The Homer Index from Homer, Michigan (2024)

NATIONAL LAW-MAKERS. NEWS CONDENSED. Concise Record of the Week. HYSPEPSIA ggHSSSBsral BBOWf Ulead Will Trib" Tea, the old ad aga la right hut If tha liver la die rderad and the Mood benomoa thereby anrrupted, tha bad "btaod will toil" In dim rases of akin and throat, la turnon and Hirers, and In tulmrctoa In tha lungs I Brat a lava of ronauntplhHi) even although lha (ubjoct ba diwwnited In atralgbl linn from Mli'hsrd (hear do Man, or tho nobteatKomnn of them nil. nr selling Ilia liver In urder no other tned Irina In tha world equate I r.

Phntm'i Gulden Mmllral IHannrery." Try It, and ynur liked will tril" Urn story of Ha wuaderful afllracy. floMg man ara Ilka eggs. Yon oan't toll whether they ara good or boa until they era tanks. raport from a Vallad Malaa Consol ta Rwllaor had gtraa Um following hifaramUoni Thaaa are twsuty-algM laadora, tan prteett. aad thirty-tow toanhara at Urn Momma rkaich la NwlUrrlaad.

Thair elite! miration latlmt of ailaahaurim Tha auniinaldoauto af tha Mars aam (liureh amalam era. A araa maar Mur-tona annvarta ara chimed thnmgh Ikala laatra-awuiallUaa la the Ialted States. Tbla Marawa pnitaioanda la baiun with aiach Ilnur la tha mwtham paita of Nwlteeriand, aw all tha aanrarla thua far hara baaa wamliara of lha IroUaUut danamlnatlana. Than an Cathrrtlea among I ham, lliwat alimNoa la Ion paid by thaaa mlaalnaartai to wwnra, lo yuan nirla. The yoennrslria era aria-, aad whaa arnwa ara seat to tha Halted i.

Tha lulaakaiaria aaam to ba wall aappllad with no nar, and hara nrfaniaad many baaarvtout aaairtlaa, aapaalally for lha rallaf uf Important Whaa yen visit or have Mow Xarh Cly, asvo baggago, nproosoga, and sarriaga hire, and ship at Um Uread UmIwm Hotel, opposite Grand Omlrel Depot Oil room, flUad np at a aoat af ana mllllun dul tera. It and upwards par day. Kuronma plan. Ktevatur. ttostanraat annjiltod with Um kadi I lured oara, alagsa, aul elevated railroad to aU dnpoto.

Fandllea aan live Imtter ter leas money al Um Grand Union Hotel Uiaa at any other Brat-stare hotel la Um ally. HehalanlltL Spooking of aoliool atnrion, I wont to arltuul myaolf oum, anil ona day when vinilor were praaont tlio tear li or i itevahipwL There arnipiunm tfaSpHC! I ibonglil lie wnuhl show off tin lie should kauware rariljrreaiHiiiary to Bright's I and doflning elana. Things wont on well until tbo word "singular1 to do a llte physicians say Ihat everything Dial ng eli tlw word "singular" waa I given out, Tbom auenierl to ba a Um high seAd, Ute arlnu waa lha killing of Um mala of Um vassal At a moating of tba Ohambarlais party, kohl Inodua, forty-alx Liberal num-hara of Um Ilonaa of Comnuma reaolvad to vote againat a aaeond iwadtagof Um hoata-rute MIL Tha UonmrvaUva whips aatlmata Um OmmorvuUva rota at HA Um Haritagtoa aad (Immherlala aactton at Ml Um Liberal abaca tera at SI aad lha vote af Um (Iteitetoutena aad Panmllitaa at SV7, amklag a majority againat tba bill of Gorman ooatoma oflloera Lara aeUod a aumliar of packages atarksd ailk gooda ana-talnlng albllteUs paiere. ('anraaaera in County Tyrone, Tro-laud, hara obtained Um aaam of twolro hundred mao who are ready to Jola au Uhtnr army to reaiat hnma rale Terrible aloudlmrati anti liailatormg ore reported from Thuringia, la Oertuaiiy. A Berlin diapotoh aayg tlm oommlt-bm oa lha apirit-tM Mil rejertel on tlm ancaad fvadlng Um Ural paragraph af lha Mil Hina reodaring lha mason ra Lord Haliabniy, in lha English Hinmj of Lards severely erttlatetd Mr.

lllalna for hta Pnrttaad ipaerh, heeanaa of hla alteek pu rartita nUareaesa allribotad to him (Halte-Imty), which Mr, Bteino dm no need. Liml Hal la bury sold hi most denounoa the Ungnago good hy Mr, 11 lame, "who taoau rearing ft Um suited poaitioo of Uie Prealiliiticyof Um I'aihri Hta tea, 11a oomdrinnl that Mr. Bltlno Bite-qantai him 1a referenra to hta utloranroa respecting Irish omlgreUim, and aihlsd: "It uao to hi aa mlmlttod truth that aaatetlng ponjila to a migrate from a eountry where amptoyuumt Ja ant roe and wagoa ara low to souther eountry wboro they can Improvd llmlr eomlilinu waa doing a bonoflnant ad Thin was nothing la my anggnetlon appraaohing an Inanlt to lha Irish penpla I do not mini Mr. Bteino staining me if that will Improve hta prospects, I Hit I do tliat la Uig future he quota am owrectljr." LATER MEWS IETMB. I diversity of otiinion ai to tlio moaning of tlio worn, one saying it meant tins tiling anil an oilier another, until tlia taaoher, hy tha way of throwing light upon tho matter, asked; "Now, if I should nay man was a singular man, what should I mean whereupon a bright lioy shonted, "A man tliat didn't liava any wife A teacher aakod ono her pnpila tlia other day to glvo her tho aura of five and six.

Troven," was Uia reply. "Yon shouldn't any In von," alio aaiiL Hay eleven always. Next hoy, how many are five and seven I "E-twolval" was tlia prompt reply. This mnnt prova that (loa. Walker I ia right whan ho uya that onr jinblio-whom children learn login rather than nnmbars in their itndy of srithmetio, LouUvWt Courler-JonmaL medical skill caa do fur him briog duo line is mil bol Tlm ears la a premiers! naa boesaae lha (tea wri Is aa ox IVaildstil) and ynt Umm ara Uumaanda at farmer, qiiwtly dying, la llmir farm-bousM, uf neramtary nyinjibmm at ilngbl'a D.auaaa.

eallod by avary ulbar erai-erirabte aiom) ttiuuaanda uf wurkmaa, lllw-wise 'lying; laavlng hriiihwn famUtes: ban. dnris ufusitmamte in all wilkaaf lire who bars a Ink seed, and ara lilmwkm dying; helpless Victims of pnwnrlsaa pliyatetena. F.igbt ye.ra ago a vary wall-kanwn gaaUs-Men was alamt to abler apen targe commercial transacllona. II a mmlmri advmar quleily drotiiied Into bin ufflm one day and told bm enallilratlri dork llmt lm wouhl lm dead lb three months, and that ha uught to Battle up hla husiaeaa affairs at onm That men hi alive and well to-rtey, yet ha waa given np aa iimi raids with lha aaaie dia-ma Ural ta killing (teneral Arthur. Gar reporter met this goaltamaa yeatenhy, aad ta ajuvunwhua about tba Usoarel'a aaaa lw mLIj "I will give to any eliariiab'a laatlht-" that to Ibe 8tate of New York, "IT Dm a lihw uf Um New Yu "llor of tlm linflalo Arr.

burgh at Um Troy Then, if Warnarte aafa "sure (taken oceording lo my dlreetmiaj, whieli "eured me eight years aga ean mil sura Uen-eral Cheater A. Arthur uf HrigbCa dlanarsL "from which he ta suffering "Now I want yon In nmnuatand," ha eairl, "Uiat wa du not prefoas hi makn naw kUlneya, "but wa do know from prrvoual (iMrinn 1 tfimmaima "and frum Um erperieore of many I "of similar eases, (hat wa saa atop tua uf Uw kidnaym Many a man haa goua "llireagh life with ona kidney without Thoaaanda uf paopla have lived a majority nf their life with nno Inng They "ilirlaul nave a naw tang maria. TVs do not make naw kidoeya, but If tlm kidney ta mil eansamsd too much wa eaa atop dtaoaaa and "prolong Ufa if lakau la Urml" Ihla offer eomna from IL IL Warner, prepri-rior of Warnsr'fl safe cure, of this nur. Mr. Warner also aaid: My dear air, Uaveram, Hanafaire, Ileabteut al ea; "arnmlwra of Uongrees, prominent men "women all over tlm country whom I paranaal- ly know have been cured of dieeue, each a a "Gsnaral Artlinr anffon from, hy our Warners "aafa curs, but owing to Um oTreten in which they move Uiny do not anie to give puMic do tho faeL" Mr.

Wxrner is interested in Genorel Arthurs acquainted wilh --any Um opera Ural of old-faalllotmd, jiownrful tnartire, wldeh hara na curative effocta, Iherllmn rather ilmn that a mndorn, aonecded apecifle for PrrIVa-llom la Catarrh Ncmr-ly. attained la Dr. Hags! It ia tha min with a dark beard who never aaya dye. THIN nCOPlrK. "Walla' Head tli llanewer" rmtorea hnalUi.

and vlgar.eura. liyrp mra, lUemamiiliun, WasUim Ulnae. DerilaaL It haa aanri Uum senile, will aura yum. II KANT IAINd. PilldlaUnn.Dreiialaal llaarlarba, Ague, and KMnsy tkaniilalut.Mr'npleirns.a aurstl by Walla' Health Mruswar." KlcgautTuulaft Arlultaorsltiblrstt.

LINK I'KKNKMVKM. If you ara Inaliw ynnr grip na llte Iry "Wdlrf Iliqrlfti lleuswcr. Guru direct to weak Blurts. Ureal Appatiaer, aul abl to INgnriiiHi, giving eteeutjtk to riemadi, livar, kidney bowria. REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE.

acta wHh axtraardteary sffiaaay aa tha tiver, kiDNEys, 1 AND Bowels. AN EFFfCTIML (PECIFI0 F0 Malaria. ltoerel Cmaptalatab Ilyapepala, Mak IteadactM. Crmatipodlne, BHIueaneaa. Kidnap ABbmtloaa.

daumllas. BEST FAMILY MEDICINE lo Honsebold Should bo Vlthoit It, tela ua Ing na bTlte, nil, hy being krqit ready ftrr Immediate use, will save ninny an lumr uf Buttering and atony adulter In Uiaa and doctors THEgl IB BUT ON SIMMONS LITER REGULATOR ea tori yen gat lha gaaulaa with rad saoteeat af Wrapper. Prepared ariy hy J. H.ZEILIN 4 nria Propriete-ar PhUadsfahia, Pa. 1MlUJh tan iasn, huys mrid glrta niakir (1 lo a ilu al fttririly rir want rrm tu dr iUCU.MIIrimnc.

MM Mis cSmw s. Vr lunfttr. Meuliua I FACE, UAMDM, FEET, 4 all IMv iRRiriirfilnfo iKMtaw IhftiMMwL EMifilmt ttoty. IMi Mw kMaOVIMW, irtK Ndm. Anm, JHark Hw4t.

Rpmw, Pluitov wm4 iMr iwiiwty lib aridnos r.Pm. Wl filial Iikfla Me. lUnma, at Traiia.iaa, luiredbaed a MU ta tha amute, aa tha let Hut. prutldlHf hr the paymantto Mrt Kllaa H. Browalow af M0 hr Uoverwmant advarUalna IB tba Kaoivllla Whig, Kilialmd by bar huabaiid.

lha raumyi lar- ilrowatew. Mr. Bask Introduaad a Ull aiakHultaalawful bw say nminbar nf alUwT boaaato act aa raimied altonwy. aad Bring Ills mlnliiinm inilllshmaat ter vtoUUag Ita lire, vtabma at a Bus uf. 0.0'U.

or Impriaon-luaut bar ouo year. Bills ware paired to brereat allana horn acquiring laad In tlm Turrltortea, and aiUodlim Uw alikl boar law to tottni-aanHsra. Tha Fraaldaiil rctoad anotber penalmt Mil upon tha gmnnd that It waa but bared aiuu MlutaHtlal mcritt Tba Prsablout rent lim bdluwlng anmlnaUuni to Um genatai Itbikl I. Hawklna of Mlaaonrl to lm Aaalatan Brerriary af tha Interior, visa (lung A. Janka, rvalgnod i iiMOnh Juhaahia pf Virginia to ba nniiuilariiniat in Um rilalrtel Alaska, Vina Hho.1 if laabar, realgnsd J.riiH It Illley of ITattekurg, H.

Indian Hahnri BuparintemteHt. ilaa Jubii H. (Nmrlr, appolntad utvtl-rervlca Quuimlaaluncf. Tha lianas agria wreatlad with lha ataomatitarlBa Mil, aad Um pp.meiiM of lha maaanra gaiuad a point by aoourlng lha adunttan of an amondmeat radns. tag Um tal frem ton coals to olsM eon Is a punad.

Mil Wanvar of biwm nnmo to a qaoaUon of priillsas and nth sowre hoot dsnisri Uto ohsigoa af aa Iowa noarapaper that ha waa andaly toBnaaaed to ac tlm MIL Ha bad bean, and still waa. In base, a favor id Uis nlenuiargarlua Mil, and It waa Irire Hurt he had bean InflaanOad liiipraparly la bla amirea In reaatd to that measure. Mr. CiiiMn, at Ililnota, talredussd ta tba UanatSL oa tha Id teat, Joint raautatlon pro-poring a soaaUtaUooal amandmont la regard to polygamy. Mr.

Merrill autonlttrd aprepomd amend utcat to Hcnabir Platt's opea ag-eeuHva aaaahm reariutton wblsh ma' at thla reraluUM apply to realpguolty trsatlaa Inatoiad of 10 ncmlnaUau. Tho Now. uf n-prea-ntaUvos, ta eaamlttoa uf Um whdo, flnlibed the rioumaigarlna Mil. Mn O'Nrill, fnnn Uis Conunltteo on Imlmr, roportad I logallas tho booriMlka of trod A Ull tor Um paymout of Um awards far Alabama alrima waa signed by til! Preel-dent after eaaaulUUaa with the members el the Cabinet aa to Ita senatitaUeaallty. Mm JUwsa preaantad a paHUoa la lha its oa tha Id taut, frm lha City Oeoadi af Otoareatar, that retaliation be entered against lha Canadian Oavareamnt tar tlm aria-uia of Amariran Bahlng-vaaaria.

Mr. Xdniainla tba bin that a ship of Um United Htatea Govern niaiu wnnld aeon appear to Uia nortlisni aaaa to aumnraam Urn flahanuan. Tba Hrnials paaad Mr. Von Wyekla Mil fur tha tasatiiiu nf rallrna'lqpwul lands tha ebjest bain. tliat Mm anmiiiitlaaa aball boar equally with the asltlarstlia banian at paying the uses.

Tlm Ilousa uf HuprsaeaUUvua pnaaud tha ol prana rgarlnu bill altjr ainundins It to maku Mm tax Bn aauta par youml. Tha vi Um rnxHge Mm Mil waa ITT to I tha ITT rotes Um Uenoarete soati and tlia Hadilleaaa aa. Tha nagaUva ware east by Urmnereta aad IB Hapnblleana. Naw Knglaud east 17 votes tor tha hill and 4 againat Naw York. Psnnaylrnnla, Naw Jeraay, Marylan.l, and Uulawaru in ftw and againat; Um HouUiani Htatea, Inelnrllng Waal VI and Kantnaky, II ftwamllSagrinat; tha irllng Mlawairi, at for IU no and tbs Paeifla Coast htatea era Bla tee, I again tar aad 1 against tlm bill.

Miunminti Wiareualn on 1 nay Vaa Hal yeas and naya If anlldly ter tha MIL ihalek; Michigan ind naya HaylMiry, TWanay, serf Flahsr. Ililnota steed to Dunhaut, Imw. tor, MiVTiioa, and Weld vritag egrinai the Mil, and nil tlm rest of them In favor at It exeapi Hi Ian, who waa abaanL Indiana retsa to ft-Cstdr, Breams, and UM voting againat Um MIL Tha tel-ring ara Um main tentnrea at Um Mil, aa It iaad Bntter la rlaflnad to ba a tend prod let lna-la axalaalvsly fleui milk or ereeni, or both, with or without common MIL and With nr without et deri nr matter. Oleomargarine Is tUBned aa all auliatiuiasa mada of tilaouiaigarlna, elan, lanllue, tallow extracts, In imitation of butt, at when so marie eslentalei! to lm aoM na butter at ter batter. Bimetal taxes are iiiiyomd aa follows On nmnnfauturera, low; on whole.

ala dealers, V4.0; on retail dealer, I4Sl The existing Internal -reran ue Inns, so far as appllrable, ara mada to apply to these apaelal taxes. PsnriUaa are Imposed any psratm who shall deal In oisoamrgariim without paying tlm special tax. Pruviaioa la tlm proper aiamping and labrilnaof a of oteomorgarins. A tax of nve mar la far tlm proper stum ping svury paekigo of ateomargarini onto a pound Is Imposed oa nil oleomargarine manufactured and sold, and a penalty pro-raaopMoa tar aato of anr I bed for tha pare baas or olsninargirtns out brant ted ar atampud acaonl-iogtolaw. A nnmbrrof aasttosmof lbs Mil an dsiotwl toprovidtog machinery to carry Um law Into affect.

Tub report of tbs Commlttas on Indian Affaire on Its Inreatlgatioa at tba aomlltkia of tba Indians la Mm Indian Tsiritory and other reaarvo. Ilona waa submit al in thn Hamits on Mm 4th IiiiL Toueblnx Mis claims of Mm I Vovka and Hamlnolaa to Oklahoma, and til pretrnsvS uf a right nf entry npua those lands by bam la of satanlste, tha ouuiinlUrm unitj In tlm i tl bt Urn United Htata. bos no I AYhilo at work in the garden I heard I quite "quacking" of dnekn and aplaalt-hJUfY7 xckuowtetlgod jnK of so mitcli oo that I yundiMilit Um ritiracy of Wanmrte aafa wa saw tlua nNHipfoinpa aib VAHP fptdtlhflR tlm pnqiriabm, rek your friomte oluded to investigate. Ifonnd smother duck with brood of four or flva young Id Ma' Vfnx Lsw asatw. SB itJsikma nt jlsto.

(laaaiaahaaabsmTraSa Mark aad (mamS rtebaas aawramissL Tabs as Mbvr. Marta aatr to BNSWb tiHXUlUAL COL, MALTIHakK, UB, -M- PISO'StCURE'F ORir Mflil VHAIi AU ILSft lAHIs MCMMtilljrru. TMMmei Vaa In tim. noM hr ilnwlML Hwaifi-fiaiaffLollil I Pienta Gum ter CSaaniptioa savsd my tite.r-L. L.

air lx, UrnardaL Klntner, Mlrb. wl-PISOS CUR E- OR 1 1 i in is mu iimiw 6MAI HNIU AU Kill Allis Will bay aCbar Oowh Mrtftriaa aa kra aa a pt Fiao'a H. Larihrr. KlitvMdg IU. CHILI iMoMafcwifijtiMa KFliNifli fir ira4 bm ObmpM TTii.

B. BttEKBTwv, BraadyvlM) M4. i BratlwrtiKjrruB. TmuraimoiL Uaa 1 In tuna, mul hy riniifMA 1 kroMifcwiaiAJBg TiDcrti Cura for Ooeeumpdnn In At bnnlwdirma in lm ufid.M). Ia.

Hurca AUlaa Mann. ((Wh Hfmpk TMiMinoi Via In ninn. IwM hy rtr'Bira 1 PtooM Cun tor OoBMnptloa In tobift vnudm for mn." H. II. HuiMiUb Mtrvnife, M.

Y. Tlic Best irincaa, I UITEIH. Ths SOOUi snnirerasry of Um founding of On fa*g la Id bn retehral'dsait fall hy a pupiBi covering Mt day Johns lfoal ml kit Maodataa, Btsssaehwaig and Hohmrfc, vnra aeatesoed at Haw York, Noat hr ana par and 1900 Dm, Hnmaeehweig hr nlna moniha and (gW flue, sd Kehesek for niso months Rceonli Rmjrtk tnforswd Root that ba Iba greatest arose dial ha bad anr am al Iba bar, and really da. aarrad eaiatal puntahmisi i (Ian. Auoa O.

McCook, Fecreisry of tha United Matos Senate, narriad at tha rraldanaa of h'a brother, (too. Juba J. Ik-Cook, la Maw York. Tim bride araa Mini Kill McCook, of Htoshrovilta, Ohioan diatant rala-tira of the groom, Hear Owego, Now York, Harry Pnn-baa killad Mm AaaUa Waits iad himarlf with shaLgsa, Charles A. Bndilenscik, tlia Now York baildar, eon rid ail of msnstasgktor tad aKOlanrKd to tM years in riaoa lieoaaaa loam nf h'a ill-eanstrsrted btultlUga fall oa a ssst-bar of people aad killad thm hirinf bona rahaad a sow trial hy tha Naw York Bnprama Coari, baa onoa to fltef King to aarra bin jraara' sMtauea I WESTS RM.

I Tha Michigan rrooo Association, at Ma BmliDg la tkdilvalor, adopted Dm billowing motutioa, which waa ordered aani hi Um l'raelrkal, amid ihaadan of aiplanaa: Nraainri, That wa, tha mamnan at tha lllrhi-Ria Praia AaanetatMs, la aouvrsUos aaaamblrd la Coldwatar, hereby aituod wngiatalstloae and grevMnge to hla Kiaallamr llnmr Hleva-lasrl, Iral4aut nf Iba InKud States, oa tl weddisg dor- IP ba etwees aa Im mat thla hla it by tha aad dm pani-ia araa an honor and privltes high inala but to lm aroaptad aa boatload and kaap-ar nf a hnma by nan of oar enuntry'a falroat daughten la a prlrllaga mom aaarerl aad no Iraa honorable. la tho llttla (orornmnit to-day ea-tabllabrd mar thorn lo ao oanRIallna rnlidML ao aaoaprotad return an nffen.lve parti nans, and may tha afforthm and aatoam Mint pnmiita tho Baton oorrr lapae Into Innuonnua desuetude. Baina have fallen goncrally tlirough-ont tha Want, greatly henefltlng tha ampa- Gold ora rotsying (I in gold and Q1 1 la allrar to (he tun baa bean found nn Ha mud Kirn'e land, wllh'a ona aula of Lonlaltna, Mol Hr. A goo, brother of tbo lata ax Lieutenant Onrsrnor of Nahraaka, win killad la a political qnarrrl al Htcphonapoi by John (ion try. At North Manchester, a athllion atfaoked Kelly (Jiiinn, a Jockoy, tore Um flesh from hla body, and than look him balwann bm forth, and a book him aa a terrier doss a rat Quinn la dying.

Tho case of Thankful Tanner againat Mm Loorrtia Osrfleiri, widow of lha late Free-idmt Gerflrld, for danugaa to Um amount of 0X1, wia begun laat wank la Urn Oommua Ptean Court at (toretaorl. The Tunor woman la a notariotm woman of lha town, and oa Dm MW, waa knoeke.1 down and allgblly lu-Jurad by Mm Uarflcbl'a cerriagv A package of 110,000, amt by the Union Nationiti Rank of ChmhraaU to Um Van Wart (Ohio) National Bank, waa found to eon-tain, whoa it reached lie destination, but ert-toa and waata paper. Aa inroallgatlon aa to how Um money waa abntraeted aad by whom la being mada IOVTHERM. United Btntea Jndgoo Fnrdoa and Billlnga rendered a itectahm at NewOrtoane la faror of Um Ball Company in ita auita igalnnt tho National Imirora.l Trlrphona Company ataL In the Diatriot Court at Han Antonio aantenra of out year hi Iba penitentiary at Cheater, Ullnola, waa pronounced by Judge Turner againat Koteoa ITato, wboaa aooouuta aa Collector of Cuotomo for Um Diatriot of Corpua Cbriati abowrd a (kfldt nf Two jroero ago hla bondammi mada good Um abort -aga, with tha uutlurataiKliiig that tlm proaoeu-tion would bo droppol G. 8, Prooloy, proprietor of tha Magnolia Honoa at Plue Bluff, who kilted Frauk Brigham, of Mew York, baa bean aan-tenend to br rxeeuted Juno S3l Jamea Baxter waa axeentad at Lebanon, for Um munlor of Mm Iana Weatey Hiamaty and Tahtcy Baaka hanged at Winchaatar, Va, for killing Joaoph McFaul WASHIMGTOM.

Tha dacreaaa in tha puhlio debt for May waa The intoreat-boaringdeM la now The folbiwlng la I n-eapilutetiiai of tlm delit ntalrmonl teeund on thalatiimt: Bonds stfM imraant. Honda a 4 par seat Banda at I par aant Hefundinf sactllteaam at 4 par eon. Navy pension fund at I par aam. Puma Hrilread bonds HI par aant. IW.To 00 4 1 bn, ai Principal JBtCMlA a a a Total aaaaoaaaaaa ,.1,1.0811 llrMLMM H.tWaM.UI KP HMI 9W I im.w rrtlMltplaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaesaoaaaaa iBtMMtaaaaaaaaaagaaaasasaaaasaaaasaa I NM I RAHIM VO 1MTKRMT.

Old imni and lagAl-UBdfRot MB.TM. IMI aa ANy'dApOON a. RjglJl', HI rNMOIT MpMlgMT I IMUI CwtlAeAtaa et AnmU. Wlrur MrtUkMtoa Fractional currency Frtadpal total Mar. Frtecipal latCiaCt a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Trial II.ttMJ, 81 Lore saab Hama available tor nan tom of Ilia da lit I 14,174 tree reaarvo bald to redamothmaf Trial bm.lC4.iTt Trial deri tore aval I able aash Item.

IL 1740, U1 1 Nat aaab la tlm Troreury Dahl law aaab to nwaaarv June I. tl.tja.loe.Hl Debt teas aaab fa Treasury May MM imjmutt Daaraaaa af debt during April IvB AM aaaa vwa tbeuubt xvaiuaLa asiio nog or vag dkot. Said bald ter eoid eartiBcaiaa aat ally ootatandlng bllvar bald tevallvaroarUflaatm aoa. sally oatatandiag (L 8l tonal bald tor cmUlteataa af dapoait aetaallv ootoUnding 1MM Gash Bold ter jnatonm debt aad to- tareat onpald IVOLltf VTuattaarisurraasy Trial aval labia tor redasUoaaf Item A-t-4 MNHim RKCKBTR ruvu. HaM tor radempOun of U.

ootoo, sets Jon. If, U7L aad daly lb MM Haa vat labia tor rsdastlsn af Um daM- PVaarbniri allvar sate (MaULWl fte.8II.tTT CarUflretaa Mat aaab Imlanea aa I A4 TiaMMIIl Hctel ccch hi TteMery ee chewi by I all of A of of fforw. inut ntr Dont enter tbs pari, right to dispose of Um ownership of Um soil ta I valid, Alopt on tUO ground IIOOT, USt Oil I I that out la. I tract without further ograoumnt from the hall, and the son, with hia with ttaram tribes, extent ter Uia pnnnaa of sot- I -i -1- 1 I "H1 work. tllug other friendly Iuiliana npun triow larvls.

Tba Hanots pas aud (lm (ihlnaaa llulamnlty MU, aiqmnirlaUng BIALOSJ to cover dainagaa la-fllatad by riotare at Hook Hiwlngs. Wyoming. Henotar Culloin aubuilttsd tha llanna-pln annal bill na an aumatluiMit to iha river and harbor appraprlatiaa MIL In (lm House nf Hoproosntotlrea Mr. Whoalrr, of Alalmma nmrls bitter attack tlia Mr. Man AIaIwnie null a hitter RttMk niwn 1 loroughly aroused, she observed, that while ha had removed hie overcoat, hia a A Cara mt Mr.

DL IL Bsrarir, ut that Ills daughter wax whieli terminated with boot phyriaas gavo Dm eould live but a (aw honra A jury at Hi Louie jironounoed Mex-well guilly nf Dm tinier of 1 Teller. Tha trial haa been tha moat easily Dial haa ever oe-eeired ta that ally. At least HUN has I expended in bringing Dm fugitive to Justice Tlm expanses of hta nx trail! lion from Naw Bestead amoantod ta 13,900, and Dm remala-dsr waa apeat la paying Um expenses of wit-sa from oilier Htatea and la preparing lha evklmoiL A formal end Anal report in the an-archtat eaina wav anbmllted by Um Grand Jury at Chicago teat week. A few mure indieimaota were handed in and Um court discharged Dm Jury. Tlm report staled that true Mila were on nd only against inch perenaa aa bail by almring Dm privilege of fro apooeh, been mure or torn I naira man tel la causing Um riot and bbiudriird at Haymaihet Hquare, Tha July declined lo And Mila againat rev-tain "weak 'and ignorant" persona who ware shown hy evidence to bo tools at designing mm Tlm Jnry thought Um danger greatly magulflod and Dm number of anarah-iata ovrroalimatod.

Tba anarchist eon 'piracy had nr real oonneetion wiUi Dm strikes or labor troubles, according to tha report, but Uwy were simply mada ita opportunity. Ho exaggerated, eontinuod Urn report, was Um strength of Um iiurehlsla, Uiat politicians bad cringed before II and proenarione were tolerated that I a alia me to the ally and an affront to ovary taw-aMding citizen, ltolmrt Schilling, editor of tba Vil urankaa I'alkMeU aud Mate Organizer of tho rights of Labor In Wiaoonriu, fa under indictment at Hilwaukaa for eoanpirery. Tha Federal Grand Jury at Seattle, Washington Territory, found ten Indictments againat loaders la the recent snti-Ubtaciio note, and report Uiat evidonoo haa been laid bofore it proving tlio extahmeo of au urgsriaml society whoso rim fa to subvert Um government and establish in its place a aocteUatte eomiiutn-wvalDk Tha beam of Um aorioty, according hi tha report, la tha Bad American International Workingman's Association. The main articles of the creed are uean, robbery, and mnrdor. Ita poliey Is to secure control of all labor or-ganizaUutia (leronimo is killing many Mexicans and Americana in (Inaymaa, Moxlcu.

The liqnor doolorg of Ohio will fight all attempts to tax tlm traffic in tint Htata. 1 he four large brick buildings of the Piuus-ylvxiita Bolt and Nut Ctmijiany at Lclwnou, were burnml with a Urge amount of machinery ami Butahod stuck. Tho loss ta about II0I10U0; fnlly Insured. The funeral of John Kelly was hold I Ht Patrick's Crilinlrri, New York. Mass waa eeh'lH-slod by ArcbbialMiji Oorrigan, and lha sermon was pnarherl liy Hunalgniir Proa-Inn.

Ammig tlm pall-brsrara ware Jnrlge 1111-ton and Angusl Belmont Tlm aortego of fifty eamagea waa followed It one bond red mrm-bera of Um Ttninuny Miciely on foot Thn IiviIIi raoultitJcm tolling upon tfio ho*rotary of Uw Interior ft (bo onUxcIty ftir tho lKBUMiooliy Uw IjMmI CcnmniHloiwr of ou outer annwiidiiig Uw ronHiil of opplteotloiia forpnb lie IiuiiIb uikIot rortain orta, powwd Uw Hosinto nn tlw 5th ftiantto ThojirlVHto ponnion IMIte ruubcd IhnrnyhBiiinlwnNl BRL Ilia oloniiiontaiiiw bill 'ho liou brought to Uw Honofce from Uw Nouni Uw Iimi of IU rotomico vil immIjkhwI and Uw bill wiw ollowotl (ollorailhotalilHteowallUw retttin of Mr. Milter, Chairman of Uw Commit teo nn AgrteullHra. Mr. Hock gavo boUoo that ho would inotafe on It rotoroueo Ui (ho OMiiultteo na Ylaonea. Mr.

llloJr ropnrted favorably from (ho CtauuilKw na Idabnr an amondmoa( (o (ho Mmdrv olvil bill ramoolag an ainirntirlaUoa of 1UMKN) Hland doll or (o aid in Uw ooialillfthtiion( of a rohool In Utah nnricr tbo rilroeUoa nf tho Industrial llotno Aowotalkw of Ctah. Thobjoet of Uw amondmont lo otated (o lw to aid In (ho sui-itronloaaf polygamy. Tho Houoo of ftapruot-n wUvoo paoood liillo opiWMirlaUng ItEMWO oaeh furpuUw bnihllnKO at Wou CHy and Manoovllla During a dolwto ovor lha Union Faeifio bond-axtonolon bill an oxciUng eoatiWMroy look flu botwooa Mr. Holman (Indiana! aad Mr. Mop Kteoraial.

Mr. Hobnaa inolnuated (hat tha raelflo Hailroad Cmimlttaa waa undnly tn-flneaeod la favnr of Uw corporation, and Mr. Crlnp0 Indlgiiant drnial and rooriiiilnaUunn, cauood eonobtenblo uf a oonootlna. On inotkm of Mr. Holman an amondmont woo arlnfitod in-eroaoing from forty to fifty por mti Uw amount of tho not onmlngo to bo paM Into tho oinking fund In raoo Uw oompanloa rofuood to aooopt tho provioiono of Uw aoi THE MAEKETE NEW YOUK.

rur pu--1 I A Serene Old Age 1b ooveted by nlL Many ara tha people, In many lands, who attribute tboir excellent health, hi advanced age, to the use of LSI Ayers Sarsaparilla. SIahy C. AMRsnunv, years of sgr, Fur forty years I wax troubled with liumnr lit (lie liluurl, which manifested Itself In inlnfiil eruptions ou my tklii. At lltiiex I iisra been a great sufferer. I tried all kinds of reimillps, but found no relief fur my complaint brill I commenced using Ayers Sarsaparilla.

Ten lioltles of Hite medicine cuinpietely cured me." -11 Fur llilrly-eiglit years I suffered wllli Herufula. Win'll a elilkl I had running sores oil my knees and auklca, from wlih-h ileeex of Imna worked out. After Ihcse were healed, my ryes bersmo tare anil liaiiiftll, and, sllluiugh I trlcsl m'iny remedies, untiling dlil me sny permnnent guorl until I raiiimenccd Inking Ayer's Snrsn-iwrills. Four holllex of this medldiia lierformcd wonders for me. Emma Tiptux, Alton, O.

Keep the blood pure, end Invigorate Ibe system, by Ike use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. for trend by Dr. J. G. Ayer ft (kh, Lswsll, Mass.

Hold ly IlruggWs. sis hallka, fiat tor hu mIIm whan ho*ratary of War, which oicifccd nom roasmcnl- Thi Hoe rotary of Wif oul to tho Houoo roMNnmoixl-liitf (hot of fthi oumirai oppmprtated br tho Mt nf Marih IMW, ft (ho ormoiunot torUflcotamii, bo roopiimprli a ovaltablo tor (ho eraiHruoMnn i of Mtua. POLITICAL. B. F.

lligolow, tha defaulling toller of Mtkiual lank In Washington, baa ban panhmad by Praaiiloat CteraUmL The prin-oonr'a wife died reranlly, tearing aon-a email ehlblrva to Um nuw uf thair gremlparmhi Tha Green backara of Miaoouri bald a Hlato onuranlion at Hulalla, and aumlnatod Orlaubi IJL Jonra for Judge uf the Hapnmm Court Tho Illinois Damooratio State Con-ninllaa baa Imna united to Band at Hprlagflnld oa UmSHhaf Angnat. T. Bead baa bam ronominatod for (kmgrean hy Um BpuUinat of lha Pint Din. Irirtnf MbIiml Tho Now Jerery House dafeatad a bill providing fur I'mal upUon throughout tbo Mala Senator Fair said, at Waahlngton, to a gentleman who win offering oongretalatimw oo I lie ponnigo nf hla (Fair1) rhinoaa raalrie-tiua bill, that Henator John Hhornma alimild not ho forgot ton hy the penplo of Um Paeifla euarrt, an hla aervlere In farnr nf I bo bill wore inmtlmabta. Denial Manning, aomo daya ago, re-aignnd hla paaiUoa aa Haorelaiy of the Tirua aiy, bat Preoidrnt Cteroknd reqnmtod him to take team of abtonao until October frere-tary Mwmiog ha Mmptod the rraaidaot'a auggoaUoa, and will allow bio renignallon to lm ovor anIU Ida tearo ofabmnaa ahall bare raplrad Aaalalaut Hoaralaiy FairehIM baa btoa miuaaled to art aa Hanretery until that tlmat and ban oonaaotod lo do bol Heerotaiy aad Mm Manning, arrompanird by Mr.

Joaoph Milter, Commlaaionor of Internal Borrows loft Wanhlngtoa teat wonk for lint Hprings Va THE IMDUSTRIAL OUTLOOK. The FiXaontira Board of thaXnighta of labor hold a thro nraafam at Cteva. land, and diridod ita Imnm'ltetn work Into dh-trieta Mr. Barry waa aunt to Milwaukee to look into Um labor trouldra In that trinity. From Milwaukee ha w.U go to Yimkom N.

to Inveatigito Um carpet-wea ram1 atriko. Hue-rotary Turner and Mr. Hayaa will go to Trey, N. whor* there la a lookout of oulkr-makcra aad laundry mra Tha eonfernnoj ounmiltee of flra to treat with tha trade uniona haa not yet been appointed, and it in probable that Mr. Powdniy will wait until oflirtelly aottod of ome gtiavanoauf Iradm union, bofore namiug the eommillm Bnaineaa fail area for tho weak in tha United Matra aad Canada numbered 187, againat 101 lha prorioua wonk.

Mora Uun ooo-half of lha raaualtioa ire raporiod by lha Waatem and Padfle Htetea. BmhtrfrTt oot-hm report potato to total aereago of aorea, againat aerea a year aga The a taluk and tlm pmapret of Um amp ore lean favorable Uun a year ago, whan they wore good At the moating of tha Amalgamated Amonilioa, at 1iltaburgb, (tenoral If alter Wurkmaa lViwdcrly wldreaard tha (onvan-tinn, aud rninratnl Uuim, In lha name of lha Knight of Labor, to Join that on ter la a body. Ilia ntnarka evoked wlblnal on-thneiaam. The tenth and lent day's aeaaion of tlm Omani Aaanmbly of lha Xnlglite of Labor, at Cleveland, Ohio, waa a veritalito love-foaai, and every member who had aaid anything againat any other number extended tlm hand of fellowship. Before adjournment au address waa offered aud adopted inviting all labor organizations to unite with Um Xnighta of Tabor la tha atruggla againat tlm tyranny uf wealth.

add rose, In atoning, nays: Wa hare reeelved a comminlaatton from a aommltlaa nf Ilia nauonal ogleara of aenw of the national and International traiUa unkxia, requcatlng rnrtnln opellls ImUlattoo at our haada, but aa we belter, that the ub)eet Bought and atated In the wanihla to tlm eominuulew Ilea above referred to asa Imat ba aeeoiiiidialiad liy a aonfarenan bitwaaa eamniiMea of thla aaaoeiattoa and a eonimittaa nf any othar ee laiiliuUloa, and aa tea propositions aoetalned Uteniln are Inaonalatent with our duty to ear mamlwm wa there (ura deter action npou aaid prapeaitlena until a aonfarenan of mnnilttoea sail bs bald. Tbs basis open which wa baiters in agree mcnt oan lw reached weald necessarily la-elude the adapttoa of auum plan hy which all labor organisation! canid lm protected fnnn unfair men won aapelkd, euapanited, endec no, oc guilty of Inking lb plneea of uuioe wen 'glita uf Lalair while or white Knlgii had BfMa, loekad out tom work ond Uiat, as far as pua-uultenii ateulard of hours of labor wogre a boo id trade i nloidrd. ao Uiat usa of onr order and man of uuy trade cuwllcd In anr trad re ualono may not eomo In cou flirt boranaa of Um dlthronsM In wagre or hours of labor. Wo alio Ijollal. that a ayatsmof arahaaglag working snnla ahonbl lm adupted, an Uiat members of any craft IroUairlua to diffarsnt itfia.

cat trail sou Id work In liannany together Um sard af any inaoibar of this order admllUng to work In any union abup, and Uis cant nf any union man admitting him to work in any Knigtito at Imbur abup. fnrtbor boltore that, upon an Ineraaae et wages or shorter hours of labor marls by olthsr organ liatlon, a eonfomma aliuul.1 bald with tho organised tabnrsre onuloyod In tho aetriillate lout When tbo demand ftw Inaresre uf worioa ar iwtiaoUtm of hours Is soatompUted, aeuon ninn proposed redneUon uf wagre or other dilHonlty to lm agreed upon In a Ilka manner, and tliat In Um aatUrmanl of any diflleulUoa between omployera and ainpltms lha organism Ilona imirasi atod In Um eatobllahmeitt shall ba parties to Um tonna of aattlauiauL An addraaa wag Iranotl denying that Um Hume Club" waa engaged In platting against Um welfare of tho ardor, and saying Hint the very beat of fooling prevailed among tho delegatee. An address waa also la. sued to the Oreagore complimenting them, and aakiug llmlr aid. XiaCELLAMEOUM.

Two hundred Monoon proaolytei tamlrd at New York tent amok from F.umpa, under thn chargo of Elder PralL The Canadian Faeifio Company, by (be purciuaa of two route and tlm eoustructiua a abort branrh, fa almnt to rVvrnaao tho dte-tanoa from Montreal to Halifax Iqr 890 mlloa Deports of tho Agricultural Department to lha hwor house of Gnngraas say tha whaat crops of India, Auriralte, sod Booth marina, already karveslad, are OUO hue hate teas than last yoar, white Um prudutd Um United Htatna premises to exceed teat years yirid liy folly ItKlUKlomirnahola Tba wheat in tlm Uni tel Hta tea Hay I teat was 114,000,1100 boahola, again! 198,000,033 Imah-elain INNA Tho majority report, iavoring lha use inatru mental music la ahereh worsliip, waa adopted by lha United lresbylarian (kamrel AanamMy ta tmnaiaB at Hamilton, Oh la lfary Anderson hag sailed for Europe rOREIOR. Aocording to the Pall Mall' Gtuettt, It In extremely rtuuldfill arhether Dm Brilinh srnty cun Id lm nd-ed upo i to forei Ulster to sulmiit to ItereelL A meeting of the Emperore of Ger-amny, Anrirte, end lineal will prulultly take place at Konnigalittrg thla fa Jemaa Wbelea, a Nova Soot's aee-auuh was hanged la Eugtead for aMtdar upon Tha true secret of anoraaaia merit. Thla la wilh Bail Htar C'uuqh Cure, a purely vega, labia compound, entirely free from oirfatra, pniaoua and narcotics, and which haa received lha pnlillc enilnraenient of pliyriclana nil obemiatiarerrwbaie.Tweuty-fira oents. A Glabiiow physician folia of pa-I tisnt who waa troubled with foul eructation-, the odor of tlio gas routing I from hia eton ach being disagreeable to himself and all aliout him. Ones Ida breatli caaglit flra from a lighted match coming near tha month; doulitleaa dna to tlia development of carbnrotted hydrogen in a very dUordersil stomach.

Now that tha eountry is oo prolific in I uneful gas walla, men'a itoinacliaran be devoted to boiler pnrpoees than de-vulojiing thair own fllnminating gas. Dr. Fault? Health Monthly. Tha Vice President al tha City Brewery, I Mr. J.

Halmiut, of Lontevllla, waa sn-tirely cured in nue week uf severe attack I of rneamatiam by HI. Jacnlw Oil. on Gib water, while above went two largo hawks endeavoring to make Utoir dinner off tlio brood. Tlio mother duck quacking, tuo hawks above or rather scorned wholly intent on their prey. Yon should hara aeon tha apparont gratitude shown by tlio mother whan I shot and killed one of Uia persistent hawks, scaring Uia other sway.

The firing of my gun did not alarm liar at all, for aha swam off quacking lowly, as thontrh commending ma ftw my timely aid. Tararet Herald. "Mrs mast work sad women worn, Ha runs thn world away Ilut they iivotl not wet-p rt much If they um Dr. Pterraa Favor la Prescript on, which sum all lbs painful maladies psoul-Jar woman. I'uid It drugslala.

or with muddy hootit; eaipet-elaauar aux- totumoHlOs Gwogo, N. xsyx teknn wiOi a violent culrl pnrniunnte, aad all Dm caoo np and arid alia at mnat Hhawaa ta tlite condition whoa friend rerun landed Dll VH. IIAIJr-H 1IALHAH PU1I TIIE LUNtlH, and arlvtard her to toy it Hho aoorptod It aa a I bat roaort, and was sutprteod to find that it produced nsrhed change fur tha butter, and by poresvsriiif hi its ass cure was sffrrted. A Must Ubaral Offtarl TNn Tomsk, Bui Msrelisll, HieK, offer to soarl thair ralobnited Vomahi ami Ktentrio AiipitenoM uu Uiirty ilaya' Iris' ay man iffliefs.1 with Nrrvuua Drlnlity, 1 of ViUUIyi Manhood, etc. Illustrated tam-phlela ta asalarl envolmia wilh full partioutenk malted free Writs Uis, a eloocsL MKn-lll'GH, ri.lKN.

Flies, reaohoa, ante, horl-biiga, wator-boga, mnUia, reta.mliM.aiiannwaJaek rebbita.saiibora, sblioiuuka, cleared out Iry-Umighim Hate. Its. IIUCHU-I'AIIIA. KOI, till ON HATH dears out rata, mica, madias, fliao, ante, bad. I bogs, vermin, water-bags, skunks.

"lloagh Corns hud or soft eorna.bxnioiia. lie Us "Bough ea Tootlischo." Instant relief. Ny wifa was token sick with rheumatism The good oBoets of Alhlophoros wore felt with tbs Bret dnao, snd srtor taronty-four hours, nse alt pstn had disappeared. After using um boltto aha anuld alt up. t'trlcklln, Halelgh, III.

Auk ynur shoe and hardware desists far lissi iTon' Btlffsnsrs; they hoop boots and shoos strsiffbL Dmt, maM to um, Slid rhaapMU Piao'fi lismsdy for Catarrh. By druggist. "PEKRY DAVIS" PAIN-KILLER IH HKOOMMXNDKII DT Phyelelane, MMetere, Mittianarlet, Jfan-agert of Factories, Woritehopt, Plante-tioiu, Nurtat In Hoepltalnin abort, meiybedy everywhere who hoe ever given It a trial. TAKIN INTERNALLY, IT WILL RN POUND AXEVEB PAIMNG GI'UB PON BUDDEH COLDS, CHILLS; PAIRS IN THE BTOMACU. CRAMPR BUMMER snd BOWEL COX-PLAIIfTB, BORE THROAT, fto.

APPUND EXTERN ALLY, IT IN TUN MOST BPrXGTIYM AND NNNT LIN1MNNT ON BANTH POM CUBINO SPRAIN BRUISES, RHSUM4- TUM TOOTH. ACHE, BURNS FROSTBITES 0. Prices, 25c, 50c, ail $1.00 per Bottle. Fob Bali by all Medicinb Dealxbs. ff Beware of Imitations.

PMMiMHiBHBIMirarallprj KIDDERS PASTIUESeSw IPMVHMMHMWIiiMni OPIUM isnni ftorarHAUw ne Currpirow1 poll itWtflf rirrMH imrfl.Twliviy IIIJftDYlfetfrANYsIuftfWKta Tto 0LBCST MCD4CINK ta tM WOHliW yrataM, Dr, I aaaa Them (Maes clibrated Eyi Wit Sun I 1 A Wiiu with Hemery. lien ore not olrraya thoughtful, though they think they are. Worn do not forget. Sly dearest wife," he wrote to her from Mew York, "hero I am, all alone, away up in a little bit of a stuffy room on tlia top floor of a Naw York hotel. Of course, being alone, I have no noed for anything more stylish, but if you oauld only aoa it as 1 ait in this cheer-lens way writing to yon, oto.

Hhs waa at home in Han Fran cisco, surrounded by- all ilia sxaorintioni of the far-off huxliond, and alia was touched, and ta i pity him." Time passed. Two ysars had flown by, and he went East again, and took her with him. They stopped at tho ame hotel, and had elegant alia manta, of course. Ho was out on business, and slio, having nothing do, at noliloquixing. "This was tlio hotel, alio said, aen-timontally, to heraolf, "ha staid at that time ha was ao Ion ley in New York.

"Ill go and look at tho little cubbyhole ha occupied two yean ago," and he rang tlie bell. "Is 388 vacant?" "I dont know; 111 oak." "Will you just lay I maroly wish to look into it for a moment?" Tho servant cams lmck and asked her to follow him. He led her away up vu-nur, 4 wn a r-u ary s-w roHust. aueaui is a aul-1 imisi SnnraiUllirftalMiR ntaUnu.4 fr-R 4. i.

TLwr. USSR ray ml 'nriglilxire alxmt it This la aakiug lint little. Tfiay will toll you all you want to know. Wa have krqit a atanrlliii 1 pnlria for four yiern," aaya wa will give 8.tiU0 to any person who ona mie-oaaafulljr dispute tlm gonniuanona, an fares ws know, of Um hetinuintete wa pnMtab, and Bona liava dnue it Ware General Arthurs foot man, unable to ki left "In Um liaada of hia phyaleten," ha would turn Diet great remedy, as atony inoa-suita of otban bava ilrma, and get weU. How aboard, then, for people to say dial everything that out lm douo ta being dram for tlm ex-PranitknL whoa Dm mm anceaasful remedy in the wuritl tliat lias eared, or that can euro, a oass his has not bran used by them.

Didn't Renters Ills HaL A fanner BufTnl onion, with his wife, not long ago visited his mother, in that city. His return to hia former lioma was a signal for hia frionds to make it aa plosiant for him aa they could, and tho eonaeantmea waa a auaccortian of jolly evenings and late huurs. Tha mother, who waa somutliing of an in- bat was still on his head. "Why, my dear, aha expostulated, "why didnt you take your hat off downstairs?" "Cause, m' love, he explained, didnt want make any noise fear of 'turbine mother. "Ob, I see, she observed quietly, os I sho turned over in bed; "Isuppoeeyou were afraid it would pop," New York Sun.

Origin af r. Dude. A fable; An estimable bid groundhog wishing to ascertain the opinions of tha neighbors about himself, hail a bogus eongaativa chill, and, falling on the ground, protended to be dead. Ha was buried the following day, but li.WhV.rhUowTfoLiraJl I sermon readied. The discourse was 1 so complimentary that the gronnil-hog waa pnffed up with vanity, and, having bought a cane and an aya-glaea.

he bo-came a dude. Moral- -This fablo tesdios tlm danger of flattery. Life. One Worst Kuonrias. West to out visas, are onr teilios.

Among thorn te tbo Imperiling of future bodily samtast, and tbo svsreg tenure of Ufa to wblsh parsons et moderately good constitution! sea presumably anti (lad, by Imymdansa In eating and drinking, and Uw reekteas uaa et dregs. It ia ona of tho banpy oapoMlltios at Hostritoea Htemseh lilt-tors that It oan repair damages thus infltotad. Whan Uw Mood Is thin and watery, Hw bowels not of onlor, tho ooruplosten and toagaa both giving avtrtene at bllbaunraa, Hwre I a norm, aity fur repaira Uio banian tsnauu-iit nlv vlrwa annagh to startle Ita prsunuiarir. A course of tlw Nittwa, the abandiMuiunt at -drugnmg ft rellul, cod etanmrai-suasK Uiot and murte at Jlfo thouowlll sprodlly imlurw a slums ter Uwlwtlar. Wlwt quinine for favor end as no, ondniaranryter bfllrmanaaa suit annsUpatioa.

wimt dflL ttw lllttora will It Man relteras riwu-tnallam and nauralsla, and InaoUvity of tlw bblsoya, The Children. I know that a sweet child ia tlm sweetest thing in nature, not even excepting the dalieate creatures that bear lhem. Charier Lamb. Daniel Wxustkn once wrote, after eontinuod provocation, to tha editor nf a newspaper which re furred to his private affairs, and especially to hia not paying hia debts. Ha said, substantially "It ia true that I have not al-1 ways paid my debts punctually, and that I owe money.

One cause of this ia Uiat I have not pressed those who owe me, Ai an instance of thia, I inclose your father1 note mads to me thirty yeare ago for money loaned him to earn eta hut boye. Rant a supposed change of bent ie just ee apt to be only the liver oat of dumb ne anything si se. I have known thoss who shouted "hallelujah!" tire loudest and longest daring revival that wore reproach to religion in thair private life. A touch of repentant is not convention, but if encouraged may become su. Min cull it fortunu when they know not tha esnse, snd thus worship their own ignorsnee rhanged into deity.

Metaetaelo. Mbs. Duowx says her husband is ouch blundorer timt ha cent even I try on new boot without putting his foot in it. Afro's Ague Cure is warranted a aura ears for all malarial rlianriir-ra Aso how old are yon, my liUle man? "I'm not old st all; I'm nearly no I The haaeflritl reeulte pmdnrerl by Uie tow of Hall'. Hair iteuewur are womk-rfuL "AtAi flesh is grass, but soma people display mure greonnoas than otbsm.

Oss (Marine with Fraser Axle Grease will laat tuo week mUailheia two to lima daraL Try it. A snow-plow ta tilre bod haUt a good thing to eqt adrift, ilSPMU RITFUTIt H.H.A A.P Pst'-nt Ul hH AlbnwirB.WaHliinKbm.iUL I 11 kin Iff lirainirtirms and oidnuina ilUrFKKK. asl7 rcan'esprutelini. $10 10 $20 A HAY mwta with (1pm Hljr Onm binsUitt Win? mmI KM1 Itair MpUm, Hu? rhfniMit wui IjhN Yoara mwla.

Kn-rr Mnurr Hrahi no. IHp jtaluir IftrlaniMil Ir Muiwnur txi mj In niarki't. A iIiiM funr yi'Nn uiiliim Mwlfi'i mIIIhiiiI irusfiitttf urMM tuiull li. MrI.m-fwljiiir jinanut nr lunOifT ImIuiuM. Knr rimtlsni an I ad CARR ft 1037 Broadway Quincy, til.

I-QURE FJISI WEphT bh i-hin i uw H4a sm nwl tolUp iErm bMbm b4 umni bsvB IwM rffigrn igalLljwM Rrsril. sal rara. I Nbb mb4b lbs iissara NfClNMUilV hUafNttNIUBNKMRlimiNMiBMf. rwvnmitmf 4 PNTB IlM tMM BBBBB. aM88ff MkHfl bftva Mif4 MIMMNI Car Na iumf racalvlM ftrara.

Man a um Mr a traatlaa mhI a fnw WHita jhj InfDlllMa 1 anil haa flfl4 iHRty. Ml! ONtaM KmIMm ft 4 trUA, en I 1M Ptira fhm. Bo A o. sour, uitia Na Varii iHriltillUR akiUirft llUkliU JmvnuuM mti A Life kiyaflaaw. ItonuutiBblo RRrt qutak ssraa.

Trial Psobseos. Cuuaultn. lion RU.S Hooka by Itall A'UKK. Adrtraas Dr. WARD A Louisiana, Mo.

OP DMRAm ALWAYS OURABLa BY Umm HEXICAir MUSTANG LINIMENT. irnuivun. ar arikau. rternlebea. HunsssAOnltak Hssvls, Crnekto Heiww Wans, On fa, hri Rat, aad Alb rtwtuuy, raaatuiq i rtfcalu, Stialsa, flan Fast, Miffhssfa ffiaasaasssflereiyksilscssatSasS astoftaulfaLriahtossS Is RE BIW OV ALL Brapttoss, ffresS Bitofa roan LINIMENTS nsnaasNiiBuexKsuwrsaita kuiMt srruiRi ns mnlkinllnaSta HrMdn IS, sulk.

A GF-VI'n IVANTKIIfnrlhr- heal and A iqrlnn. rikaiksaiKl BlfTtea. Prin KsTinasb Piiauanuro (Sr. I hear and ilutfd (lih'abA, 111, to Hmiy ta Wf WWtmmw vh. r.

mux mwAUir Oriental Cream or Magical Bcautifiar frmnrm Ita. nBito, Praw Ilea, Moth-put fhMallMh aafi Khra fllMIM, diwiiftYtry Uw liutah i IF. Mra rw.aolBM Mnakira (rata It I nra Um pra radon tepm rlr mita A dtaUuuiJ Mid taM talk tha hunt Ink i inHpnit, Ma wnt 122 iwW MM thtm, Uturmml rymM1 mrU tor JrJi Mim prrpnrUuma.m (jM borik? will lta hi raoulhft. HRin it itm- tly. Ali PtHKlra Knbdb? raui'ivpR pniiprftHoiiR hurwithnnl tnjury in OMNklii.

MfKIl. T. HOFKIHH. MiiiMNr.ta IImJTi Rnsady Chuns tha beak Jtoafcui lo Uaa, as VbaapaaL 1 1 3 carri er fhVI tha Huail, "UmoL- Urjt Tmr, ACL Saeauta C.N.D. Mu.

SA-ne 1VHKN WKITING T( VV nlmar aay aa aaw IsihM saner, TOAlIVrKTINKICS, lb llmiUrwrir, to the top floor and oiionod a door. Thla is it, madam." This I You must ba mistaken. This aant be tha room. I understood it waa erne of the cheapest in Uio hotel. This is gorgeons." "It is tha eheajpMt, madam.

Wa have no rooms in this hotel wider 98 a day for tha room alone." That will do. Thank von." And ahs went down alaira and torn to ahrada a latter dated two years before, and when he came home aha told him ha eonld burn hie opera tickets. San FrancUco Chronicle. Dig Things. Tit most remarkable artifleial echo known ie tiint of tha castle of Himon-etta, shout two miles from klilan.

It ia occanioued by tlia existence of two parallel walls of oonsidarabla lanatlk It repeats tha raport of a pistol sixty times. The moat remarkable whirlpool ia the maelstrom off tlia northwest coast of Norway, and southwest of Uoska-naaol, the most southerly of tha Lofo-don Isles It wss ones supposed to be unfathomable, Imt tlia depth hoe bean shown not to exceed twenty fathoms. Among the most remarkable natural echoes ara that of the Eagle's Nest, on Uia banks of Killarney, Ireland, which repeats bugle esll until it seems to be sounded from a hundred instruments, and that of tha banka af the Naha, between liingen and Colilentx, which repeats a sound seventeen times. High IIcpL Klin re, Moike, Oi heard a good eon-nnthrum at the groaumr si, tore laaht night There waa a Sit ar a sprig phwat thought ha was shmari A fther givin us a couple of shtories, sex he: 1 Whin waa bah tha Hhnra an Oi know whin it was, ex Oi. "Whin? see ha.

'Whin other OToolss cow woe sint up by dinaymite, sax Oi. 1 Yer wrong, aeg be. It waa whin tha row jumied over the sex be." California Map. rick. tbs TiwaanrrPa aniaral MN14(UlNU A Waahington diaimtch givea what pmmter, haa aurtuuurerl that a eomnda.

aioa will ba appointed to investigate the whirls Northwest Indian question, aad that lm will itwae a nmnlfoato to lha country explaining Um charges againat Um Indian Depart meet Tha Canadian Minister of Marina has asked fur a targa appropriation for Iba unaintonanre of erubmra to prevent the Nova Hnitiaun, who are willing and auxinua to aril bait, from doing ml Ai throe ream Nova Hcutium will hare to help pay Uui money to keep tiianwolreo nut of buatacm it In no wonder noma of Umm are anxious to get into tlm Aumrieso Union so that they oan resume Imsi-nana aad make a living. purports to he a partial lint of rearm ta red by President Ctavrtend and hla bride: i umomiI waa imaalpi tarea of a Irew-kaut of Ktnucan guid, with lu edges bordered itllk dlaniemla. Heeretory Imauraare asut-glasa ara-Uiug. bottle atadrlsd wits diamond a. Haere'sry ana Mra.

UnrlkotL tour maaaira so Id allvar aantilsetleke. Mr. K. Baooe, of Naw Yura, lua.aiBcan dlamaad star sot la allvar, to ba worn as a poudant IBarhail to too gaM hair-pin which aernw panlra It; Crilortor Hadrian, of Naw Yurk. a platinum dish an wilid grid bga, with toad panels tha teat; Murrejur tiraUi-, of New York, diamtsul bcaerlirt tiungiwaainan Timothy J.

Csaipfatll, did arid hune-redlah Oavernar Hill, of New York, atabmte jewel Sir John A. Macdonald, ilia Cana- re-eel N. ar disk case with a Ftaueh marlc-buz altaebinent; Mia. M. B.

Proden, rare-devlarod ailvnr epaigna with aut-glass diab (wtalda: John H. It. Lana, ostdUad allrar and gold tea-creain freaaar; K. H. Ballar, of llulfalo, a aotld allvrr aenpladla: Mr.

JCdwaid Cooper, a allvar ria pitenar and uuga llnbe-tU. Thimp.rin, Chinese eloea, made In Pekin, sa valued at ISM; Mr. BlnaeU. Isiga diamond Buwer, to be Tha State Deportment is collecting infurnulioo as to the mt-iiaa nnploysd by tha foreign agents uf Uw Honaox pnqiegaoda. Htmw startling informs liue has boon reoired, Which wljl duqbtkaa soon be mads pubiia A.

The Homer Index from Homer, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.