Best Military-Friendly Online Colleges (2025)

Overview of Military-Friendly Online Colleges

Many online colleges and universities welcome military students. According to a 2020 demographic report, over 190,000 active-duty officers had a bachelor's degree or higher. The flexibility of online learning is particularly well suited for active duty military personnel who frequently change locations due to deployment or changes in work assignments.

Can You Be in the Military While Going to College?

You can be in the military while attending college, but only about 6% of undergraduate and graduate students are active-duty service members. However, approximately 10% of all college students are veterans.

Individuals who want to serve their country and go to college simultaneously have two options:

  • Become a full-time student who serves as a paid reservist or a National Guard member on select weekends and other limited periods of time.
  • Enlist in a branch of the military and enroll in a college near your base or an online degree program, using tuition assistance to pay for school.

However, you do not have to do both concurrently. You have two other options for serving in the armed forces and receiving college funding as one of your military benefits:

  • Enlist in any branch of the military and serve a full term, and then use your veterans' benefits to pay for college afterward.
  • Apply for a Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) scholarship and, if accepted, enter into an agreement with a branch of the military that will pay for your college education first in exchange for your commitment to serve a three- to six-year term after you graduate.

Gaining Credits for Military Experience

In many cases, the training and education you have received as a military service member can be converted into college credits. This can save you both time and money by giving you a head start on fulfilling some of the requirements for earning your online degree.

There are several ways schools go about evaluating your previous life experiences to see if you might qualify for any credits:

  • Conducting a prior learning assessment (PLA) to determine how many credits your experience is worth. The PLA process varies from school to school, but it usually begins when you request a transcript of your military experience. A college faculty member and/or a representative of the American Council on Education will then review your transcript and assess the learning outcomes related to your service and training.
  • Asking you to take one of several standardized examinations.
  • Inviting you to present a portfolio of work for review, facilitated by a faculty member or trained evaluator.

The school will then inform you as to which, if any, required courses are considered complete and how many college credits you can receive for your military experience.

Financial Assistance for Online Military Students

One of the most important benefits available to military service members is financial assistance for college. There are two primary types of military benefits:


Tuition assistance provided by the various military branches for active duty service members.


GI Bill benefits provided by the Veterans' Administration for active duty military personnel and veterans.

Below, we provide an overview of these programs and answer some common questions about military benefits, especially when used for online college.

What Online Colleges and Degrees Will the Military Pay For?

Under the GI Bills and other programs, active duty and veteran service members can receive financial assistance for getting an education, whether through traditional means or through online schools. However, not all schools accept veterans' benefits, so prospective military students will want to focus on military-friendly colleges that do.

The Veterans' Administration provides a search tool that will tell you which schools accept veterans' benefits.

These benefit programs allow current and former military service members to pursue accredited associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees in all subjects — as well as certificates and vocational training — on a full- or part-time basis. Funding may also be used for continuing education courses needed to maintain professional certification or licensure.

Not only does the government offer assistance with tuition costs, it may also provide funding for school supplies and other expenses, including fees for college entrance exams, such as the SAT, ACT, GMAT, or LSAT, and certification exams. Many service members are eligible for housing stipends — known as the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) — as well, although these stipends are reduced by half if the student is pursuing an online degree.

It's important to note, however, that there are caps on how much money the government will provide. For example, the current maximum amount of annual tuition at a private school that is reimbursable under the Post-9/11 GI Bill is over $26,000. This will not be enough to cover the annual tuition costs at many of the more prestigious private universities, such as Ivy League schools. If students wish to attend schools like Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia, they may need to apply for additional federal financial aid and other sources of college funding.

GI Bill

Enacted during World War II and administered by the Veterans' Administration, the original Montgomery GI Bill was established to encourage veterans to go to college or pursue formal job training. The terms have been revised and updated over time, and an additional program, known as the Post-9/11 GI Bill, was signed into law in 2008. Today, some veterans are eligible for benefits under just one of these bills, while others are eligible under either one. Active duty military personnel, reservists, and National Guard members may also be eligible for GI Bill funding. Benefits typically cover tuition, books, housing, and other expenses.

Your eligibility for benefits under either GI Bill, as well as the amount of benefits, depend on when and how long you served. In general, if you have served on active duty for at least 90 days since September 10, 2001, and you received an honorable discharge, you are eligible for benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Veterans who have served for more than three years, received a Purple Heart, or served for less time but were discharged due to a service-related disability are all entitled to 100% of the available benefits. Veterans should contact the VA directly to determine their exact benefits before applying to online military-friendly universities or trade schools.

If you are eligible for GI Bill benefits, you'll find you have many options for pursuing an education at a military-friendly college. You can study full-time or part-time at online schools or on traditional college campuses, and you can enroll in an associate, bachelor's, master's, or certificate program in any subject you choose.

If you are eligible for either the Montgomery or Post-9/11 benefits, you may want to consult with a VA advisor. Both programs are complex, yet distinctly different, and you may want to get input from an informed advisor before determining which one best fits your plans and goals. You can only use one at a time, and you cannot switch once you've made your choice.

Tuition Assistance

Active duty, National Guard, and Reserve service members are also eligible for the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance (TA) program. As with the GI Bill programs, service members must meet certain requirements to be eligible for TA.

Here's what you need to know about the TA program:

  • Benefits can be used at accredited online and bricks-and-mortar schools for courses leading to academic or technical degrees or certificates.
  • The program covers up to 100% of tuition expenses and course fees at schools charging a maximum of $250 per credit hour.
  • TA can only be used while you are still on active duty, although you can use it in conjunction with any GI Bill benefits you may be eligible for.

Additional Funding Through Yellow Ribbon Schools

Due to the limits on how much funding is available, some military students may find they face a gap between their military benefits and the total cost of attending their school and program of choice. To address this issue, many military-friendly colleges participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program.

Yellow Ribbon schools provide additional benefits to military students that may include tuition discounts and scholarships in varying amounts, depending on the school. Military students may also be eligible for federal financial aid, such as Pell grants, state-sponsored scholarships, and school-funded grants and scholarships.

Online College for Military Families

The spouses and dependent children of active duty military members and veterans are entitled to a number of benefits that can make earning an online college degree more affordable. In some cases, military family members who demonstrate significant need may be able to attend online college for free or at minimal cost.

All five major branches of the U.S. military provide education-related financial assistance to spouses, and in some instances to dependent children as well. For example, the Army provides the Mrs. Patty Shinseki Spouse Scholarship Program for spouses of active Army, Army Reserve, and National Guard service members. Families of Navy and Marine Corps service members may be eligible for Navy Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) Education Assistance. Additionally, service members who are eligible for Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits may be able to transfer some or all of their education benefits to a spouse or dependent.

Military family members should check with the appropriate military branch to determine the eligibility requirements for the various types of assistance available. Explore our site for more tips on how to save money in college or student loan advice.

Financial assistance is also available from private organizations, states, and colleges. For example, private scholarships include the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship, which provides up to $4,000 for spouses pursuing associate degrees, continuing education programs, or licenses and certifications. Additionally, the National Military Family Association offers a range of scholarships for college students at all levels.

Here are some additional funding sources for military family members:

  • Most U.S. states offer scholarships and grants for military and National Guard family members, especially for families of service members who were injured or killed in action.
  • Many military-friendly schools, especially those designated as Yellow Ribbon schools, offer financial assistance to eligible spouses and dependents.

Eligibility requirements for these programs vary, so prospective online college students should check with their schools and their state's Department of Veterans Affairs office to discover all possible options.

Best Military-Friendly Online Colleges (2025)


What colleges take the most military credits? ›

What Schools Accept Military Credits for Undergraduate Programs?
  • Penn State World Campus - University Park, Pennsylvania.
  • Regent University - Virginia Beach, Virginia.
  • City University of New York - Brooklyn, New York.
  • Northwestern Health Science University - Bloomington, Minnesota.

Does the military pay for out of state college? ›

Tuition and Fee Reimbursement

The Post-9/11 GI Bill pays all public school in-state tuition and fees. The full benefit amount an individual can receive is calculated from these numbers: Tuition and fees payment (not to exceed the highest public in-state undergraduate tuition and fees in each state)

Is University of Texas Military Friendly? ›

The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) is designated as a Purple Heart University. The school participates in the VetSuccess on Campus and the Veterans Upward Bound programs.

Is Liberty University a good school? ›

Liberty University is ranked #331-440 out of 443 National Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What is the easiest military college? ›

  • The US Air Force is considered the easiest military branch overall. ...
  • The US Army is considered the easiest military branch to get into, Image:
  • Air Force basic training is considered the easiest out of all of the military branches. ...
  • The US Air Force is considered the easiest branch for women.
1 Apr 2022

What is the easiest military college to get into? ›

The maximum you can score on these tests is 99, but there are distinct minimum score thresholds for each military branch. The Army requires at least 31, the Navy 35, the Marine Corps 35, and the Air Force 31. Hence, by this token, the easiest branch of the military to get into is the Army or Air Force.

Do you get free college after 4 years in the military? › highlights, “Not only does the military pay up to 100 percent of college tuition while you serve on active duty,” but it “also offers the GI Bill (about $36,000) to use for college up to 10 years after leaving the service.” The Post 9/11 GI Bill provides financial support for education and housing, up to ...

Do I get free college if my dad was in the military? ›

Under the War Orphan program, children of military members who died or were MIA during their military service can qualify for a $500 benefit for each of up to four years of college. Additionally, surviving dependents of Air National Guard soldiers and airmen may also qualify for free tuition at state schools.

How do you go to college for free with the military? ›

Some college students get their entire tuition tab picked up through ROTC and have an opportunity to serve in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps after they graduate. With the tuition assistance program, most of your tuition and fees are covered. Military on-the-job experience may translate into college credit.

What college is best for active duty military? ›

RankSchoolAnnual Tuition
# 1#1 Georgia State University$2,850
# 2#2 University of Arizona$15,000
# 3#3 Norwich University$11,250
47 more rows

Is American Military University free for military? ›

AMU's Freedom Grant® covers tuition above the military TA cap of $250 per credit hour for all undergraduate and master's-level programs. The grant is available to all U.S. active-duty servicemembers, National Guard members, and Reservists. Military spouses/dependents also receive a tuition grant.

What college in Texas has the lowest GPA requirement? ›

Wiley College tops the list with an average reported GPA of 2.53. Note that not all colleges report GPA for their incoming class. Those with asterisk(*) denote a predicted GPA by the CollegeSimply AI algorithm. GPA Data is reported by participating colleges to Wintergreen Orchard House and is reproduced under license.

Is Capella University any good? ›

Capella University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, which is a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Regional accreditation is considered better than national accreditation, mostly because the education tends to be of higher quality.

Is Liberty University Liberal or conservative? ›

Studies at the university have a conservative Evangelical orientation, with three required Bible-studies classes for undergraduate students. The university's honor code, called the "Liberty Way,” prohibits premarital sex, cohabitation, and alcohol use.

Can I get a job with a liberty degree? ›

In general, most employers accept degrees from Liberty University. This is especially true for those who are aware of the fact that it's a regionally accredited institution.

What GPA to get into military? ›

The minimum high school GPA allowed is 2.5. You must score no lower than a 920 on your SAT and at least 19 on your ACT.

What branch of the military is hardest to get into? ›

To recap: The hardest military branch to get into in terms of education requirements is the Air Force. The military branch with the toughest basic training is the Marine Corps. The hardest military branch for non-males because of exclusivity and male dominance is the Marine Corps.

What is Jsoc ghost unit? ›

The Group for Specialized Tactics, also known as the Ghosts, is an elite Special Mission Unit within the US Army and JSOC and is located at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The unit was established in 1994 and is a secretive special operations force. Members of Alpha Team (2007-2011)

Can a drill sergeant hit you? ›

The military's drill sergeants and instructors are prohibited from hitting their recruits.

Which branch of military pays the most? ›

The Army offers the highest base pay, while the Air Force offers more opportunities for special pay. So, it really depends on what you're looking for in a military career. If you want to make the most money possible, then the Army is probably the best branch for you.

Which branch has the hardest basic training? ›

Marine boot camp is extremely challenging -- both physically and mentally -- and considered to be tougher than the basic training programs of any of the other military services.

Will military pay off student loans? ›

Currently, the Army and Navy will repay up to $65,000 of your student loans, the Coast Guard will repay up to $30,000 with yearly limits and the National Guard will repay up to $50,000. Remember that these are maximum amounts and may be limited only to very specific military specialties.

Should I go to college or join the military? ›

Enlisting in the military first means gaining the opportunity to retire earlier, have college paid for and potentially avoiding student loans. On the other hand, graduating from college first and then enlisting may allow you to start off at a higher rank and pay grade, with more opportunities for leadership roles.

What do you get if you stay in the military for 20 years? ›

Defined Benefit: Monthly retired pay for life after at least 20 years of service (so if you retire at 20 years of service, you will get 40% of your highest 36 months of base pay).

Which states waive tuition for veterans? ›

States with Free College for Disabled Veteran Dependents
  • Alaska.
  • Arizona.
  • Kentucky.
  • Louisiana.
  • North Carolina.
  • South Dakota.
  • Texas.
  • Washington.
5 Nov 2019

Do children of of military get college discount? ›

The spouses and children of active duty military personnel may qualify for a military tuition discount based on the schools they want to attend. This is a discount awarded to the dependents of someone on active duty status.

What is it called when the military pays for your kids college? ›

The GI Bill refers to education benefits earned by military veterans and their families (including active-duty, reservists, and the National Guard) from the Department of Veterans Affairs to cover the costs of getting an education or training.

How many years do you have to be in the military to get free college? ›

You can get benefits through MGIB-AD if you served at least 2 years on active duty and you meet all of these requirements. All of these must be true: You were honorably discharged, and. You have a high school diploma, GED, or 12 hours of college credit, and.

How long do you have to enlist for free college? ›

To qualify for the GI Bill, you must have at least 90 days on active-duty with an honorable discharge or at least 30 days if you are discharged with a service-related disability.

Does ROTC pay for college? ›

How Can ROTC Help Pay for College? High school students who apply for an ROTC program are eligible for scholarships covering the full cost of tuition, fees and textbooks for four years, plus a monthly stipend for personal expenses.

Will military pay for online college? ›

You can use the GI Bill for independent and distance learning online. If you're using your Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits while taking only distance-learning courses, we'll pay a housing allowance based on 50% of the national average.

Can you do online college in the military? ›

Online colleges provide a variety of enrollment options for military students. Learners can enroll full-time or part-time, depending on their schedule. Many online schools also offer accelerated programs. These programs help degree-seekers graduate in less time.

Can you do online college while in the military? ›

Online. Finally, as a military service member, you have the option of earning your degree online while you're on active duty. This is the most flexible option, as online courses are typically asynchronous, meaning that you can log in to your class at any time to complete your coursework.

Will the military pay for Harvard? ›

Yes, Harvard University is a a Yellow Ribbon school. Eligible military and veteran students may have up to 100% of their tuition covered, with zero tuition costs out-of-pocket. You will need to check with the school to ensure that your preferred degree program is 100% covered by the Yellow Ribbon.

Can military go to Harvard? ›

Individuals who have served in the U.S. military bring valuable perspectives to our community and we welcome applications from veterans for both first-year and transfer admission. We consider high academic standards, leadership in non-academic areas, and personal qualities in all of our admission decisions.

Does Harvard have a military program? ›

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)

In partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard College offers students the opportunity to join Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps ROTC programs.

What's the lowest GPA Harvard accepted? ›

You should also have a 4.18 GPA or higher. If your GPA is lower than this, you need to compensate with a higher SAT/ACT score. For a school as selective as Harvard, you'll also need to impress them with the rest of your application.

What colleges will accept a 1.5 GPA? ›

Sadly, a 1.5GPA entails that there are no colleges that you can use as safety schools, so you will be taking a risk no matter where you apply. The only way to increase your chances is by raising your GPA.

Is there any college with a 100 acceptance rate? ›

Located in North Dakota's capital city, Bismarck State College tops the list of colleges with the highest acceptance rates. The third-largest institution in the state's public university system, BSC serves approximately 4,000 students each year. The school accepts 100% of applicants.

Which is better Capella or Strayer? ›

Strayer's degrees are largely concentrated in business and IT, while Capella has a broader portfolio including education, health care, and criminal justice. Strayer has a number of physical campuses for classroom or blended learning, while Capella is focused on fully online.

Is Capella a degree mill? ›

One thing is true: Capella University is not a diploma mill. Such is due to the fact that it is accredited. However, its accreditation is not just any accreditation. It is regionally accredited, which is more widely recognized and prestigious than national accreditation.

Is Strayer and Capella the same? ›

Strategic Education, the parent company of for-profit universities Strayer and Capella, saw major growth last year in its education technology services business, which includes a tuition benefits platform and partnerships with companies to educate their workers.

Do students drink at liberty? ›

At Liberty, this detachment can start to feel literal. New students pledge to follow the Liberty Way: no having sex outside of marriage, no listening to music with lewd lyrics, no drinking.

Are degrees from Liberty respected? ›

A degree earned from Liberty University is respected by graduate schools and employers. It's a selective school (51% acceptance rate) with conservative Christian proclivity. Liberty University also has regional accreditation, which is widely regarded as more prestigious than national accreditation.

Can you hug at Liberty University? ›

Markovich is a politics major. Change is in the air at Liberty University: couples can now do more than hold hands in public without fear of fine, men can wear ponytails, and students can watch R-rated movies (with “caution”).

Is an online degree from Liberty University respected? ›

Liberty's accreditation, as we mentioned above, is the same as other brick-and-mortar institutions, meaning that a degree from Liberty will largely be seen as legit in most fields. Not all online universities carry this accreditation.

Is a PhD from Liberty University respected? ›

If you plan to choose Liberty for your PhD, you can rest assured that your degree will be respected. Liberty University is regionally accredited through SACSCOC. This means our program has to meet rigorous academic standards that are respected by future employers.

How much do online professors make at Liberty University? ›

Average Liberty University Adjunct Professor hourly pay in the United States is approximately $26.83, which is 60% below the national average.

› Colleges › Virginia ›

Liberty University › Colleges › Virginia › Colleges › Virginia
At Liberty University, we believe in developing Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills to impact their world. We offer 300+ underg...
While it has on-campus degrees, Liberty University is more known for offering online programs. As a matter of fact, the Lynchburg, Virginia-based institution of...
Liberty University is the largest Christian university in the world by enrollment with on-campus as well as online students. The school considers itself as a Ch...

How many college credits is military service worth? ›

Military experience could be worth up to 20 college credits. Most colleges grant four semester hours in physical fitness for recruit training. In fact, most colleges give credit for other service schools attended as long as those courses are longer than two weeks and are not of a classified nature.

How many college credits does it take to rank in the military? ›

You may earn an initial enlistment rank of E-1, E-2 or E-3 with 20 or more semester hours of credit from a degree-granting college or university. You may opt to earn a college degree first, then join as an officer.

Does military experience count as college credits? ›

As an active-duty service member, Veteran, or member of the Reserves, you'll need to request your transcript from your branch of service and share it with schools. Each school then decides how many credits they'll accept.

What college has the largest ROTC program? ›

Top 15 Army ROTC Programs
  • VMI boasts the largest ROTC program in the country where each year approximately 800 cadets enroll in Army ROTC. ...
  • The ROTC Departments at The Citadel offer commissioning opportunities in all branches of the armed services.

Does the military pay for 100% of college? › highlights, “Not only does the military pay up to 100 percent of college tuition while you serve on active duty,” but it “also offers the GI Bill (about $36,000) to use for college up to 10 years after leaving the service.” The Post 9/11 GI Bill provides financial support for education and housing, up to ...

How long do you have to serve in the military to get college paid for? ›

You can get benefits through MGIB-AD if you served at least 2 years on active duty and you meet all of these requirements. All of these must be true: You were honorably discharged, and. You have a high school diploma, GED, or 12 hours of college credit, and.

What benefits do you get for serving 4 years in the military? ›

Stability While You Serve, and After
  • Enlistment bonuses of up to $50K.
  • High quality, low or no cost health care.
  • Better rates on home loans.
  • Retirement and pension plan options.
10 Sept 2021

Do you shower together in basic training? ›

In basic training, you take group showers. There's no way out of communal showers. They're required. Everyone in your barracks will enter the shower room assigned to your barracks when commanded.

How high of a GPA do you need for the military? ›

Have a high school GPA of at least 2.50 or College cumulative GPA of a 2.0 (minimum) Have a high school diploma or equivalent. Meet physical standards (Pass the Army Physical Fitness Test). Have no medical issues preventing you from serving.

How much does an E-3 make in the Air Force? ›

Select years of service
RankMonthy payement
< 2 years3 years
E-2 AIRMAN$2,054.70$2,054.70
E-3 AIRMAN FIRST CLASS$2,160.60$2,435.70
E-4 SENIOR AIRMAN$2,393.40$2,652.00
4 more rows

Does military experience look good on a resume? ›

Your military experience is an asset and you should demonstrate on your resume what you have acquired through it. Many employers realize the value of bringing veterans on board. Personal attributes you obtain through the military include dedication, leadership, teamwork, positive work ethic and transferrable skills.

How many points do you get per credit hour in the Army? ›

Each Semester Hour Completed = 2-points. Degree Completion on Active Duty = 20-points. CLEP Tests = 2-points per credit hour. Technical Certifications = 10-points each (Max 50)

How many college credits do you need for E 3 Air Force? ›

You will begin at the rank of E-3 Airman First Class if you meet any of the following criteria: - have a JROTC 3 year certification of completion - completed 45 semester or 67 quarter hours of qualifying college credits - achieved the Civil Air Patrol Billy Mitchell, Emilia Earhart or Carl Spaatz Award.

What is the average GPA for ROTC scholarship? ›

ROTC Scholarship Qualifications.

Must have at least a 2.5 GPA (3.0 for Air Force ROTC) Must meet minimum SAT and/or ACT requirements. Must have a high school diploma. Must meet prescribed physical fitness standards.

What is the easiest ROTC scholarship to get? ›

Is probably the “easiest” scholarship to win. For academic year 2020-21, 9300 high school senior applications for the scholarship were reviewed. About 2500 applicants were awarded a scholarship.
Army ROTC.
Area of ConsiderationPoints
Physical Fitness Test150
Total Points1400
5 more rows

What rank are you after ROTC? ›

All who graduate and complete ROTC training are commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the U.S. Army.

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