Referrer URL - Google Ads Help (2024)

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The address of the webpage where a person clicked a link that sent them to your page.

  • The referrer is the webpage that sends visitors to your site using a link. In other words, it’s the webpage that a person was on right before they landed on your page.
  • Referrer URLs are logged by many web analytics programs including Google Analytics. You can monitor these URLs to get insight into where your web traffic is coming from.

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Referrer URL - Google Ads Help (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.