What is Django Used for? Pros And Cons of Django Framework (2024)

Before beginning a new project, you are required to gauge which programming language and framework is apt for your desired results. Selecting a development framework amongst varied frameworks available in the market is a tough call.

Many companies prefer Django, a high-level Python framework, for their web application development projects. But what is the reason? What is Django used for? Let’s dive deep into the concept and usages of the Django framework.

Table of Content

  1. What is Django Framework?
  2. How is Django Different from Python?
  3. What is Django Used For?
  4. Advantages of Using Django
  5. Disadvantages of Using Django
  6. FAQs
    1. Is Django better than Node.js?
    2. Is Django used for frontend or backend?
    3. How is Django different from Python?
  7. Conclusion

What is Django Framework?

Django is a free and open-source Python-based framework that encourages pragmatic design and rapid development. It follows the model-template-views (MTV) architecture. It is upheld by the Django Software Foundation (DSF), an American self-governing association recognized as a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit.

Django is extremely fast and completely loaded as it takes care of content administration, user authentication, security features, and assists to evade cross-site scripting and SQL injection. It presents good documentation and loads of resources which aids new developers to learn and proficient developers refer for any development project needs.

How is Django Different from Python?

Django and Python are interconnected but certainly, not the same. Python is an object-oriented high-level programming language that has extensive library support. It makes the execution of various algorithms and programs easy. It aims to aid programmers in writing logical and error-free code for diverse projects.

On the contrary, Django is a web-based Python framework that sanctions you to develop robust web applications. It has inbuilt features like default database – SQLlite3 and Django Admin Interface. Below mentioned aspects depict the difference between Django and Python:

  • Python is fundamentally an interactive, high-level, and interpreted language which functions on the compiler level, while Django is a Model-View-Template (MVT) framework developed on Python.
  • Python is formulated by Python Software Foundation and released in 1991. Django was formed by Django Software Foundation and launched in 2005.
  • Django is generally used in web-based servers and web applications. Python is used to create data analysis, web applications, and artificial intelligence software development.
  • Django is utilized for web development. On the flip side, Python is exercised to build frameworks like Web2py, Django, CherryPy, Flask, to name a few.

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What is Django Used For?

The Django framework makes use of a potent Object-Relational-Mapping (ORM) layer. It streamlines dealing with data and databases and speeds up the development process. Without ORM, web developers would have to form the tabular display themselves and explain the operations or queries, which sometimes gets interpreted to the sizable amount of SQL that is inclined to be tricky and challenging to track.

Unlike the rest of the web development frameworks, its models are all arranged in one file. Usually, models.py, which might make it perceived as jammed for larger projects.

  • Django also supports several database systems.
  • SQLite works well for development and testing because it could get used without installing any additional software.
  • PostgreSQL or MYSQL are apt for production.
  • You can utilize MongoDB with Django if you want a NoSQL database.

Why is Django gaining immense popularity these days? Over the years as a Python app development company, we have used Django in a multitude of projects. Our development team prefers Django for its scalability, flexibility, and speed of development. Let’s explore more to find out what is Django used for:

  1. Apps With Manifold User Roles

    Django is preferable for building web applications and SaaS dashboards with manifold user roles. Django presents a large web admin interface that is produced automatically on developing web apps.

    Such an admin panel is well-organized and it permits a developer to control users and other relevant data fields. It provides easy account development and form validations needed for creating user-profiles and administers other details like email, username, address, and phone number.

  2. Flexibility And Scalable Web Apps

    Django, an open-source framework, is appropriate for creating scalable web apps. This framework delivers most features that programmers consider while including in an app. It is simpler to build upon utilizing the components supplied by Django rather than develop customized components.

    Django offers flexibility to increase traits and functionalities. It is very easy and reliable to have your web application framework with less code.

    The Django framework is immensely modular and supports the REST framework which makes it seem more beneficial for developers. Moreover, APIs can be easily effortlessly unified to add more progressive traits to the app. This also sanctions the developers to utilize inbuilt API browsers for testing API endpoints.

  3. Secured Enterprise and E-commerce Apps

    Security is essential to any type of web application. Django facilitates efficacious protection against the most prevalent issues that a regular app is exposed to. Its template system sanctions protection against many Cross-site Scripting threats. This is done by escaping peculiar characters that are harmful in HTML.

    Django also presents a tough defense toward clickjacking. Such clickjacking enables attackers to hijack clicks intended for a noticeable important link and route them to an ill-disposed page concealed underneath that link. These sorts of attacks are common on apps featuring payments namely eCommerce web apps and bank sites.

  4. Composing Rapid SaaS Apps

    Django permits you to make web applications faster as Django maintains the asynchronous view. By employing async code in web apps you can boost the performance of your app effectively. Therefore, inscribing the input/output methods in an async form can incrementally enhance the performance.

    Additionally, for enterprise or SaaS applications, async views can also be applied for sending emails, performing write/ read operations, and calling third-party APIs.

  5. Developing Cross-platform Apps

    When constructing web applications, developers and creators look to support a diversity of user devices and OS to attain a broader audience. To promote this, they also require cooperative deployment settings.

    The cross-platform type of Django provides support for all the production and development ecosystems. It also allows the flexibility to function the app code on any platform comprising Linux, PC, and Macintosh. Hence, accounting for the flexibility and modularity that the framework enables developers, Django can be employed for an assortment of applications.

Let’s take a concise view of the instances where Django can be used:

  • Compatible with applications that require Content Management Systems (CMS) like online magazines, blogs with heavy traffic, and newspaper websites. A famous American newspaper named The Washington Times uses Django.
  • The cross-platform django architecture assistance can let you produce mobile-friendly web apps.
  • Financial fields with characteristics for calculating and analyzing and estimated results based on risk tolerance, personal data, and the probability of accomplishing goals.
  • B2B CRM arrangements for controlling communication between companies.
  • Inbuilt customized CRM practices for internal data.
  • Remarkably helpful for high-load shopping platforms or booking engines.
  • Platforms that expedite interaction between two bodies – a consumer and a business.
  • Practiced for designing social networking sites wherein both multiple user roles and security are of eminent value. Youtube, Instagram, and Disqus are some of the popular social networking sites that practice Django.
  • Beneficial for platforms that handle legal issues like verifying lease status or mortgage conditions.
  • Highly effective for real estate section evaluation schemes and document management systems.

Usually, some enterprises prefer to build their projects on more than a single framework. Django can also get utilized to build distinctive features mentioned below:

  • A filtering operation with high-level business logic and dynamically evolving rules
  • An emailing policy that notifies to all the users
  • Data-analysis tools
  • Algorithm-based generators
  • Admin dashboards
  • Photo-based verification practices
  • Interfaces for maintaining investment reserves

Advantages of Using Django

What is Django Used for? Pros And Cons of Django Framework (1)

The chief purpose of Django is to empower developers to concentrate on components of the app that are novel instead of squandering time on previously built ones. It is more feature-rich than the rest of the frameworks in the market. It takes care of all the hassle of the web development framework.

  1. Suitable For Any Web Application Project

    You can undertake schemes of any size – a high-load web application or a simple website in the Django web framework. Still, the question triggers – “Why use Django for your project?” And the answer is:

    • It is cross-platform, indicating that your project can be based on Linux, Mac, or PC.
    • It is entirely loaded with additional traits and is scalable. Hence, you can produce applications that manage large volumes of information and heavy traffic.
  2. Simple And Fast

    Django’s principal intent is to simplify tasks for developers. For that, the framework employs:

    • Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) philosophy which indicates that developers can reuse the current code and concentrate on the novel one.
    • As a consequence, it takes much less time to get your project out in the market.
    • The policies of a rapid development environment, which implies that developers can perform more than one iteration at a given time without beginning the whole plan from scratch.
  3. Well-maintained Documentation

    Django is crowd and time tested. It has a large community accessed through various channels, dedicated websites, and forums. It commenced with exceptional documentation and is still well-maintained.

    It gets regularly updated along with the latest fixes and functions so that you can adjust to the variations easily. The software gets modernized uniformly and novel packages are published to make operating with Django more beneficial.

  4. Batteries Included

    The batteries included the methodology of the Django framework means that it has everything essential to build a mature application.

    It offers inbuilt URL routing, HTML templating, session management, and object-relational mapping, helping web developers evade the search for third-party tools. Numerous Django packages aid you to quickly create anything from complex GPS-enabled solutions to chatbots. Its main features are:

    • Security, views layers,
    • Template layers,
    • Python compatibility, model layers,
    • Forms,
    • A geographic framework, general tools for web application development
    • Performance, optimization, and localization,
    • Other fundamental functionalities are vital for websites.
  5. Support From Community

    The community of Django is extremely helpful. They are working actively on stabilizing the framework while adding new features and making it more beginner-friendly. Its documentation is fairly exhaustive and is beneficial as a tutorial. It will help you gain an understanding of various characteristics that you can utilize as a chief source of data.

  6. OS Dependent

    Django runs on platforms like Mac, Windows, and Linux. It offers a layer between the database and developer known as object-relational mapper (ORM) which makes it likely to migrate or move applications to other chief databases with a few lines of code modification.

  7. Highly Secured

    Security is a high priority for the Django framework. It has one of the best security systems which aids developers to circumvent common security issues, comprising cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and clickjacking.

Django releases fresh security patches promptly. It is commonly the first one to reply to susceptibilities and alert the rest of the frameworks.

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Disadvantages of Using Django

What is Django Used for? Pros And Cons of Django Framework (2)

While Django is an incredible framework, there are a few disadvantages that may or may not be an issue. The URL stipulating with fixed expressions is not an easy assignment to achieve for beginners. It feels a little bloated for small-sized projects. Some individuals find it populated with big-sized projects since models are all encompassed in a single file.

Let’s examine in detail the disadvantages of using Django:

  1. No Default Support for Websockets

    WebSockets permit you to update events or information in actual time. The Django framework does not support real-time web apps yet. Hence, you ought to employ other programming languages and frameworks.

  2. Sometimes its Philosophy is Tough to Imply

    Certain internal Django modules, namely the admin panel, are tough to tune owing to Django’s philosophy. For instance, if you need to add dynamic statistics, links, or something distinctive that is not contained in the Django environment, it can take more hours.

  3. Not Suitable for Small-sized Projects

    All the facets of Django have numerous codes. It consumes the server’s time and processing, which renders some problems for small-scale websites. Also, it can run on extremely little bandwidth.

    Sometimes it can be extreme, but Python sanctions you to use other frameworks to build simple elucidations. For example, if you require a simple chat, Django can be excessively large. Instead, you can opt for Flask – python web framework, as your microservice framework.

  4. Monolithic

    For the ‘batteries included’ feature in Django, it is quite monolithic. It has an inadequate count of dependencies which makes it challenging to employ. Its programmers contemplate this framework as a single bundle, which is not apt.

    The lower dependencies it has, the more code web developers will have to formulate. Django does not encourage web developers to study Python tools and packages. Instead, web development emphasizes delivering programmers with more code-based programming.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Django better than Node.js?

Django vs Node.js states that Django is exceptional in handling high-traffic apps and numerous requests; whereas, Node.js is preferable in creating robust apps and can administer ample requests. Both the frameworks are appropriate for developing scalable apps.

Is Django used for frontend or backend?

Django is an open-source Python web framework for backend web apps. Its prime goals are flexibility, simplicity, scalability, and reliability. It has its naming scheme for all components and functions, for example, HTTP responses are known as ‘views’.

How is Django different from Python?

Django is a Python-based web framework that permits you to develop powerful web apps easily. While Python is a high-level, object-oriented language that has massive library support making the web application of several algorithms and programs easy.


From the above blog, we have seen the vital aspects stating what Django is used for. This framework is versatile and permits the developers to focus on business logic rather than writing general utilities. Contact Monocubed and get your applications to offer reliable, scalable, and fast services based on traffic.

Django helps developers to build customized web apps using Python by offering many plug-ins, tools, and features. It has libraries, APIs, and templates which function together. Thus, you can use Django to develop applications with minimal changes, additions, and cost.

What is Django Used for? Pros And Cons of Django Framework (2024)


What are the pros and cons of Django framework? ›

The benefits of Django are rapid development, fast processing, and scalability whereas; the disadvantages revolve around its monolithic nature and inability to create smaller projects. Let's discuss in detail the various pros and cons of using Django.

What is Django is used for? ›

Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. Built by experienced developers, Django takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel.

What are the pros of Django? ›

It reduces a lot of hassles that a developer has to face during the development of a website. It is used to develop minimal yet smart web applications. Simultaneously, Django enables developers to create web applications as required by fluctuating business prerequisites.

What are the cons of Django? ›

Cons of Django web development
  • No conventions. Most programmers dislike Django web development because of the lack of conventions. ...
  • Not for smaller projects. ...
  • Monolithic framework. ...
  • Steep learning curve. ...
  • Multiple request issue.
Aug 31, 2020

What are the advantages of pros and cons? ›

Weighing up pros and cons can speed up the decision-making process, improve your understanding of the situation, and help you avoid decision-making paralysis . Using a simple "pros" and "cons" list encourages you to approach your decision objectively, without letting your "gut feeling" impact your choice.

Why is Django best framework? ›

Django is the best framework for web applications, as it allows developers to use modules for faster development. As a developer, you can make use of these modules to create apps, websites from an existing source. It speeds up the development process greatly, as you do not have to code everything from scratch.

What is the purpose of a framework? ›

In general, a framework is a real or conceptual structure intended to serve as a support or guide for the building of something that expands the structure into something useful.

What are the main features of Django? ›

Features Of Django
  • Rapid Development. Django was created with the goal of creating a framework that would allow developers to build web applications in less time. ...
  • Enhance Security. ...
  • Versatile. ...
  • Open Source. ...
  • Vast and Supported Community. ...
  • The Washington Times. ...
  • Mozilla. ...
  • Instagram.
Jul 11, 2022

What is pros and cons of an issue? ›

Pros and cons are arguments for or against a particular issue. Pros are arguments that aim to promote the issue, while cons suggest points against it.

What is pros and cons in Python? ›

Pros and Cons of Python Programming Language
Large CommunitySlower than compiled languages
Flexible and ExtensibleSecurity
Extensive LibrariesWork Environment
EmbeddableHigh memory consumption
4 more rows
Mar 18, 2022

What are the advantages and disadvantages of pros and cons? ›

The pros and cons of something are its advantages and disadvantages, which you consider carefully so that you can make a sensible decision.

What is pros vs cons list? ›

What Is a Pros and Cons List? A pros and cons list is a chart that helps you make a decision. On the pros side of the list, you add all of the positive outcomes of a decision. On the cons side, you add all of the adverse outcomes.

What is pros and cons analysis? ›

A pros and cons analysis template examines a decision by its positives and negatives to help you determine which choice to make. If you're considering moving to a different city, for instance, you may use a pros and cons list to help you decide if moving will offer more benefits than it would downsides.

What is the different of pros and cons? ›

Pros are listed as arguments in favor of making a particular decision or action. Cons are arguments against it. Creating a list that details both sides of the argument makes it easier to visualize the potential impact of your decision.

What are the main advantages of this framework? ›

Benefits of a framework

Providing a basic outline for coders to follow. Allowing coders to focus on tasks more specific to their project. Creating clean and adaptable code. Reducing costs by shortening the amount of time a developer spends programming the application.

How Django is better than other frameworks? ›

Django is a good choice when:

You need to build a robust, scalable web application with a lot of data. Django's built-in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) and support for database migrations make it easy to work with large amounts of data, and its built-in admin interface makes it easy to manage that data.

Which framework is best and why? ›

1. Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails is an extremely productive web application framework written by David Heinemeier Hansson. One can develop an application at least ten times faster with Rails than a typical Java framework.

What are the 3 types of framework *? ›

They designed each of the three types of EA Framework to support different decision making and change; The three types of Enterprise Architecture Framework are Comprehensive, Industry, and Domain frameworks.

What are the two types of framework? ›

There are two types of research frameworks: theoretical and conceptual.

What are the four types of framework? ›

Types of Automated Testing Frameworks
  • Linear Automation Framework.
  • Modular Based Testing Framework.
  • Library Architecture Testing Framework.
  • Data-Driven Framework.
  • Keyword-Driven Framework.
  • Hybrid Testing Framework.

Does Django have a database? ›

Django officially supports the following databases: PostgreSQL. MariaDB.

Why Django is most popular? ›

It has been rapidly gaining popularity for its pragmatic design and ease of use. Django is a high-level Python Web framework encouraging rapid development and pragmatic, clean design. A web application framework is a toolkit of components all web applications need.

What is pros and cons in simple words? ›

the favorable and the unfavorable factors or reasons; advantages and disadvantages.

How do you write pros and cons? ›

Elements to Consider When Writing a Pros and Cons Essay
  1. Choose a debatable topic. ...
  2. Give equal weight to both the pros and the cons. ...
  3. Research your topic. ...
  4. Brainstorm a pros and cons list. ...
  5. Organize your thoughts into an outline. ...
  6. Write a great introductory paragraph. ...
  7. Fill out the details in your outline. ...
  8. Write your conclusion.
May 4, 2016

How do you write pros and cons examples? ›

Advantage / Disadvantage Essay Tips
  1. spend time planning the benefits and drawbacks of the statement given.
  2. make sure you have relevant supporting points.
  3. put your advantages together in one body paragraph and the same with the disadvantages.
  4. follow a safe advantage disadvantage essay model.

How do pros and cons work? ›

The first is the pros section, in which you list all of the positive outcomes of a decision. The other is the cons, where you list all of the adverse outcomes. As a job seeker or a professional, you may find numerous reasons to use a pros and cons list to make better career decisions.

What is the main disadvantage of using a framework? ›

A significant disadvantage for teams is that leaning heavily on a framework can obscure some of the learning necessary to gain a better understanding of the system or language itself.

Is Django for backend or frontend? ›

Is Django frontend or backend? Django is an open-source framework for backend web applications based on Python — one of the top web development languages.

Is Instagram still written in Django? ›

Instagram, one of our favourite social media platform still works on a Monolithic Python's Django codebase..!

Is Instagram still built on Django? ›

Instagram is a social media application for sharing photos and videos. The app is also the world's largest deployment of the Django web framework. Python's practicality and simplicity make the language a top-tier choice for Instagram.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using framework? ›

Below are the key benefits of using frameworks to develop online programs.
  • Makes easier the Development Process. The frameworks provide the tools and packages to help people start developing their websites. ...
  • Eases Debugging and Application Maintenance. ...
  • Reduces Code Length. ...
  • Improves Database Proficiency. ...
  • Reinforces security.
Oct 26, 2021

Is Django the best framework? ›

Django is also a highly scalable framework which developers can leverage for building small projects and later move on to developing complex applications capable of handling heavy user traffic and large volumes of data. Regardless of your idea, Django could be the best-fit solution for your next business project.

Is Django a server or database? ›

Django is a free and open-source web framework built in Python. First published in 2005, Django incorporates the motto of “rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.” The framework, deployed on a web server, can quickly produce a web front-end with rich features, security, and scalability.

Is Django full-stack or backend? ›

Described on Python's official website as “the web framework for perfectionists (with deadlines)”, Django is a full-stack framework for web developers working with Python.

What is the front-end language for Django? ›

Python is the language in which Django is written. Django is a collection of Python libs allowing you to quickly and efficiently create a quality Web application, and is suitable for both frontend and backend.

Is NASA using Django? ›

5. NASA. The website of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is built using Django. According to Semrush, in July 2022, the number of monthly website users has exceeded 82 million.

Why is it called Django? ›

Django—pronounced “Jango,” named after the famous jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt—is a free, open source framework that was first publicly released in 2005.

Is Google using Django? ›

Django apps that run on Google Cloud are running on the same infrastructure that powers all of Google's products, which generally improves the application's ability to adapt to a variable workload.
Hosting platforms.
Django deployment optionGet started
Compute EngineDjango in Google Cloud Marketplace
4 more rows

What is better than Django? ›

Due to fewer abstraction layers, Flask is faster than Django. It is a full-stack framework with almost everything built-in — a batteries-included approach. It is a microframework with minimalistic features that let developers integrate any plugins and libraries.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.