How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (2024)

In this guide, I will show you how to successfully debloat Windows 10 to free up some excess storage space, help your PC and applications load faster, and, most importantly, reduce some of the load on the CPU and RAM.

Everything you find in this post will improve your PC performance regardless of usage, whether it be web browsing, video editing, or gaming.

Debloating Windows 10 is a fantastic and easy way to achieve better performance and get the most out of your PC without spending a penny.

Table of Contents show

Step 1 – Install all the Windows 10 updates.

The first thing you should do before you debloat Windows 10 is make sure your pc is up to date with the latest Windows 10 updates.

  1. Type “Check for updates” in your search bar and click on the result.
  2. Click on “Check for updates,” if there is any update available, let it finish the installation and restart your pc if needed.
How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (1)

Step 2 – Create a restore point.

I highly recommend creating a restore point before debloating Windows 10. If something goes wrong or you don’t like some of the changes made, you can revert everything to the previous state with the restore point.

To create a restore point, follow the steps below :

  1. In the search box, type Create a restore point and select the option from the results list.
How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (2)

2. On the System Protection tab, click on your system drive, and press configure. Enable the option Turn on system protection, and on Max usage, choose a value between 5% and 10%. It should be enough to save your new restore point.

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How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (4)

3. Click on Create, type a description, for example, “before debloat” and again click on Create.

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Now that we created a restore point, we can safely proceed to the actual part of debloating our Windows 10 computer with the help of some scripts and software.

Step 3 – How To Debloat Windows 10

There are a lot of debloat scripts around the internet, referred to as Windows 10 debloaters. I’ve used a lot of them. The Windows 10 debloater we will use in this tutorial is from farag2 on Github since it frequently updates, and it’s one of the best scripts out there.

If you want to support the creator and the contributors to this tool, you can visit the farag2 Github profile.

Here is a sum up of the core features of the Sophia script :

How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (6)
How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (7)

Now that you know the main features of this script and the supported Windows 10 versions, I think we are ready to start!

The first thing I want you to do is to check your Windows version!

How can I check my Windows 10 Version?

  1. Go to your search bar and type “winver” and hit enter
  2. You should be able to see the exact version
How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (8)

Once you know your exact Windows 10 version, download the script. ( Make sure to download the file that matches your Windows 10 version.

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How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (10)

Once you have downloaded the file, go ahead and extract it. As the developers suggest, you can edit the file and choose what gets changed and whatnot.

If you have no idea and think you may mess up everything, stick with me, and continue reading!

Now that you have extracted all the files, your folder should look like this:

How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (11)

Now let’s start debloating Windows 10!

1. Run PowerShell as admin from the scripts folder directly.

On the top left of the folder where you extracted the script files, click on file, then move your mouse to the arrow of the option “Open Windows PowerShell” and click on “Open Windows PowerShell as administrator“.

How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (12)

2. Set execution policy to be able to run scripts on this PowerShell session

Copy this: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force and right-click on the PowerShell tab, and hit enter.

3. Run the Script (Debloater)

On the same PowerShell window type: .\Sophia.ps1 and press enter.

4. Choose which Scheduled Tasks you want to disable

I prefer to disable everything, but you can go ahead and untick whatever scheduled task you want to keep enabled. Once you choose the ones you want to get disabled, click on the Disable button.

How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (13)

5. Disable Windows Features

The next tab will ask you which Windows features you want to disable. Go ahead and disable everything unless you know you need some of these features. WindowsPowerShellv2 is an older version, and if you are an average user, you will probably never use it so that you can disable it now.

How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (14)

6. Optional features to disable

These features right here it’s a personal preference. I usually disable everything. Suppose you don’t use any of these features.

I recommend deleting everything since there are better alternatives. Remember that you should tick the ones you want to be disabled. Once you have made your choices, click on Disable, and let’s move on to the next step.

7. Background Apps

By the time you get here, the background apps tab should be in front of your screen. Disable whatever doesn’t need to start up with your computer. I have everything turned off. But don’t worry, though. We will go more in-depth later on.

8. Changing Locations of the main folders

  1. Would you like to change the location of the Desktop folder?
    • Type S and hit enter unless you want to change it.
  2. Would you like to change the location of the Documents Folder?
    • Type S and hit enter unless you want to change it.
  3. Would you like to change the location of the Downloads Folder?
    • Type S and hit enter unless you want to change it.
  4. Would you like to change the location of the Music folder?
    • Type S and hit enter unless you want to change it.
  5. Would you like to change the location of the Pictures folder?
    • Type S and hit enter unless you want to change it.
  6. Would you like to change the location of the Videos folder?
    • Type S and hit enter unless you want to change it.

9. Deleting UWP Packages

Here you want only to keep the ones that you use. Many of these may be useless to you, so go ahead and tick the ones you don’t need. I only keep some Xbox packages, Calculator, Windows Photos, and Windows Camera.

Once you are ready, on the top right side of the tab, tick the option ” Uninstall for All Users ” and click on Uninstall. If you don’t know which ones you must uninstall, copy my selections below.

How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (15)
How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (16)

Give it some time to finish uninstalling. Once completed, move on to the next step!

10. Setting graphics performance ( Optional )

The script will ask you if you want to set the graphics performance setting of an app of your choice to “High Performance.”

Type A and hit enter. Now look for the .exe file of the game/program to apply the high-performance setting. This will increase the fps in your games, but it is possible you’ve already done it if you watch optimization videos on YouTube.

11. Enable Controlled Folder Access ( Optional )

There is a good possibility you want to protect a specific folder just if there is any malware on your computer. If you have any financial documents or anything valuable, you may consider enabling this option to that folder.

12. Allow an app to access the folder you previously Protected ( Optional )

If you enabled the controlled folder access feature, you might want to allow an app to access that folder. If you do, type A and hit enter if you don’t, skip to the next.

13. Specify a folder to be excluded from Microsoft Defender malware scans?

The title speaks for itself. Press A and enter to add or S and enter to skip .

14. Specify a file to be excluded from Microsoft Defender malware scans?

Same as the previous step.

If everything went well, we should get a yellow message at the end of the PowerShell telling us to make sure we restart our computer.

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Before you restart your computer, let’s do some final tweaks on the startup apps, and we are ready to go.

Step 4 – Eliminating Startup apps and processes.

We will now disable some startup apps and processes that we don’t need and are bloating our system. We won’t go with the traditional way from the task manager, but instead, we will go more in-depth in the processes with the help of Autoruns by Microsoft. Autoruns will allow us to see every single app and process running and automatically start when our computer turns on.

Go ahead and download Autorun, as shown in the image below.

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Once downloaded, extract the files to a folder and right-click on Autoruns.exe, and choose run as administrator.

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Now a tab should open and look like this.

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Move to the logon tab, and go ahead and untick every service you don’t need to start with your computer. It’s safe to disable everything in this tab if you want to.

My Logon tab looks like this :

How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (21)

Once you are done with the Logon tab, let’s move on to the Scheduled Tasks tab.

I prefer to keep only what’s related to my GPU/CPU software updates on the Scheduled Tasks tab. I disable everything related to browsers and other software that I barely use since if there is any update, you will probably get a notification from the program itself.

My Scheduled Tasks tab looks like this:

How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (22)

The last tab we will optimize and tweak is the Services tab and debloat our Windows even more.

On the services tab, we don’t want to disable anything that will make our game/program unstable or don’t even start.

For example, if you disable EasyAntiCheat, you may get errors when playing online games that depend on it. Another example is that if you disable MBAMService, Malwarebytes will not start on startup.

A description box in every service will give you an idea of what this service is about and what you should expect if you disable/enable it.

Here is a screenshot of my Services tab :

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Once you are done with the Services tab, close autoruns

Step 5 – Uninstalling the rest of the apps manually.

It’s a great idea to uninstall any software/app you are not using to free up some space on your drive.

Go to your search bar and type “Add or remove program” and click on the option available.

Now go ahead and uninstall any app you are not using on your computer.

How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (24)

Guides to Optimize your PC

Below you can find some posts from me that will help you optimize your PC even more and possibly increase your FPS.

If you have any questions or suggestions or need help, please let me know in the comments below!

Debloat Windows 10: Frequently Asked Questions

What does debloating Windows 10 mean?

Debloating Windows 10 means getting rid of most of the pre-installed apps in Windows 10. Most of the time, these apps are useless to us, and also tweaking/optimizing some windows settings and registry values for better privacy and performance.

Is Debloating Windows 10 worth it?

Debloating Windows 10 is worth it if done correctly since the operating system has so many pre-installed apps that make your computer slow for no actual reason.

What are the benefits of Debloating my computer?

Your computer will use fewer resources, which automatically means you will have more resources for your games and apps. You will also have a cleaner computer and a more responsive interface.

Do I need to install Windows fresh before debloating?

No, but ideally, you should debloat the system right after installation.

What is a Windows 10 Debloater?

A Windows 10 debloater is when combined Powershell scripts whose primary purpose is to uninstall and remove pre-installed applications from Windows 10 which are not valuable for the users, disable telemetry functions and disable unnecessary scheduled tasks for the users to have a better Windows environment, faster and more responsive computer, and overall a cleaner and better system use.

Is it safe to Debloat Windows 10?

Debloating Windows 10 is completely safe if you don’t mess up with services you don’t know what they are doing. If you follow my guide or understand what you are doing, debloating Windows 10 is safe.

How To Debloat Windows 10 - Ultimate Guide 2022 (2024)


What does Debloating a computer mean? ›

Software debloating is the process of eliminating extra or unneeded functionalities from a program or system. The application of software debloating is widespread in embedded systems where hardware is limited. Therefore, eliminating extra functionality can significantly reduce resource consumption.

How do you Debloat fast? ›

Tips to ease bloating
  1. Stay hydrated. Sipping water before, during, and after meals can help reduce bloating by flushing excess sodium, which can often lead to bloating.
  2. Get some exercise. ...
  3. Give yoga a try. ...
  4. Try peppermint oil. ...
  5. Massage your abdomen. ...
  6. Digestive enzyme supplements. ...
  7. Soak in an Epsom salt bath.
15 Oct 2021

How can I make my slow computer faster for free? ›

Strategies for Faster Computing
  1. Update your computer. Updating your computer will usually help it run faster. ...
  2. Shut down and/or restart your computer regularly. ...
  3. Upgrade your RAM. ...
  4. Uninstall unnecessary programs. ...
  5. Delete temporary files. ...
  6. Delete big files you don't need. ...
  7. Close out your tabs. ...
  8. Disable auto-launching programs.

How do I free up 10 GB on Windows? ›

  1. Select Start > Settings > System > Storage > Cleanup recommendations. Open Storage settings.
  2. Select the temporary files, unused files, files synced to the cloud, or unused apps you want to remove, then select the Clean up button for each section.

Does bloatware slow down laptop? ›

Bloatware Makes Your New Laptop Run Slow

It can cause your laptop to take much longer than it should to boot up and shut down. In fact, according to Microsoft's benchmark tests, removing bloatware from six Windows 7 computers improved start up performance by about 40%.

Which PC has least bloatware? ›

  • Best On-the-Go Laptop Without Bloatware: Microsoft Surface Go.
  • Best Traditional Laptop Without Bloatware: Microsoft Surface Pro 3.
  • Best Affordable Hybrid Laptop Without Bloatware: Microsoft Surface Pro 6.
  • Best Hybrid Laptop Without Bloatware: Microsoft Surface Pro 7.

What is the most powerful command in CMD? ›

One of the most powerful tools in the CMD command library is the ASSOC command. Your computer associates certain file extensions with certain programs. This is how your computer knows to open Adobe when you double click a PDF file, or Microsoft Word when you double click a DOC file.

How do I remove bloat software? ›

How to remove bloatware on Android
  1. First, go to your smartphone's Settings. ...
  2. Scroll and look for the Apps submenu, then tap on it.
  3. Look for the App you want deleted, and tap on it. ...
  4. Once you are in the application's settings, move the Switch to uninstall or disable the app.

How do I do a deep clean in CMD? ›

To use it:
  1. Open Command Prompt, type cleanmgr, and hit Enter.
  2. In the Drive Selection window, select the drive you want to clean up and click OK.
  3. Next, in the Disk Cleanup window, select all the files you want to delete and click OK.
  4. Finally, click on Delete Files to confirm the action.
8 Jun 2022

Why is everything on my PC so big? ›

Open the Start menu and select Settings. Go to System. In Display, check the Scale and Resolution options, and adjust them to make your screen look proper. Setting to an option labeled (Recommended) is often the best choice.

Will removing apps speed up my computer? ›

Uninstalling applications you no longer use will have a greater impact on speeding up your computer since your applications use up plenty of RAM. Removing applications you no longer need can free up RAM because you won't be tempted to leave them running, and as a bonus, can free up hard drive space as well.

Can you remove bloatware on PC? ›

Use the Windows 10 search bar to find and open the Apps & features panel. In this panel, find the bloatware and click uninstall.

How long does it take to Debloat? ›

Again, bloat typically goes away on its own within 24 hours, but here are some short- and long-term solutions to help the process along and prevent it from happening.

How do you completely Debloat in a day? ›

8 Sneaky Ways To Debloat In Just One Day
  1. Swap all other beverages for water. ...
  2. Avoid sugar alcohols. ...
  3. Pay attention to your fiber intake. ...
  4. Choose your fruits and veggies wisely. ...
  5. Lay off the carbohydrates. ...
  6. Keep mum while you're chewing. ...
  7. Banish salty foods. ...
  8. Watch your portions.
23 Dec 2015

How do I Debloat myself in 2 hours? ›

7 Ways to De-Bloat within Hours
  1. Use the Power of Probiotics. Bursting with live and friendly bacteria your gut loves, probiotics help with digestion and reduce abdominal bloating. ...
  2. Sip on Hot Water with Lemon. ...
  3. Ditch the Dairy. ...
  4. Detox with Yoga. ...
  5. Get More Sleep. ...
  6. Snack on Something Tropical. ...
  7. Exercise Portion Control.
13 Jul 2016

How can I make my computer run 100% faster? ›

10 Tips to Make Your Computer Run Faster
  1. Prevent programs from automatically running when you start up your computer. ...
  2. Delete/uninstall programs you don't use. ...
  3. Clean up hard disk space. ...
  4. Save old pictures or videos to the cloud or external drive. ...
  5. Run a disk cleanup or repair.

How do I force my computer to run faster? ›

Here are fifteen ways to speed up Windows 10 and Windows 11, most of which you can do without leaving your desk.
  1. Install a solid state drive. ...
  2. Disable apps that run at startup. ...
  3. Uninstall bloatware and other useless programs. ...
  4. Close apps that you're not using. ...
  5. Disable Windows' special effects. ...
  6. Turn off window transparency.
1 Apr 2022

How can I make my laptop 2GB RAM faster? ›

Tinkering with startup programs, defragmenting the hard disk drive (HDD), and using a third-party cleaner are just a few ways to boost PC speed and give old laptops new life or newer models faster speeds. Regardless, there are even more gains to be had if you're willing to get your hands dirty.

Is 100GB enough for Windows 10? ›

If you are installing the 32-bit version of Windows 10 you will need at least 16GB, while the 64-bit version will require 20GB of free space. On my 700GB hard drive, I allocated 100GB to Windows 10, which should give me more than enough space to play around with the operating system.

Can Windows 10 run on 1GB? ›

1GB of RAM is the minimum system requirement for the 32-bit version of Windows 10, and while I've gotten Windows 10 to run on this much RAM, I don't recommend it.

Is 10 GB of storage a lot? ›

How much is 10GB of data? According to Ofcom, the average person uses around 2.9GB of data per month, a statistic which is rising each year with the evolution of technology. That means 10GB is most likely more than enough for the average phone user.

Why do people make bloatware? ›

Also known as potentially unwanted programs (PUP), bloatware is often pre-installed by vendors, manufacturers, or carriers as a form of marketing to put services directly in front of consumers.

Which laptop has no bloatware? ›

The Best Laptop without Bloatware
  • M1 MacBook Air– Best Overall Laptop without Bloatware. Key Features: Powerful octa-core M1 processor. ...
  • Microsoft Surface Pro X – Best 2-in-1 Laptop without Bloatware. Key Features: 13-inch screen. ...
  • Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio – Best 3-in-1 Laptop without Bloatware. Key Features:
23 Sept 2022

Is Chrome a bloatware? ›

So although Google Chrome has less bloatware than Google Chromium, it still has too much bloatware which still wastes too much RAM, slows down your processor too much, makes your computer run too hot and still has too many security issues and random bugs.

Which is the slowest PC? ›

The clock has also been dubbed "the slowest computer in the world," because Hillis built a digital computer with five digits that is operated only by a huge, cumbersome and precise mechanical movement. According to the plans, the clock will be accurate to within one day every 20,000 years.

What is the hardest PC part to install? ›

Hardest desktop PC parts to install
  1. Processor. While doing a significant swap from a modest processor to one with many cores will give you the potential for more speed and reliability, this will only help if your graphics card and memory are also upgraded. ...
  2. Motherboard.
5 Oct 2019

Which Windows uses least CPU? ›

Of the Windows operating systems, Windows 7 has been praised as being the most compatible with low-resource computers.

What are the 3 command blocks? ›

Command Block User Interface

There are 3 options: Impulse command blocks are activated when they receive a redstone signal. Chain command blocks are activated when a command block pointing into it is activated. Repeat command blocks are activated once every in-game tick, as long as they have a redstone signal.

How do I crash my laptop with Command Prompt? ›

bat file to open a Command Prompt window. Type goto crash . This is your fourth and final line of code, which will prompt the . bat file to return to the loop point; in this way, your .

Does factory reset remove bloatware? ›

With bloatware typically the pre-installed apps are meant: they by default are located in Android's /system partition ( read: directories /system/apps & /system-priv ). A Factory Reset DOESN'T TOUCH this partition thus apps housed there neither get deleted nor get added. A Factory Reset simply removes all user-data.

How do I get rid of fake system apps? ›

Uninstall any apps that are unnecessary, untrusted, or from sources outside the Google Play Store.
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Settings app .
  2. Tap Apps & notifications. See all apps.
  3. Tap the apps you want to uninstall. Uninstall.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

What HP bloatware can I remove? ›

  • Bonjour.
  • Energy Star.
  • HP Audio Switch.
  • HP ePrint SW (if you don't have an HP printer)
  • HP JumpStart Bridge.
  • HP JumpStart Launch.
  • HP Sure Connect.
  • HP System Event Utility.
14 Sept 2022

How can I delete virus using CMD? ›

How to Remove Virus Using CMD
  1. Type cmd in the search bar, right-click "Command Prompt" and choose "Run as an administrator".
  2. Type F: and press "Enter".
  3. Type attrib -s -h -r /s /d *.
  4. Type dir and hit "Enter".
  5. For your information, a virus name may contain words like "autorun" and with ". inf" as the extension.
16 Nov 2022

What is Cleanmgr command? ›

cleanmgr.exe is designed to clear unnecessary files from your computer's hard disk. You can configure cleanmgr.exe with command-line switches to clean up the files you want. You can then schedule the task to run at a specific time by using the Scheduled Tasks tool.

What command is used to clear? ›

In computing, CLS (for clear screen) is a command used by the command-line interpreters COMMAND.COM and cmd.exe on DOS, Digital Research FlexOS, IBM OS/2, Microsoft Windows and ReactOS operating systems to clear the screen or console window of commands and any output generated by them.

How do I update my Display driver? ›

Update the device driver

In the search box on the taskbar, enter device manager, then select Device Manager. Select a category to see names of devices, then right-click (or press and hold) the one you'd like to update. Select Search automatically for updated driver software. Select Update Driver.

How do I zoom out? ›

You can also use the keyboard shortcuts to zoom in or out:
  1. Make everything larger: Windows and Linux: Press Ctrl and +. Mac: Press ⌘ and +. ...
  2. Make everything smaller: Windows and Linux: Press Ctrl and -. Mac: Press ⌘ and -. ...
  3. Use full-screen mode: Windows and Linux: Press F11. Mac: Press ⌘ + Ctrl + f.

Why is my PC suddenly so slow? ›

A slow computer is often caused by too many programs running simultaneously, taking up processing power, and reducing the PC's performance. Virus infection, malware, hardware issue, high memory usage, etc., all could cause your computer to run slow.

Why has my laptop become slow? ›

A slow computer is likely because you have too many programs running. This takes up a lot of processing power and impacts performance and speed. There are two ways to fix this: firstly, decreasing the number of programs running, and secondly, increasing your computers memory and processing power.

What app makes your computer run faster? ›

If you're puzzled by your slow PC and find yourself typing terms like, “how to make my computer faster” into your preferred search engine, you may find the CCleaner app very handy indeed. It can keep you updated on the space you have on your machine, disable startup programs, assist with system updates and more.

Is bloatware a problem? ›

Bloatware exposes users to a greater number of cybersecurity risks. If it connects to the internet, it exposes the computer to malware by introducing a host of applications designed to exploit computing power and personal information, including financial information.

Why do PCs come with bloatware? ›

Bloatware -- the term for unwanted pre-installed software on a computer or device -- has been around since the dawn of PCs. Bloatware started with OEMs installing software by default on their computers to both make money and provide consumers with additional software they might want.

How do I uninstall preinstalled software? ›

Uninstall from the Settings page

Select Start , then select Settings > Apps > Apps & features. Select the app you want to remove, and then select Uninstall.

How do I permanently remove bloatware from Windows 11? ›

How to remove bloatware with Windows Settings
  1. From your desktop, click the Windows icon on your taskbar to open the Start menu.
  2. In the search bar, type Add or remove programs.
  3. Select the Add or remove programs result that appears.
  4. In the "Search apps" search bar, type the name of the bloatware you want to remove.
29 Jul 2022

How do you factory clean Windows? ›

Factory reset a Windows laptop

Go to Settings > System > Recovery. At the top of the window, you'll see Reset this PC. Click on Get Started and select Remove Everything from the box that appears. From there, you can select to reinstall Windows from the local drive or download it from the cloud.

How do I get rid of Japanese Windows? ›

Type and search [Language settings] in the Windows search bar①, and then click [Open]②. Select the [More] icon③ next to the language you want to remove, and then click [Remove]④. The language packs and all corresponding keyboard languages will be removed.

Does Windows reset remove bloatware? ›

The “Reset Your PC” feature in Windows 10 restores your PC to its factory default settings, including all that bloatware your PC manufacturer included. But the new “Fresh Start” feature in Windows 10's Creators Update makes it much easier to get a clean Windows system.

Is there a program that removes bloatware? ›

Avast Cleanup's bloatware remover feature gets rid of junk, forgotten programs, and other unneeded files clogging up your machine. Give your PC a performance boost with Avast Cleanup and our top-rated Windows bloatware removal tool.

Is Cortana a bloatware? ›

Finally, some even consider Cortana to be useless bloatware that comes pre-installed with Windows operating system and is not useful in any way.

What apps do I not need on my computer? ›

5 Unnecessary Windows Programs You Can Uninstall
  • Java. Java is a runtime environment that enables access to rich media content, like web app and games, on certain websites. ...
  • QuickTime. BleepingComputer. ...
  • Microsoft Silverlight. Silverlight is another media framework, similar to Java. ...
  • CCleaner. ...
  • Windows 10 Bloatware.
11 Jun 2019

Does factory reset remove virus? ›

If your PC, Mac, iPhone, or Android smartphone becomes infected by a virus, a factory reset is one way of potentially removing it.

How do I force my computer to factory reset? ›

Answer: Follow these simple steps below:
  1. Click on the ''Start'' button in Windows.
  2. Press shift and click on ''Restart''.
  3. The system will guide you through the troubleshooting section.
  4. Click on ''Reset my PC''.
  5. Click on ''Keep my files''.
  6. The system will reboot itself, and factory settings are restored.
25 Oct 2022

Why can I not reset my PC? ›

One of the most common causes for the reset error is corrupted system files. If key files in your Windows 10 system are damaged or deleted, they can prevent the operation from resetting your PC. Running the System File Checker (SFC scan) will allow you to repair these files and attempt to reset them again.

How do I get rid of a ghost window? ›

Go to the Taskbar settings after you right-click the Taskbar. ― Expand the Taskbar items and click the Search toggle to switch it to the off position. ― Since the Search Window widget is turned off, the ghost box issue will disappear permanently.

What are those Japanese Windows called? ›

A shoji ( 障 しょう 子 じ , Japanese pronunciation: [ɕo:dʑi]) is a door, window or room divider used in traditional Japanese architecture, consisting of translucent (or transparent) sheets on a lattice frame.

Why is my Windows Store in Chinese? ›

To change your region in Microsoft Store online, in the page footer, select your current language/region and pick a new one from the list. You can change it back any time. Select Start > Settings > Time & language.

Why does bloatware exist? ›

Not all bloatware is dangerous. Some come from legitimate, non-harmful developers. The main reason why bloatware exists is to generate money through ads, baiting, and freemium trials. Putting your system at risk is usually not the goal of bloatware.

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