Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2024)

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Detroit, Michigan

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num wrtl gfRflA rs EVENIN6 EDITION Br MASKTIC TKLXiKArH I BOLLING MILLS k' IRON Surgeon Homerraed receiv hera ta Wyandotte Rolling mills Bl be 8 Slmuficments METROPOLITAN' THEATRE dotl)ing YOUTH AND MANHOOD lots Capo WATCHES! WATCHES! I THALBERG 8 my TWO I ftpr25 ON 1857 A gl STEAMERS 3 my Stock before pur 111 anted OR VIST 8UPIBIOR Detroit May 2d 1857 NEW YORK trunks THE WASHINGTON BOOTS AND SHOES 1 EWE April 11 1857 ii Bankers 156 Jefrroop tvcnae dtf $1500 JOHN BOGER ew 1 ni V) ii 13 3 IK wr rr irllK AMKK1VAMSI3 I Perry's JPn ExpwiiUoo abridged 4iiu txb1 Th ittA and DTi ee apr29 MkMcincB 4Hart)inerB it i t' I I KIRDS IKON ie jc st RETAIL Mflcrtmeut of ine 1 01 II MJTJOV7I Leesee and Manager Mr A MacfarlanD Stage Manager Mr Chkxbt BENEIT of the Sufferers In the Northern Counties mac iTx a The Minnesota New Yobe May 16 fhs steam frigate Minnesota destined for aiuM placed in commiaaion at Philadelphia aMtdiJ morning and all the officers entered 7dlf She leaves on Wednesday next taking Mt China our Minister Wm Heed Esq udbia two sons 10600 Patients cubed annually by the nae of Genuine Preparation of luid Extract of Buchn a most positive and specific remedy for distressing ailments Read the advertisem*nt in another column beaded A Revolution is Victory is oars" lurT dswawlro SPRING AND SUMMER HATS AT WHOLESALE Great saving of Time and Distance Through to Mt Cleaaena in Two Hours ria New Liverpool (CAPT JOHN A 3LOANE) Will commence hr dally trip (Sundays excepted) on MUNDAY March 30th leaving Dbtroit foot of irst street at 10 a Nsw Liverpool at 1 clock An omnibus will leave on arrival of the Boat and Mt Clement at 12 and connect with all Stage Lines for Romeo Almont Dryden Utica Ac Ac or freight or passage apply on board or to CATLIN ERWIN foot of irst street Detroit A 8 GUERBER New Liverpool my 13 d3tawlm A A rK No 166 Jefferson arena NORTH AMERICAN Hili INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK? established IN IHJS Cash Capital SaWiWL and args surplus 7 Griawnid street yMU And bbalbr in finb watches rich JrWBLBY SlLVKR SPOOM8 PLATBD WaKK SPECTA CLE6 and ancy Goods No 125 Jeflpraon avenue (oppoite Peninsular and armers and Banks Particular attention paid to repairing Watches anaJulyine price fnr re pointing Gold Pens medium en growing and mammoth 60 centa each Persons sendinghem by mail with amount in Post office atampe enclosed will be promptly attended to ly ALL WORK WAKRAYfKD aep25 dly sc hwTar HAS REMOVED HIS YANKEE NOTIONS! TOYS AND ANCY GOODS BUSINESS (WHOLESALE AND RETAII) To No 210 Jefferson Avenue yvy OveoaiTl tbi ibbbo's Hall Where io a much larger Store and with a splendidstock of Goo a he will be hpty to see hu friendand the publte generally LuAKLi3 avti Ari i ti Detroit April api2d6m elegantly illuataLed Thesis and price of thw work win placo it within the reach of thoumnda i who have not had the larger work oreale by WM H0M8 mj7 Successor to Elwood A Go 19 Lots near the Buena Vista House BKI WKKN SIXTH AND SEVENTH STREETS a short distance north of Grand Riyer Road on fa vorable terms Cash price of a lot $2) Title perfect Apply to MILLER eouth eaat corner of St Antoine and Ijifavette streets or JULIUS 8 TOLL mar3 dtf No 37 Woodward are Post Office Block NEW ARRIVAL rrtlKDIAM WA LHH HAS JUST RETURNED ROM I New York with a large stock of WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY CUTLERY (IUNS PISTOLS AND YANKEE NOTIONS Newest Styles and Patterns which he sells lor CASH very cheap Wholesale and Retail 65 WOODWARD AVE CORNER LARNED ST Abd Vader Tait National Hotel Detroit April Up 18:7 apr23 dtf IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON Cathartic (SUGAR CURED for IRON OUNDRY I NDEHSIGNED AHK PKKPAKKIJTO furnish at abort notice Stationary Engines MILL OEARING WARKHOllsK HOISTING APPARATUS And all varieties of Iron Work Repair Work on Propel lera Steamers and Saw Mills executed promptly and thor oughly UUSlllJ' MU4 xxrnv) Boot VODgns Gaiters Uxloraties Brogana dqbii of every quality and price Any quantity of Misses and Boots Busking Ties and 81ps I shall be making constant additions from the very best manufac tories east together with mv own manufacture My stock will a first rate one to select from Call ana sat iffy yourselves at No 155 Jefferson avenue Detroit Boots manufactured to orderat the shortest notice and in ths best powhU manner STQCKnAM NEW CBAT BTBKLIWe AMD' LAKI SltriKlOB IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON 5 IRON WORTH STAR AND ILLINOIS NORTH STAR SWEET Mstir LEASES DETROIT (At 10 o'clock A riday May 1 Tuesday Mav 12 riday May 22 Tuesday June 2 riday June 12 Tuesday Jone 23 I ndav uly 3 4'uesday July 14 riday July 24 Tuesday August 4 riuay SAMUEL HITT MAJWAOTrRBn ROST General Insnrance Agent LIE IRE AND MARINE 47 I rt I ST KTKO1T Risks tskvn st fsir rt a by responsible NY City Cpm nsniss mT dtf THS AST AND 8PL1NPIP STEADIER MICHIGAN IRON OUNDRY JlnA JHttchine Shop Corner of atwatkr rivard pts Detroit Thk undersigned are prepared to furnish at short notiee High and Low Pressure anr25 BLACK PEARL AND DRAB I CHKESK CONWIUNtl KNT CI1KKSM just received and for sale low bv aPH9 JOy PALMkR Just Received HtWO YEAH AHO A CHARMING BOOK BV 1 My" Kt JOHN A KKRR A COTA is 111 OR BOSTON NW ARRANGEMENT RIGHT ROH BOSTON Wil I BETAKEN bv nd hippi from the Company Dock in'hew York (without charge for cartage) by 0 reamer direct to Boston al Low Kates or terms IPply pnTMAN Ageot a pr25 dtf oot of Cw street JUHT RECEIVED A NEW SUPPLY GKN aamonable Black Pearl and Drab Cas simere A olive to Builders T'HE TKUSTKK8 SCHOOLDISTRICT NO 4 in Yprilanti will receive Sealed Proposals until the eighteenth day of May next for the erection ani entire completion of their new School House in the said District Including excavation grading ne ng the wnoioto be done in accordance with plana and specification in the hands of Jordan Anderson Architects in by a day to nametl by said Trustees The contractor to give approved security for the proper aud timely completion of the work The Trustees reserve the right tn reject any nr all proposals received bv them as they may deem (or the interest of said District Communications rosy be addressed to Rexiora 3 REXORD Ypsilanti April 25th lba The time for receiving proposal is extended to weduesday 27th RKX0RB gscrsUry Iron and Brass Castings of every description consisting ot Mill Gearing and for Mining purposes Pot ash Kettle Ac Also Blacksmiths Work in all its various branches Repairs on Steamboats and Propellers BARCLAY A Aug 19 18M augai dly new arrival Thomas walsh has just returned from New York with Urge slock of WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY CUTLERY OURS PISTOLS AND YANKEE NOTIONS Newest Styles and Patterns which be sella for CASH very cheap Wlislecale and Retail eft woodward AVE corner of larked st AMD CMDXH TRI NATIOWSL HOTL Detroit March 31 1367 Ark You Getting Bald? Isyonr hair" turn ing grey? Do you wish to cultivate good whiskers and moustaches? Your hair to be soft silky and glossy? Your head to be cool comfortable and free of dandruff? Mothers are your fhildreti to have luxuriant heads of Lair? Then use Hyperion luid which akvir falls in its unerring effects Prices 25 cents 50 cents 75 cents and $1 50 per bottle Balm of Cytheria stands unrivalled for eradicating tan and pimples and beautifying the complexion Price 50 cents Inventorand proprietor Bogle New Baziar) 203 Wash ngton street Boston and sold by druggists everywhere Agent for Detroit WmTate aprl9 eod3m Bk9t Hair Dyi in tbb World! Thia ia strong language yet Electric Hair Dye (recently Improved) was proer a to be so by the judpee at the late air held in Boston (among whom was Dr Hayes the eminent chemist and State assayer) who awarded it the prizs mkdal and diploma over the choicest Hair Dyes on exhibition from ail parts of the Union Its unparalleled superiority consists 1st The ingredients are nourishing to the hair not destructive as others are 2d Doesnot stain or hurt the akin 3d Is easily applied and dyes the hair any color required fr a delicate brown to a deep black so natural as to appear marvellous Manufactured sol I and applied by Wm Bo gle New Bazar) 202 Washington street Boston Agent for Detroit Wm Tate apr21 eod3m A Rat! a Rat! Dbad fob a Quarter Rata do not die in their holes but leave sjoeedily when Parsons Coh Exterminator need Also a sure death to disgusting Roaches Sold by all druggists in Detroit and elsewhere Warranted successful or the money returned Depots in New York Clickner A Co Barnes Park and CH Ring yy None genuine unless signed by Parsons A Co dewAwly TO RENT I BOSTON HMUSIC STORE The store 213 jeffernon avenue I no isS' jeefersom avenue Young Hall Immediate posees ion given TnniUOAf JOHS A Ki'ftR A PA I I mylO 'z 94 Woodward av NOTICE 4 IKI TION IH DIRECTORS of THE A saiot Msry's 118 Shin Cusl Cvmtwny mH Os MJ at rtoom so 4 on the first floor of the Exchange in the City o( Albany on the twenty sixth day of May between th hours ot eleven and twelve clock in the forenoon of thut dayjohj RUTN Trewursr Albany May 1 187 mylll aHllmyM rrHK SURSCRIBMW 1 Pasture either florae" or Cattie Lut thay have free aeeoM to the Ri ver of over a mile stock received or taken away on the JtaHatb WM IKN Kila n4r1irn Aoril 28tb 1857 HUMMER IN fiRy AT XA "VtJ or 1 by mk BUHL 0O INORMATION WANTED i KEDKKICK WHO LET HIS No 52 Waterloo Street on Thursday April 9th Sbout9 or Io o'clock A He was seen about 4 clock on the afternoon of the same day near the City Hall since which time nathioiz can be learned of him He is about 6 years of age Has slightly deranged fora year or two Whoever will give any information where ne may be found will confers great favor his son Jacob kkanich sprig dtf UH Msple street Detroit A BOOTS AND SHOES NICHOIaS fc IjE AVOUR ARE now RE" ceiving a portion of their Spring Stock of BOOTS Hugh work the feeumony of the Rocks or Geology ip its bearings on the two Theologies Natural and Revealed with memo rial of the dr Ath and character of the Author also Ma caulay on Scotland A critique by Hugh Kecmved tbissnd fur by KAYMOND Ik 8KLLECE CHILDS CO'S TRK AND WATER PROO Elastic Cement Roofing rnHK UNDRRMGNK1L HAVING PURCHASED JL ibe entire right tor the State of Michigan to the above named article hereby annouoce theuiReives prepared contract and apply the same at short notice It the only article yet invented that will successfully resist the action of the atmosphere of all climates It is perfectly elastic fire and water proof and we believe it more dura ble than any metallic roofing We apply it over old tin tar iron or shingle route and warrant it to prove as above represented We will apply it fnr $8 per square (10 feet sonare) Over tin and hou roofs S2 per square it being on account ot its durability the cheapest parnt who are building or wish their roofs re oairadti call at our office opposite the Railroad Hotel Market Square Detroit Michigan and satisfy themselves as to the durability and practicability of this rooting Rights or RIZELL CO my uim NEW BO OKS rpHINUM NOT GKMKKALuUM KNOWN BY Bookstore 7" MISSING! JOHN RODGERS A RESIDENT THE TOWN pf 27 years old six feet hign weighs about 160 ponuds heavy head of cark hair heavy dark sandy whisfcers heavy eyebrows dark blue eyes Left inney's Hotel table at dusk Tuesday erenln? April 7th and has not been seen or heard of since He was a far mer retiring in his habit and a man few words Had on a gray eoiored coat wii black velvet collar (no over coat) dark blue pants kp sktn boots and a black hoe suth hat Left a span of boraea in sid etable and has has probably met with foul play 1 will pay One Thouiftiid Dollars for the detection of Any person or persons who may have been guilty of the murder of said John Rodgers ana I VE UND RED DOLLARS for the finding or recovery of the body or ONE THOU SAND DOLLARS for the finding or recoveryof said John Rodgers if alive jjTEHHEN RUDtlEKR De roit April 14 1857 aprlfrdSm a Al ARGK ASSURTMKINT SPUING AND SUMMER HATS for Gbmtr and Boys at wholesale cousistiug in part of LT WOOL CASalMEK PAN AMA Leghorn braid and straw with VARIOUS NEW STYLES! JUST INTRODUCED AU of which are offered at very LOW PRICES by the Case or Docen 1 BOHL dt CO 148 Jeffereon avenue as a dentifrice would notonly render itsweet but leave the teeth white as alabaster? Many persons do not know their breath is bad aud the subject is so delicate their friends will never mention it Beware of counter felts Be sure esch bottle is c0 i HINCHMAN Asent lor nelroit feb24 de)Ty wgm Sdp No niiB 13 too bkd none too frowzy or rusty but can be made beautifully black or brown in stantly by thence of Wm A Hair Dye with out the least injury to the habr or akin Warranted Made and sold or applied (in nine private rooms) 233 Broadway New York Be not deceived aa an injurious imitation is abroad See that each box has Wm A Bat chelor on Sold by George Dickinson Co 143 Jefferson ave Higby A Stearns 162 Jefferson avenue TriPP 146 Woodward avenue Beware of an imitation Ask for A Hair Dye and take no other my7 dim I LAW BOOKS BOUGLAM AND Michigan Reports Kernan Klien and Demo Report Kent Comtnantariefli i'rcUce and Pleadings Practice United States Digest English Law and Eqmty Reports Judge Storey's Work Barbour Supreme Court Reports American Railway Caes Parsons on Contracts Parson on Mercantile Law Blackstone Greenleaf on Evidence Adams on kjectraent With many other standard by ooylJ RAY MOrD A SfeLlECK rpll UNITKI KTATMW liMlNNICLL KAKM A DIHONby EliahaKenl Kane Mi uniform withThe Arctic a subscription eook published by Child received and for sale by my 7 RAYMOND A SELLECK WILL G1VB GRAND CONCERTS! IN THIS CITY SATURDAY JUNE Cth AND MONDAY JUNE Sih Under the Direction of AT HALL or particulars se future sdrertisem*nts myl5 dt MOLA8ES HBLH PORTO RHIO MOLASSES Ill 20 bbls air Muscovado or stl low by apo ARRAN'D A WHEATON BRASS OUNDRY WKARK PREPARED TO KXKUUTK OK den of any alee fbr Brass ana Composition Castings promptly OIL GLOBES OIL CUPS VALVES JOURNAL BOX ES GAUGE co*ckS CYLINDER co*ckS STE A WHISTIES OR STEAMBOATS LOCO MOTIVES a MILLS BELLS OR ACTORIES STEAMERS A LOCOMOTIVES Iron Railing Ac Verandah WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL orders for I RAIIgING OR PRIVATE BUILDINGS CHURCHES PUBLIC SQUARES AND CEMETERY LOTS Corner ifth and Woodbridge streets opposite Ma chine Shop of Michigan Central Railroad Detroit Mich ly JACKSON A WILEY GREAT BARGAIN! OR SALE AN OYSTER AND LAGER BIER SALOON at No 44 Michigan avenue opposite the City Market will be sold cheap for cash as the sub scriber i removing from the city or particulars inquire on the premises Detroit May lo mylO dlw The spjuJiiDiD SHIPS formi ng the above Line wd sail vnnM NRW YORK AS OLLOWS: CITY WASHINGTON CsntWrllf AprilM mav i i letiiwi KANGAROO fi CITY OMAACOHTKR PUIC i CITY OBALT1MORE Leitch and every alternate Thazrsday rom LIVERPOOL evary alternate WydDiay from New York OjMs S7 Liverpool OaWn fthjo RETURN TICKETS aWbl for aii Months by Steamer of Ute Un i Cetin Third CIsjb Ttstseinres'cupplie1 with improved Watertight These oteamem wrt ienced Surge na ootnpartmenta fcar or wl8hing to send Person stoat ctn OT VY oodward ave Detroit aale as above SOLID SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS KiSV i rq A 1 THK LBCK1BEK OER OR MALE A the following artne and City Lota: A fe arm situated upon the upper end of the Grand Ma rias in the township of Grothe Pointe containing 161 acres on which are two rame Houses and Bara Abo his arm containing 20 acres beautifully situated upon the border of Iake St Clair adjoining the celebrated fe'iaher farm This farm ta situated at the termination of the plank road and is the most pleasant location on the border of St Clair Also a arm of 100 acres in the county of Monroe sit uated one mile from the etersburgh Station Also 18 Lots situated on the Iambv rt Beaubien arm opposite A Smith dwelling house on Witherelljtieo the Dwelling corner of Griswold and La fayette street being the late residence of A Bagg Also the Dwelling Houie where suliscnber resides corner of Bruhh and Macomb streets No 25 Als twn Lots 35 feet by 1(0 situate on woodward avnue a few rods from the Grand Circus i Also two choice Building Lots on St Aubin street de i lightfully situated ou the height of land (corner lota and enclosed Also two Lots in Windsor Canada West on the Mc Donald farm (so called These kite aud farms will be sold so a to accommodate purchasers Also six Lota ui the beautiful village of Owasso Shia wmm County Three ot them are situated direstty op posite the Brick Tavern on Main street and the other three near the depot Also a arm of 80 acres situated on the and Rail road one mile from Owasso Also a Lot 50 feet by 130 in the Eighth Ward of the City Also the one undivided one third part of the village of New Acapulco formerly Grand Maria at the foot of Lake Superior containing 32J acres Also a House and Lot on the corner of Sibley and Park streets The House is brick two stories with all the modern improvements Gas aud water complete a 24 If JOB BAGG THE CAMPBELLS ARE COMING I RK HALL MONDAY MAY IS AND EVERY EVENING DU RING THE WEEK Matt perl and his celebrated company of CAMPBELL MINSTRELS have the honor of an nonneing their annual series of mural and refined Ettiiopuin Entertainments which have been universally admired throughout the Unit states and recently from their Southern Opera flnuw New Orleans ur par lieu lure see bills of the day Tickets 25 cent reserved eats 50 cents MAI? PEEL Manager DR A ONES Agent dtf PKTKNTEI) APRIIa L5Tn l5d IS MANU factured by the only Steel Pen Manufactory in Ameri ca England has drawn from us $500' IXI annually lor Steel eus With the cons nt of the 27WtM)O of People in this country the American Steel Pea Manufacturing Company II stop that flow or the pist 6 years I have sold Pens from the Manufactories of all the prtuc pal establishments ol Eu rope but have never bad a Pen equal to the aoye ELWOOD Sole Agert for Michigan PRICK SI 50 PEK GROHS Sent by mai I free of Postage on receipt of 8160 my6 OILN OUND TN THKLb of I Ox JEEKRSuN A 1 above Wtjodward ave a 160 acre Land Warrant num red 36669 given to Silvester McNitt Lieutenant in Cap taio McNitt a Company NY Militia NY rontier Dis turbances and dated August 1 1 1856 It was subsequently transferred A ugu it 27th 1856 to another party before Tho Stevens a Notary Public of Van Buren Co Mich The owner can have the same by proving bis ownersnip to it and paying the advertising bills and other charges thereon by apply ing at the office of this paper my8 dtf Aveune SCIIUJLBK WATCHES CLOCKS and JEWELRY will be re paired ip the beat manner ou short outicej marlt) ESTABLISHED IN IS 35 SHIP BRO KER WILL ATTEND TO THE PCRCBASEAND of VeeU will supply eesHls for Cargoes IM procure Cargoes Veeaels Season Charters Collection of Drafts Ac All business entrusted to him will meet with prompt attention and reasonable charges rar office on Atwater street between Randolph and Bates rtrseu wttb pRics Detroit Michigan April 23 1857 AM MADH TO CLEANSE THE BLOOD ANDCUKE THE SICK Ixvalids avaiaa Monm PsTaiciAsa Philam THKOPIBTS RltAD TH1IB EfBOTS AXD JUDGB TBXIk VlBTtnta OR TUX CURE MEADA CHE SICK HEAD ACHXt EOUL STOMACH PivrepvRO Pa May 1 1853 Dr JC ATXB Sir have been repeatedly cured of the Dadache anybody can have by a doee or two of your PiUa It seems tn arise from a font stomach whien tbsy clssnw st onw if th wiu cure othera they da me the fact is worth knowing Youra with nwat respect ED PREBLE Clerk Steamer Clarion BILIOUS Di SORDERSANU COM' DXPAKTMRNT OP THB YXTTnVrba Washington 7th eb 13S6 Sir: Thave used your IMla in mv general hospital prao tlce ever since you made them and cannot hestate to say they are the best cathartic we employ I heir regulaung action on the liner is quick and decided consequently they are an admirable remedy for derangement ot that organ Indeed 1 have Reldnm found a case of thteott obstinate that it did not readily yield to them raternally youre ALONZO BALUM Physician of the Marine Hospital DYSENTERY RELAX ND WORMS er Upt ick Hartlaxp LrvCo Mice Nov 16 18851 Dr Aymk: Your Pilis are the perfection of mvdicin Tbev have done my wife more than I can tell you tih bad been sick and pimng awar for months ent off to ba doctored at great expenw butgt no better She then commenced taking your fills which soon cured ber by expelling large quantities of worms (dead) from herbody They afterwards cared her end our two children of bloody dreentaiy One of our neighbors had it bad and my wife cured him with doses of your while around us paid from five to twenty dollar dctors biiMs and lost much time without being cured entirelyeven then Buch a medicine as yours which is actually gooft and hoiiHbt will be pnted here GKO GRIIN Postmaster JNDIGEST1ON AND JMBUR1T THE BLOOD rom Rev JV limeestor of Advent Church DrAykk: I have lived your Pills with extraordinary joiccess in mv family aud among those 1 am called to vudt in distress To regulate the organa of diceetion and pnrtfy the blood tbev are the very beat remedy I have ever known and 1 can confidently recommend them to my fnend Yours HIMES ER SIPE LA St SCROULA KING'S IT fa TRY TER TUMORS AND tALT RHEUM (rom a orwarding Merchant of St Louie eb 4 1855) Dk Atkr: Your Pills are the paragon of all that te great in medicine They hare cured my little daujihter or ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that bad proven Incurable fnr year Her mother has been long grievously afflicted wnh blotches and pimples on her akin and in bet hair After our child was curtd she also tried vonr and they have cured her ASA or Dropsy Plethora oy kindred CbondalnteTOquirin an active purge they are an excellent remedy or Costivenesi or 'Con tipation and as a Dinner luk they are agreeable and effectual ite Suppression Paralysis Inflammation and even Deafness aud Partial Blindnew have been cured by the aiterativeactinn of these Pills Most of th? Pills iu market contain mercury which al though a valuable remedy In skilful hands is danjeroua in a public pill from the dreadful consequences that fre quently follow its incautious use These contain no mer cury or mineral substance whatever PBXPARIDBT DR AYEll Practical and Analytical Chemist Lowell Mass Price 25 cent per box five boxes for 1 Sold bv errand A Wheaton and all Druggtste in De troit and all dealers in medkuue elsewhere ban Packard Advertising and Commercial Agent Jan27 dswAw till may Ullining Notices ANNUAL MEETING rHR ANNUAL MEETING THE 8T0CK dHOLDERS of the Evergreen Blnff Mining CnmpBy will be held at the office of the Company in the City of Detroit on Tuesday the second day of June 1857 at 3 ock for the election of Directors i unwun aAv Secretary and Treasurer Quincy Mining Company D1TROIT April 22d 18SL rrHE ANNUAL MEETING THE 9TOCK A HOLDERS of this Company will be held on the twen ty first day of May next A Ib57 at the office of the Companyin the City ofDetroitat 9 A WHIPPLE apr23 dtd Secretary OICE Portage Mining Company Dbvroit April 22d 1857 The annual meeting of the stock holders of this Company will be held on the nine teenth day of May next A 1857 at the offb of the Company in the City of Detrot at 9 A WHIPPLE apr23 dtd Secretary Gov Walker Nkw York May Itk 8o Wtlker left laat evening on the steamer orAlbioy end will proeeed immediately on to jeitisstion He expects to reach Lecomp to day week Arrival Ol steamers Nxw Yobx May 16 British screw steamship Queen of the lai from Bremen via Southampton April rrived here this morning She brings Hsrmonia from Hamburg also jriwd to day bringing 600 passengers I SOAP Idin BOXKH SOAP It Jl1 bn boxas ilerman £rwve Soap or sals by apri6 AKHANU A WHKATON fAW BOOKS! A LARGE Lj stock of very valuable Law Books Just received andor pubfishert Pdcee A kurr fc CO I 94 oodwurd ave Holloway's Pills Public opinion ia the tfttt tribausl by which the value of all discoveries is idl'd IM verdiet oa thia great alterative antiseptic touk medicine founded on th testimony of rfc iWattod fveteftxl thousands is favorable throughout tU world Sold at the manufactories No 80 Maiden Nev York iad No 244 Strand Londou and by ill draflrfaa it 2fc62Kc and SI per bo April 13th 1857 pO PAKTNKRJ4Hir THE UNDER signed have formed a co partnership for the Jobbing of Boots and Shoes under the firm name of Baldwin A Co at the old stand of Baldwin No 25 Wood ward avenue first door below the Post Office BALDWIN GEORGE ROSE SAMUEL WILCOX LEGAL MEDICAL BOOKS WK HAVE KECEIVEP ADDITION' TO our slock of lexTsl and Medical Books and now offer the brpt sortment in thia market We offer them at prices and invite stock RAi M0MI SELLKLK May 1 1 57 i itit3 MATTKKSSES CHBAPJ JUT KEUK1VED OfM COSMBbJIKNT A large number of Bsst Quality Curled Hair Mattresses tor sale singly or in quantities to suit parch vnr Uilotol and steamboat owners please notice samples may seen al our CBlaa WaaaROOMS Woodward "nue whiMoKB I11 IWPORT1R AND D1ALVR IN ORBTGN AND DOJT3TJO Hardware and Cutlery NO P9 PSARL ST 4XD NO StONB BT mar25 2dtf NEW I'OKK SCOTT TREMONT HOUSE flUHNER JEEKHON AVENUEBM and Randolph Street is now open for th re eepuonf guests OL9QM Propr SC ACKE I WOULD INORM THE THAI HE LJ Xb Xa £1 A I keeps constantly on hand au assortment of the rpHE STORE IN ODD HAUL I quire Sr now bY Keitp TELii u' I CELEBRATED PIANO ORTR 85 Woodward avenue I Which he offarq for gale Detroit April 18 1M7 i Pr1? AT ACTORY PRICES TO RENT I WMC5 justly acknowledged by most all tht TBIT GOOD RE9IDKNCK ON THE I 1 South Kast corner oi Jefferson avenue and Or I BEST INSTRLMENTS NOW IN U4E leans street with Stable and Carriage House JBKt I Ptoona wishing to purchase a Superior Piano will find It Rent $400 per annum I much to their advantage by calling at Inquire on the premises or of Walker Esq over vn aw taf avfttk' HT'DW'r a Andrews St Banking Office corner Wood D1 A sRKEr EAST ward avenue and Lamed street I tuned and repaired on short notice Two Melo Detroit April 16 aprlg dtf I dons for eale of Prince's manufacture AVa KR ri'O PURCHASE A GOOD VKSSEE THAT JL will carry from 15J to 200 feet Lumber AddreM THOS KALMYK A SON aprji dtf No 1 Sheldon Block Detroit WANTJEJ rr CONTRACT OR TH KRKIGHTOE UK 1 millions ot Lumber frm Chrraqo pr22 dlf THUS PALMEK A SON dyed hero Btat0 thftt the health Rntier of 8 Ct is very precarious XtffYoBi MaylG rrespoodence of the Herald Washington Haldeman editor of the Lonis an old line whig has been ap of Louisville vice the present democrat removed joining the General Land Office for "Instructions iu agents in Kansas for the Iowa and other trust lands to com Iowa Point KT on the 3d of June supervision of Hon Norman Eddy sorsey General Black has given an opinion "4iovernment should grant an absolute fee to the Christian Indians on their ltlt charter for their lands purchased by the This will be the first instance in government has recognised the right tribes to the fee in land "eommiseion ap pointed on the fitness of 12 Wind for naval depot have re irerably Congress appropriated $200 0r its Attempts to Escape Jackson Mich May 16 Wednesday last a convict named McCoy led to escape from the prison After the wall in safety he was discovered and woo by guard wounding him so as to Ldet escape impossible Yesterday another i0i named Croman attempted to escape by plank set against the west wall which Lpsrtiany ascended when the guard dis 1 efi him and fired the bullet passing so near Xad ss to biabair Hawse also retaken GODDARD WALES 1 QO4 Jefferson Avenue Ark prepared to furnish' the Citizens of Detroit and vicinity with fine Watches rich Jewelry Silver and Plated Ware Clocks ancy Constantly on hand fine stock1 of WATCHES of all qualities gold aud silver cases of OUR own importation aodSHOKri at tbeir Old Stand I WELBY of erery style Silver and Plated Ware in 160 Jefferson Avenue Detroit April 9 apr9 I A Splendid Assortment of Articles for xhe Holidays our Goods are all new selected with great care re AwaTHRR I41T Ol? I oeived direct from the Manufacturers and kvhbt ARTiCLn'iv'rOw 1 nMBCVWTVT I gjp WatcbM Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired I and" warranted Detroit December uttcti uiy WKBTKK AND MKNNETTK HATH most desirable stjle of Hats for Sommer wear or ae ky my2 BL HL CO GKU 4 IVAN Agunt a Buildings oot of Thinl street Jau3 Up Stairs i Spring Summer Clothing li WHOLESALE II WK ARK MAK1N(J SEASONABLE ADDITIONS to our stock of Read Made Clothing complete in I every respect as to tnzes grades and quantity li I EAGLE ELLIOTT ooawara avsb i Burglary Burglary I Alt CHEAP NEW MARKET STORE EMOVKD TO BRICK STORE OPPOHITK Xv Vegetable Market next door to Method At Church Calicos sod Delaines Embroideries Co lore and sleeves 4 Embroidered and Hooped Skirts Kdginnt Jaceaand Tnrrminra great assortment Parasobs newest patterns fl apiece Gents' i inen and Cotton Bosoms and CoHars 159 Boots Rboea Ladies? Gaiters and SJppers from ths mnuf4Cturrs Ge nW and Caps Mftptees IIa To a Yankee Notions Baskets and Perfatnery greatCotton and Woolen Yam Hosiery of ktsdAat hrr prices' tf jSy COlvitN Just Received DAYS hl BY THE 1 Author of Mryrel StoriM of lire Iinti By Noniboof or Ml by orl RAYMOND A 3EILECK 71'nToN SK1N LETTER MEEK A VERY V7 thio oohnrly hnihl paper for foreign correpond wc Ab1 IL lyi" of Opaqoo Knrlop of ra riooa tialr Mfecre eyprewily tor CTy i 13 aprg 1 Saeceeanr to klwoo 1 A Co VIiilnriAlnhia I eent ease in threetoeiynvaay" 7 eiz eases of ths orgaM of Rene AND NtW Yur sd In thorough aud intelligent manner pointed AVteamsftttf CowipatlJ 9U AKfertrA fnr II 8 I IJ I II 1 1 1 I 4 Aftna' tantlv'mirSkg eee ln from two to 1 curpj fnrm th above Line 1 1 1 Dr Hontbb is eonstant hv phvefeiand our weeks that nave fr2av Sn wltb sewinM weakness whoold lrrim44tatelv rither In neiwon or by apply faa nt a His remedies ar rJ feet fe fcOd "nknown olher vu of either living at a dfetance by stating tbeir eases In writing giriDg all the Medicine with direota for by addressing nl KKjSu MkhltMipot paid andWUOWE Op Airnt In th United SUtaa only ttePillanMIntbe United States i NOTICE TO THE liAblKH Mrleof msdieinejo tended for the etc! uslve ar made Its appesrsncs hf mt with smatea HutireMi as thee celebrated 7: ties of or whites InftammaUon end womb and loss of the bladder above afl Praie Among Jh energv their ns used them in all mMy tooaand Jhat Uk them Union non lrn oq atari no dadir oua i t0 th DUS delta! kd tws Monday Evening May 18 and every evening this week the grand airy Extravagant ot THE 1NVI1BLK PRINCE Don Leander Mrs Aiken' ibond Mr Ryan Abricotiua Mrs Kate Denio Ryan Princtu Mrs Macfaiiaod Blousabelta Mn hehm The performance will comm nee with A POPULAR COMEDY Pbjofs or Private Boxes S5 00 Dress Cir cle and parquette 50 cente Orcneitra Arm Chairs 76 Gallery 25 Cc uta Doors open at 7V commence at 3 o'clock precisely Jbr gqlef Valuable City Property or Sale on Jefferson Ave Thk huick housk and lot well known as the Home No 1 on Jefferson avenue noxt door to Dem Mullane clothing store comer of Second st acd Jefferson avenue and next block to the Central Kailfoad Depot It can be rented for six hundred doltara per year The present time expire on theifiwt of Noyember 1857 The house is in good order aq kept as a tavern and boarding house or farther pirticulars inquire at the clothing stuieof Mullans corner of Second street and Jefferson avenue Detrt it my5 ttf Ship Chandlery Store oflP conisung Tarred and Manilla Ropea Twinees Anchors Chains Oakum Pitch Tar Korin Painta Oils Sets of Blocks Ship Hardware Canvas Ac Ac which he offers at WHOLESALE AND KETAID I at aa LOW PRICES and ftyorabla torma aa any house io tbe city Contracts for the fitting out of sail vessels and steam boat will be taken at Mt RANTER aprl5 dtf Nos 4 and 6 WoodwarQ ave JftlIIj SHUES TIaaT ttlZPRIVKI) tl Ctoildten's Shoes consisting Kid Ankie Ties Polkas Gaitere ti lace Boots 1 At NICHOLS aprza NOTICE' WK HI IN STOKE NO NS WOODWARD Avenue Lately occupied by Teller A Co a large stock of Drugs Groceries Paints Oils Windew Glaee Dre Stuffs Ae which we offer for sale during we next two montna for cash at lees than theta re'i ARBAND A WHKATvN aren 4 amw from WalHtgtoiu Washington May 16 Or'esna letter mail sb late as due tee?" patches recently received warrant bat Brigham Young has fled from I was known that he waa in treaty with I i tunfor safe conuuct iuluu8u tW IjastiCe Drummond has arrived here for nn on the affairs of the Territory tealuu Surgeon Homer of the navy baa 1 BOM I INS RENCH SOT ELT HATS WINTER 184 Jefferson ave BllIn I'AYABLK AO KtfCKl VAUJaK Bools arranged for months and conveniently iu dnxed or safe ELWOOD'S qpilK OWN A NgW PLAY BY Julia Ward Howe author of Pawlon Ac Just received by JOHN A KERR A CO mjl 94 Woodward ave I iONtlRKM OR SaLE mri SPENCE klUU ALK DR SALK BY SPEWrK my 5 SrKNCK I WHOLESALE AND I istinn it a I I have inst renntvAd the larotwit I ENGLISH and RENCH WILL BK PAID TO THE BLHULAR OR Burgtars on application at my office by the I IA A LJ for the services rendered the patrons of the Empo I I VZ I I Km riumon the night of the ult (to nothing of I IN G0LD AND srLVKR CASES thoee rendered to myelf the vccaeion in clearing out I the old Good to make room tor an SleJnbrouSht J1? JhV wVlch I CAwH and which 1 will eell at PRICES THAT DEY Entire New Stock of Goods compktihon i io offer my orSpring and Summer wear euch aa never graced even ENTIRE STOCK JEWELRY tbe cnuQtera of the Eroporiun before I ThNw SttlrCoatikgs and Pawtaxoom Goodb I 4 lAT3O Pikr43i2NT iwaa rmuiab and most varied of any ssaon for years past 1 My thanks are due to an appreciating public for past I fcy Please call and examine favora which has enable me in thia instance to lay I cbaaing at before it the choicest stock or Goods yet exhibited in a I TGfziain Merchant shop in the Weet I Jtiicrsuii MoTERNET I i dtr 207 Jefferson ave Il WHEREAS MY WIE CHRIHT1ENE has left my bed and board without just cause or prov oratmn: his is therefore to forbid al persons harboring or ti oating her on my account as i will not pay any debts of her contracting Dated at tbe townshipof Tavlor Wayne County Micht uv April iw georqe fredl HAY HAY HAY PREBBKO HAY UN HAND AKD tor low WRIGHT co Corner of Michigan ud Hdward avenues tnl dtf (Opposite City Hall Market NOTICH DETKOIT riTV' BAND THE departed merabt ra of Looker's Music Band respect fa Hy infom tbe public that they have organise for tbemaelvM a Band unuer the name of Detroit City Band amDunder tbe direction of Graul late leader of tbe Regt Band of Buffalo All orders for brass muric on public parades and for excursions and for ball and string mutic will be promptly executed if addressed to the Boston Marie Store of Messrs Stein A Bacbbeister or Saloon corner of Larned and streets THI DITRQIT CITY BAND my5 JTN A KERR fc CO NEW GOODS! NEW hummer hats and caps A ENTIRE NEW HTOCK THE BEST IX the City dow open and ready for examination Youth and Summer Hats all UH call ml examined ARMSTR0XG my 178 Jffereon avenne Law oukiat Cluwll nn Atbitrtion Chipman on Contracts Chipman on Government Curtis' Equity Precedents Iway'i Kepor vole 1 2 and 3 Jsrmin on Wills Hbaw Ellis on Insurant 49 Griswold treet Detroit ti ARCTIC A DVENTUBMNKW Ecilion EdiUd by Epw Sargent or by John A SERE cotnT" 9 Woocward av ANU AL! THE RLLES THK Senate and Hoose of Representatives of the State of oreale my 6 JOHN A KERR ri CO WHEATON znyfi AR RAND WnaATUci Soots 5t)oeo BOOTS AND SHOES or spring ana summer use cm pique tte Adamr st tiler are now receiving a I large stock of Boots and Shnes comprising every ya I DE 1 KOI risty for Ladies Ueutiemen a Misses noys auu uwi wear This stock has been selected with great care and will be nlri ot fhn rorv InwBt riNAPg Constant additions will be made from the best Msnufae I rjH TD 1 TV tones and our assortment at all times will be found IUVX4 1 large and very complete I All in want of Bouts and Shoes ill find it very much for I I atthi their intert sta to call and select from this stock as every I 1 effort on our part will be made to please all our custom I era ADAMS TV LAR ft 1 1 Old Stand of Adams I Wr OaU al I my2 dlm No 63 Woodward svenue Detroit I NOTICE 10 DOLLAR AMILY SEWING MACHINES will be fnrnlhed to ubwnbnre in a few days at the Banking Office of Cargill Co No 166 Jefferson avenue Persons wishing a Sewing Machine for IQ douara that will do more work in an hour than ten women nan in ten days will call at 156 Jefferson avenue and leave theta mune tnylAdlm NEW ENGLISH BOOKS THE CELEBRATED ENGLISH railway LIBRARY and full assortment of Routlege Co njriish Novela consisting of the moat popular works of fiction of the times br eminent English and American Author Jut recoil by JQHy A KgRR CQ LAND WA ANT THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID TOR I I A OIS WILSON Maaria LEA ES DETROIT (At 10 AM Wednesday May 6 I Saturday May 16 I Wednesday May 27 Saturday June 6 I Wednesday June 17 Saturday June 27 I Wednesday July 8 Saturday July 18 Wednesday July 29 rSainrthv Amniat 8 AnmiHt 141 WadnMMlav Auaust 19 Tuesday August 258aturday August 29 riday Sept 4Wednesdky Sept Tuesday Sept 16 Saturday Sept 19 riday Sept 25l Wednesday Sept 30 Leave Cleveland each succeeding day at 7 PM t3T After October 1st the above Boats wil conform to the same order of time aa nearly as weather will pt rmit CRAIG BRO Agknts Dktrott McKNIGHT Dbtboit for steamer A TURNER Cleveland for steamer North Star? May 13 1857 TO RENT That vkki ussitiiiibB dkilii Residence on Congress street recently bv EV Cieott Esq situated between Beaubien ananrasn streets it is cen traiiy locaxea wnnm lees than omf xj five walk of the Port Office antfui pished with I ffiC BTTCvB I EISTER OtforMl lWDmbt of tat ORTES' Dotroit May A 1W mr dtf I I rom the bet utoriea the cheapest prices TO I iGilUrB AB' A TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE WITH eft! The beet American rench and German ZA basem*nt situated on the east side of St An KH I vinr boitq dacczyc toine street between Congress and ort 1 Possession given immediately or particulars inquire of sv ao SCHMITDIEL corner of ort and St Antoine I And a selection of other fancy articles treeta myfi dtf IMaN a fullaupply TA all sixes Ai I wholaeals "ftb" epr VQ WILLIAMS CO I Deduction to those pnrehaalngln quantitiea I TZ Tff 1 Particular attention wiD be paid to country orders to I ensure aaUaffiction and safe aaf prompt delivery THAT DESIRABLE HOUSE AND GARDEN Stlrtn 1 containing six acres of land on Jefferson Avenue in Wewould state tlmt the deace of the John Morrell Apply to atprop1 I tabliahinent in the city Administfator of Estate of Jas A Kicks Pm STEIN BUCHHEISTER April 657 8U JaaP8HW gigs Woodward avennd JS JM THE I ARGK AND CONVENIENT BRICK Rffifi Dwelling situated on the corner of Congress wm and Biopelle streets with the Brick Barn RentfA moderate Possession given 1st day of May next Inquire at No 286 Congress street East or of tbe under aigueu IV1LB I Detroit April 21 dtf THK IlETKOIT LOCOMOTIVE W0BK8 SUCCESSORS TO DEGRA HEADRICK A JKR UONT1NUINU THK ORMER BUHI A neas of DeGratf Kendrick and are prepareats re ceive and execute promptly orders for High and Low Pressure Engines AND BU1EEKM A LHV UANTB N4JH 1 11 WORKS STATIONARY ENGINES OR M11LINU fc M1NIN4J POMES HTAMPMjKlHBLES and all kinds of i Iron Work and Machinery REPAIRS OR BOATS PROPELLERS AC Ths Locomotive Works are now prepared to receive orders for LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES 4NB Bail Road Work Generally JOHN OWEN President VAN BUSAN Agent and Treasurer Dihsctor8 John Owen Ledyard Van Husen BWightjS Kendrick 1 THOS3CHRISTIESesrUrr I 8 KENDRICK Superintendent mayI4 tf lne YOUNG SON MACHINISTS OUNDERS i Corner of Brush and Woodbrigde Streets DETROIT QTEAM ENGINE SAW AND UKLNT Mllfo Io Gearing Single and Double geared Hoisting Machines Columns Ups and Sills Iron and Brass Castings of all (kr0? Ashf 4 aolerand Sugar Kettles Ploughs and Points always on uanu ior mro or i new Steam Engine 12 inch bore 30 inch stroke 1 second hand 18 t3T Blacksmith Work awd Grab Cutting to Orpwr I octl dtf A I TONGUING AMD GROOVIKU MACH1NK IN THE WORLD PATKNTKD NOV 21 18M AND NOV 13 These Patent were obuined for improvement upon to? DANCING HALL TO RENT THE PLEASANT AND COMMODfOTTM AS semblv Rooms in Block corner of Wood I IK I JL ftfi2f55iry wara avenue ana uaraea street win ne renxea oy tne aay or evening to Clubs Private Hops Ac with or without Muse or terms apply at the Music Store of A i AM3DEN A CARGILL 137 Jefferson ave Stoke to kknt the store no i96 South Side of Jefferson Avenue lately occupied by Hilborn Cleveland or terms apply to THEO WILLIAMS Nov 27 186 nov28 dtf On the Premises DR CH GO ROOM NO 1W Up Stairs WiKTiTG HtooK Sy racuse can without boasting exhibit th uigbect testimonial of ability and aecer treating die eeeox of the Urinary and iteuetativo i organs both ex of any hrtictan in the United States remedies I are sought after hr numerous pa tiente from all rrt Union I He Rnds parkaRes to all parte br mail and express which never fell of I effecting rapid cures when the dtree I ma OiilAurrwl lift has miv cured maoT cases after all hope xm gone and no caae howavar bad it may appear ha ever left him without ldii uffrinir to'm hr USlents pernll th are invited to converse with th Dr as he has devoted much time to tbe treatment of such diseases tor a number of yeat past with errat success xr His office i in the Wjrting Block Rootf No 1 fcjr alr Syracuse opposite the Syracuse House It fe only ueceeaarv for those at a distance to know that Dr Goff is the only one in Central Newj ork who has the honor of being graduate of a Mediral Couegas that derote his entire time to the treatment of fRiVATis AXP DXLIOATK DlBAHKg km WARJBa the effect of early abuse the system permanently cored PaUenta cteed at home bv letter as readily as at his office The 12 consulted on all diseases Ac of which hi book treats either personally tor by mail ALL Warrantki MarHed JarfiM who from any lust cause deem it prudent to prevent conception are earnestly recommended to nrnne wrerul ly the TJK Dr New Bock they will) there find pnfritton of the mnney tn nhltffi they can hare their IrieheeiratiBed without aodlttonai etpeneeor trout 1 also treate exteuirtrely of fenrale draeyfes and how to'ur them No wonran should fall tn send tor one as In It sho will finds true friend Price sent by matl to any irarij Monthly 1U safe and reltabl remedy for Krirpressions srd all rrrot should not them during rrernancy will pro A Revolution is Certain lr TO 7TTTC these aev ral inventions a machine is produced ol vnri LVav Ju avu i 4 VALLKD XXCELLEJNCB a I 1 11 1 A GOLD MEDAL for this invention was awarded by the I imthk PitAHJ KHS NCf CRIM Miras Char Meeh Aeso at their wblbitlon of 1S56 Ml TU BWK ri ALL KNDS ANU S12ES from "ditucdS I AU Machines WARRANTED to sire entire satisfaction will tin or and to be superior to any otrer machine now in use more mmon IfiiSf bimsn I i Builins Vot HoLton ia January 1M7 Hawdly bGemVne Hlslrlv Concentrated Com Aeencv Of Patent pound lmd Extract Huehulur all diseases 1 the hldler 12 7 kidneys urinary and wind organs Jot to th Ar Kollina Iron Shutters I lu tspI It cures disease ol the bladder kulners yravr mw mnakHK WIINTX WINDOW ANO DOOR I dropsy obstructions female comniainta chfnfiiC vrnot (ntoavowniMWlAreryltUtro Mfe lenra Ij feomwu are nv I health nl ritor to the frame and bloom to the pallid MICHIGAN WIRE WORKS Lio 1 Wit Woodward Avxwr (oi posits tuk Natioxal I "he slorionVrnMtloo of many Hotel) Detroit JXbfe youth can be cured by tbe uh o( tbi )ALLnnw QAMOEL ADAMS MANUACTURER PLAIN remedv andasa noMlirine which munt fe and ornamental wire work wire cloth up tn 70 mih I from the simple delicate to the etmftoed and for flouring and fan raiila sand and coal screens invalid no equal la to to found if you have rontractea window guarde wood and tin bird cages fire leader nd the terrible dieease which when once seated I nth sy rle aievea meat and cheese Rafe of all kinds lever spring teni andermfo the constilntbm napping the very vital rat traps Bird cnees and sand screens made to order fluids of life procitri ikt Ml uhck wholeealeand retail at rll d6w I leprous dintilment whose effect Holds such an enmuy witn uioou or man That awd't as qutckiuver it courses through I The natural gates and alleys of the bod Curdling like eager droppings Into milk 1 The thin and wholesome Hood I Ifewire(lotqra nostrum nfl quick i iiw i nmrxinnii rlnid attract OI to urAnarod dlrectlv Recording to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry withhe rjatest accuracy ana knowledge and cat derated in its eombinalion 1U popularity has iratendfd In aU directions anil wh thsr used in town country hosnitaL or private practice hM given the moatdeefaed aud unequivocal faction and produced the most salutary and benyflet al efe I tecta Ythee been and iS In all tbe principal clo? intbe United States and British roriucea in botb lo and private pracDce th great siicocss I it bn uodaratond for tb proofs are too overwhelming to be contradicted' that M4nbldfe Highly Concentrated I Compound luid Extract Buchu Is the most valuable rem edy ever offered to the afflicted The of voluntary testimony Ifi possesrinn of th nroDrietor fa immense embracing names well known to ame 1 celebrated and distinguish WAHRANTMD SUPEKIOK TO ANYTHING valnbfe work on th Praotlcw ot of the kind ever brought to this CHv I most of the late standard works of Mwiieine fiiTPS from 16 to 31 incite DrEpbralm McDowell a hfahly dialingufabed rhrste Sizes jruiu IV a cian and xueml er of the Royal Cottage of Surgeons Ire i A large ariety of LadW Traveling Trunks and Hat I jublfahed In th trausactionB of the King and Caee Abo thirty varieties of medium and low priced jorarnawiyB: luid ExtractBurliu having Tranks I hrrn latelT strongly recommended 1 Was Inanced to insse A large variety Traveling Bags Vahsee and 1 trial and my erperimente have resulted iu themofft Bats a I iraz'tnrv manner having succeeded in saving the most We can rhow the best irtock of Trunks apA I atRrtPcaeee ju winch had no hopes of succeMs Valises ever offered in this Ctty and defy competition I interesting letter fa published in the Med co Ch 1 ruT either tn style quality ir price at the Revi on the subject of Extract Mucha by Benjaj Tlt ilNK DEPOT! IriSiJgf thh no remJj 139 JEERSON AVENUE to OppoMIthPeDtoBADY) A lher 6bAtTc of tonic elara unvmltorOT injurious We tax me nowiy ru umiBtui mt ditiniuixhed editor Dr Jobrxoolc cxnx XdiAllr concur with MrTrarsr In hfetatmwnt I 'dLiontS ta'lt which I perfectly plrant ln trataM (aobaao friendship AND SEGARS! DUWKW tl I m11 Kocnmpany each bottle Hare yo tn to Marble HaU gmoU jmc there make i NoK South Tnto I Building) Philadelphia And when or' there fiod Be ar Mhlim ftovtorM If you have not been 1 datwiT Stafe jfetbwrew find 101 J) r7 II The choi eet flowerof are hi brand fteDdof the nnfortnnate en be oonulled at bl or be ie beet MEDICAL INIRM ARY Then away we'li all eototheWrat ro iSerar Depot raB TH COM iO Alltl uiwiuc ov pJtJVATH Itf nS A nn Tidown bitlow near the Port Office you know Twenty nioontuowu jy nnok brothers noke and etemdve Dtactice both Then we wilt fmoke and ring davllAht come to th Doctor aprll a5 WOODWARD AVENt AU Hyphllfe and Mer curial tainta entirely re TToem Thousands of cbil t4b ricketJ and die from no other cause than wm This is a safe remedy Infanta may take it wilh danger for contains no mercury 111 children ths Pastilles Sarsaparilla the only arli mW the kind th has stood the test of time fa equally 'heto as a remedy for scrofula eruptions liver com amt and nervous diseases Sold by Iauman Ca wholesale druggists 69 Water street New York iid by all druggists Sarsaparilla ftl and tPasUUes 25c tPl myl6 dawlw 3dp TO TH! CITIZBBS THB UnITID STATES riniosToraxPCBLic After several years experiment tMtattemaouIaclurlog of Gin I fortunately succeeded bibs year 134 iu making a discovery in its manufacture fcwhicliit was drpriTed of all acrid and inflammatoryputtee aud rendered perfectly pure My suaafisetory fa at Schiedam Holland After several reflection what title to give it I introduced it to tt Aoeriawi public under the name of Schie mi Aromatic Schiedam ta the name of the la Holland wtere the Gin fa manufactured Aro uticienvcs its name from the Italian Juniper Berry rib which it fa flavored and the word Schnapps is thijrarmaa (or Cogoe Wolfe Schiedam fanatic Drink No sooner had my Schnapps been in Wuced to tbe American public and received with appro kto ihaa the liquor mi xers of New York Boaton and ifartei in pursuit with their mixed and wua stall under various names: Schiedam Gin Sehin aalehnappK London Club House Gin London Cordial Bkte and several caes my labels have been so per imitated with only the addition of a few letters to wd i technical avoidance of the law and so carefully Itoredss to impe on careleee purchasers I under large quantity has been purchased by the mer the Eastern State on account of the cheapness liiwtrtMbe A merchant who participates indirectly in bfrxtidby sellhig the spurious articles ta as much an of hdtr is the principal who planned tbe imposition respectable citweu who values the health If tbaawamnmtj which he liven will aid me in ferret ra aaa txpoMog the unscrupulous merchant who br ths take ofa few nta wilt putin jeopardy the lives the community iu which be Uvea Such men should be ailed to the piUory of popular execration SCHIEDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS mad tariey of the first quality selected with great are from the products of tbe most celebrated grain grow 4 dtatrtets fa floored with tbe essence of the aromatic toper berry of Italy and is rectified by a peculiar pro which expels from the spirit every acrid particle Li a smum of preventing and correcting the disagree 3 ibl tod often dangerous effects produced upon the stom 3 kh tad bowels by a change of water a visitation to hich a kavshrtaad settlers and all unaecl*tnated persons in the 3 the Booth and South Wert are pecoltarly 3 Schiedam Aroma tie hnappa will be found absolutely a wtUlibfa while in ease of dropsy gravel obstructions of Ito kidosyg diseases of tbe bladder dyspepsia and gene debility it is recommended most mphatically by tbe 1 totdhtincui'ihed members of tbe medical profession Itaputap In quart and pint bottles iac es of one doc rilhthenameof the underriced on the bottle and wmHeof Ufa signature and label hrukijy an respectable druggista and country mer UDOLHO WOLE 22 Beaver street New York byG McM Han HHiR Wnght tetudWbaton and Keith Ripley Detroit Mich VMArafa CuiH'a imalb Ghbat from a prescription of Sir Clarke Extraordinary to th Queen medicine is unfailing in tbe eure of all tod daugerons disorders io which the femaleattofa snbreet moderates all exees and re U1 obstruction and a speedy cure may be re SIL Lt diss itta peenharly suited It will in r'tito bring on tbe monthly period with regularity bottle price one dollar lars tbe government WGrel Britain to prevent coonterfeita lUt shffuld not bl taltr by frvatcirrgnentdwrtu pU Ikrtt svntb aa (Aeg IrinQ oa miirarriaffe but say offar sUr ihey prfbclly itje Mots for tbe United State and I iJtvRorhwterNew York: TvttlsA Horbr ceuaral arenta 1 and prta4e atampe enclosed to any an arsnt wffleneure a bottle of the Pills by return retail by 4 Hinchmn lee Geo Dickinson A Co MuiT TorrT opposite tbe Bmrfta Hou De uwirh dtilljune2J huroIAHT 70 Db SnY I br Dr Comrtiu CbMwmsn MD UfaaPto? combinations of ingredknts in They Va JT' tetoH of a loeg and extensive practice 1Q In their operation and rertaln in correcting nainfal menstruations removing all ob from cold or otheiwise headache hicfcJ? Tf6 PlMtatin of th heart disturbed sleep Tq from Interruption of nature htu They are invaluable as they wil 1Kiathly wilh mulanty tbnnld nit bt und during pTtgnnncysorid ctrtmnly rtnll thertfram OttstaKf parey vetable and free from anything In Explicit directions wbfeh bhonld hx Price tl Sentbymai 81 to aaaata nr to Hr Cnraalina 1 21 Poet Office New York City Datroit cxnoa Co 143 Jefferson avenue agents mar4 dly 3dp Bl4rriTt Tkith Brkato A can be acquired by using tbe XmM ouaand lowers What lady or gentle ktiub under the curse of a disagreeable aby mdng ths Balm of a Thousand low OR SALE A ARM) UNDER GOOD CULTIVATION CON xv taiuing 97 acres of I a nd with Dwelling House Barn Sheds Ac two iQilei from Utica Macomb County and twenty one from Detroit on Plank Road HO acres of Land partly improved one mile east from Utica Mich One Double Dwelling House and Lots and one small Dwelling House and Lot at Utica Mich One Dwelling House and Ixt with Outhouses at Al mont Lapeer County All new A very desirable loca tion Three Lots one with building thereon well situated for hardness in Corunna Shiawassee County Any of the above will be sold on reasonable terms on time nr exchanged for Detroit City Property Apply by letter or otherwise to 1 STEPHENS CO mar23 dtf Checkered Detroit 40 Elegant Rooms to Let TNTHK 9HKLDON BLOOM OPPOSITE THEA Peninsular Bank with GAS in each room Several rooms are furnfahea for f'mall families well ventilated with water and gas in the halls furnished on the Europe an plan Inqulreat 157 Jefferson avenue aug5 PTQUETTE River ront or Rent rpfl KI VR RONT Ol UVNUREV feet below the city lately occupied by Reeve A Son is for rent for a term of years Apply to sep5 dtf MRS G0DR0Y OR yiAlK A HOUSE AND LOT ON CON gress st between Rivard and Russell ate with a good Barn Out Housee Gas Water and very choice ruita and also a good Carriage Horae Harness and Buggy aud one Steam Saw and Planing Mill with En gine boiler and all tbe machinery ueceaiary to carry on the Manufacturing of looring Siding Ceiling and Pannel Lumber together with 290 uoff feetof Lumber on hand al in the city of Detroit which will be sold at a great bargain and a small part of the purchase money down the balance oa time or further particulars inquire at 286 Congress st east or at CG office Atwater UK MLK I LOT ON LAAYETTE STREET Woodbridge arm Cheap THOS PALMER A BON I Lot corner of irst and Congress streets Very cheap THOS PALMER A BON myl7 Sheldon Block ok haik ivvm acres of fTrstkate ine Land on Potato River Will guarantee SUOOUC feet to tbe lot Price extremely low as i we must sell Call on THOS PALMER SON mvl? Sheldon Block A fl'WO SKCHND HAND BOILEHS ORTY A two inches in diameter by sixteen feet in length (with stands and mud pipes) which will be sold for Three Hundred Dollar on six time on approved naper ANDREW LADUE Detroit March 16 th mrl7 dtf OR SALE OR TO RENT THK HRiCK DWELLING HOUSKAND LOT in Block 13 in Crane Section of the orsyth arm Inqui of RCTHffNE DUUTTD Over and Bank April 2ft 1357 apr21 dtf City Lots for Sale THE SUBSCRIBERS MOW OER OR Sale about ONE HUNDRED CITY DOTS I situated directly on and near Woodward avenue about fifteen walk (rum tbe City Hail 'this is a favorable opportunity for thoswho wish to secure a pleasant location for a private residence in this most beautiiui part of the city Afao other lota in various parts of the city all of which will be sold on time and terms to suit purchasers Apply at our office No 47 Griswold str eet dtf At A ISHER TRIMMINGS CLOTH WARE ROOMS 76 WOODWARD AVE WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR MUPPIY of Trimmings and offer all tbe late novelties Cordrt Bindings Button Linings together with tbe usual large ttock of Staple Trimmings in 1 breads Sew i ugB otsrgeB aiRHiM otv 4 I EAGLE ELLIOTT I A new supply of fi'st class Instrument just received at oodward ae STEIN A I OOO VWO7P11 it CaO1 I L1 188 Jefferson avenue jRjVW rurcii 1111 vuiirtTB) fNw Mrsro received weekly my 3 A WHOLESALE 1 WK ARE NOW RECEIVING ROM THE Ip (JTlfifka 4lTlrtfrhPC5 Manufacturers at Troy a large stock of Shirt Coi kUA II VV'tv 1 a rtf iV ow I nrl Wa A ri man I xuuu uuceu ior wuv si xew ur jvwwb a nrn EAGLE ELLIOTT my9 76 Woodward ave fpO THE STOKE AT OCCUPIED il by the undersigned or terms inquire of Plwiuri oot of Woodard ave I wholmalk ato Retail dbalbbs i inSTKUMENTS SHEET MUSIC Muttenl Merchandiat and ancy Goodly AT BAZAK 137 JE AVE I In our warerooms always tobefoundfrom TO SUIT ANY WEATHEB 5 orles S' WRAPPERS AND DRAWERS ROM whoUl retalnB an toterert to thealle of PiVmawB kJ 92 eacn I are enabled to offer our customers the cetabratedinstru ine Lise Thread white and brown I menta of Boardman Gray A CoChickering Hallett Da Saxony (all wool) Wrappers In white colon Qd I yfg Co and others being unquestionably the bestmade 8tripfui which we offer Soft Cashmere for Invalids I Gauze Merino Wrappers and Drawers I A A ICRS Drawer? Cotton and Gossamer Wrappers and I at greatly reduced prices A targe stock of low prfeed Merino Silk and Cotton I CELEBRATED MKUO UKANS Drae by the don or to quantity to 1 I sion supplied at eastern prices TOT9 6 Woodward ave I spnavD trnuoTm in 40 1 ax a UVltCtCL' ADV tROnVlDUni MA TERIALS Orders by mail will meet with prompt attention febll I A 0 0 RTES NEW A ELEGANT JEWELRY LOCKETS WATC11E1 BHKAMTJT i'ins and Ear nuga Also ancy and Millinery Good Jn it received at the MARKET STORE apr25 Hf Next to the Methodist Church T0H0USEKEEPERS WETMORE HAVE JUST OPENED a very large stock of RESH GOODS I of all descrip tion for houee famishing: lute Stone of patterns China do ((lass Ware Britannia War Silver Plated Ware very cheap Japanned are anti a gen eral Rtork of articles for Houw nj aishipg al the lowest possible i kicks i aprSO Avav suTvek goods BY DAV A LARGE AIDI lion to our stock of Plated Castors ake Bas kwra Ann lAdiev Crumb Scrapers ish and I le Knivee TycettatoubereA7Be ur NKW HoirKS KECKIVKD BY JOHN A Kerr Co Tai Ping Waug tbe Chief of th Chi nese Insurrection Greer and the Greeks of the resent Day Brittany and La Vatxtee: Artwit'a Bride a hu the Cloud The Sultan and His People Inquire With STOCKHAM Manufactured anu ukauk is bujis premium the Ohio shoe and Rubbers ia now receiving nn Spring Stock romtoms at tneun wbich has been setectea with creat cue and which shall I i Michigan and lumow' LaJlLjr urill anil fill fltoCk COnAlBta of I I I IV rate um a Gaiters Bootees Buskins Ties and Snpe of eery I quality and style Also a targe assortment of I RTATE KATRS Cat nailers Oxford ties Brogans and Sllira I a I CHAS' PIQUETTE A i a MASUIOTUKKR SUPERIOR GOLD PENS DIERENT PATTERNS Unrivalled In Quality Pattern and ine inished Pointe DAMAGED PENS REPOINTED Mbdutw ftW cents Emgrossikg 7ft cents Mammoth tl Damaged Pens sent by mail enclosing the amount for repairs in postage stamps will be promptly attended to No notice taken of letters containing Damaged pen no I imr WrtU k'nj IT BALDWIN fc CO ARE NOW RECEIV October 4 oct4 dtf ing their Spring stock or Buurs am which with a large supply tof their own manufacture offeree! at the lowest at Wholesale only tyNo 25 Woodward Avrnfe I April 8 aprO BALDWIN A CO SPRING STOCK opdrthefshiD Notuffl THE COPAHTXMR8HI ffHERNTOORE Ex isting between the undersigned under the name andtyle of Gibbs A Co ia this day dissolved by mutual eon rent The burines of tbe late firm will be settled by Grosvoror who alone Is folly authorised to wttia aim and all indebtedness of the said firm will be paid by Grosvenor GKO G'REte feA xl ji i REDERICK HENKEL Ew GROSVENOR Detroit Mav 5tb 1857 voai DISSOEUTlON THECoPARrNERSHLPHKRK: tofore existing under the name and style of 4 NOBLE ia this day dissolved by mutual oonseat' All persons indebted to the late firm are requested to call and settle the same immediately at the old stand whets the business will be couUnutd by Noble NOBLE Detroit March IWT NUT1CK THE UNDER yy signed hare thia day formed a copartnership under the name and firm of rAD AMS A TYLKB" for the con tinuing and prorecution of the Boot and Shoe huinera heretofore carried on by ADAMS at No 3 Wood! ward avenue Detroit Michigan i dt ADAMS' I charles tyi er i Dated Detroit April 20th lfiC7 vnvt dim pi THK INDER V7 signed have thia day formed a co partnership under tbe firm and style of Price A Co for tbe purpose of doing a general Coal and Pig Iron business Office and Yard on Atwater street between Randolph and Batea PRICE WALTER PRICE My business will now be discontinued aud all parties indeb ed to me are redpectfullv requested to eettle their accounts on presentation of Dili I PRICK Tbe undersigned feels himelf much indebted to his friemfa and ths citixena generally for their liberal patron age and would most respectfully ask for a continuation of tbe same for the firm of Pnoe ft Co Respectfully I PRICE Detroit 16th Arril 1357 aprl7 dlm frHK Cd EAttTNKKsHie HKHkTUOKK existing between ihe underaignad nnsr the name and style of Keith is thia day dissolved by UJUIUIII itajUHeMl 1 UV UUIUBM VI IQS 110 urnj Will settled by Ripley who alone is frilly authorised rwniH luw nuu an lUUUUieUBWi Ol 81Q U1XD Will paid by eaid Ripley vtiw ti RIPLEY aprli SallluK ol Sfeamrre Nkw Yohk May 1G ft (turner North Star for Havre Hermannselnen and Liverpool nd Leopold let alleito day The North Star took 350 paeaen nd $350000 in specie the Leopold let 90k5 passengers the Hermann 262 passengers ad $50000 in specie from Mexico Nbw Obtbans May Id i rnm the ci tv of Mexico to the 1st iM that party was attacked at Coforeati intrendered at discretion The prisoners umbering sixty and among them Col Crabbe Ki ill to be shot New Pollee Board Nbw Yobx May 1C TS PnlfeB Board is stated to have receiv 'ri Idonnslly the accession of Police Chief I tlkeot Brooklyn 4uu ra 41 3 hits1 9 PIANOORTES! IffW a S'M aR i 1 1 1 I fl (K A 1 A I A 11 A7 1 i rr iW1 MV W7 4 ZflR ui 1 1 i ra ra i i st ew OL Bl.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.