.

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